Abigail Wins Her First Points

What a difference between today and yesterday. We all got the distinct feeling yesterday that the judging was running late. The Judge fairly flew through the Havanese breed and Abigail didn't get a second look. I was really disappointed as I thought Abigail had never looked or behaved so well. Granted I'm still not doing everything as and when I should but Abigail was the best she has ever been, yet was ignored.
Today was a whole other thing. The Judge was obviously very familiar with the breed and quoted to me a few of the breed standards as she was examining Abigail on the table. She complimented Abigail on her excellent topline and she proceeded to thoroughly examine every inch of her as she did for everyone else. She took her time. She had us walk down and back and then all the way around. I got the feeling Abigail's head needed to be higher. Abigail and I had a brief discussion about it and she got her head up higher. I was told after I still need to pay more attention to the Judge and less focused on Abigail and I'm working on that aspect. We won the puppy class beating one other female Havanese puppy.
That meant we went back into the ring a few minutes later to compete against all of the female Havanese of any age competing today. As I am with the puppy, we are last in line. The Judge told me off for standing behind the table and out of her line of sight. Hearing this the others quickly moved up a few feet to give us room to get into her sight. Again, Abigail walked around wonderfully. She does walk very well. I tried not to trip over my feet and mess her up. She asked that Abigail and another Havanese be placed on the table again and viewed them both from the front. Then asked us all to walk around again, this time with Abigail second in line. As we walked all the way around she pointed to us, thank goodness I was watching just in case, and indicated that we had won. Winners Bitch. Oh, my. What a feeling. I know I was grinning from ear to ear and thanked the Judge very much.
All the others then left and the male special went to stand in the ring in front of us. This seasoned three year old Havanese is one of the ranking toy dogs in Canada, immaculately groomed, professionally handled. But he stopped in a position that left me behind the table again. This time I didn't wait for the Judge but asked the handler if he could please move up a bit so we could get out from behind the table. He immediately complied and around we went. At the end, we didn't beat him but our day will come. :-)
Abigail finished today with Winners Bitch for her first 2 points. And Best Puppy in Breed. I was very proud of her. The Judge and I spoke for a few minutes afterwords and she said that she thought Abigail was excellently groomed and I immediately pointed out my wife standing outside the ring and said that Darlah was entirely responsible for that and thanked her for saying so. She went on to repeat that she believed Abigail had an excellent topline and she really liked her. I'm still glowing.