Living the Beauty Life Havanese Style

Check out my debut in the water (pool) today. It was brrr cold!
Today human mommy put this stuff called deep conditioner all over me and she's not taking the stuff out till tomorrow just before I go to the show.
What the %$#& is that about?
She gives me an excuse that Fiona has been eating at my hair but I just know she thinks she has one of those human pint sized things that they spoil to death.
I could use with a little less spoilin' if that's what its about.
But a gal can have fun despite the craziness of the humans.
So, I noticed mommy had dragged a pot outside, sloppy I might add. She spilt a fair amount of dirt on the floor. So, I spied that delicious mess, shook for everything I was worth and proceeded to roll in it. That's okay. Not too much stuck to me but that will teach her - or will it?
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