
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in rockhurst Abigail at talemaker (215)


Socialization Havanese Style

Well, we have had a busy day. I have been sick so ignore the disheveled look but we decided it was time to get the pups out today seeing we didn't have rain. We went all the way to Petsmart, Solutions and Canadian Tire and socialized bigtime. This also means that we walked along a very busy street and NO reaction for a couple of hours. We had more of a reaction in a parking lot when the cars were too close for even my comfort.

Miss Fiona needs more work but so does Miss Abs. This was Fiona's first big outing out other than to obedience class and walks in the neighbourhood. She now has her rabies shot so socializing will be on our plate bigtime.

It's funny what they react to that you do not realized they haven't been exposed to.

This appeared new to Abs: cars very close by, doors opening and shutting at stores that make noise, a dump truck, a flying bag.

This is what was new to Fiona - all of the above and other dogs in the stores, strange people giving her treats, petting her, busy street sounds, cash register. Fiona did well considering it was her first exposure but needs much more work. She is still reacting to other dogs, people walking by and lets Abs do the initiation before she trusts. We think she is still in her fear stage but these are all positive exposures. It's funny that she is fearless in an environment she knows but the unknown still needs work. It proves that socialization is important.

On Tuesday both Fiona and Abigail will be going to handling class. Nathan will be doing the handling with each but with my help, we can expose both.

Then we came back and walked Chico (this morning I trained him out front - was way distracted so training will continue out front), and Wasabi, Risa, Katsuro, Shoshi, Terra and Whitney. Nathan did an extra longer walk than I with Shoshi and Terra while I meandered around the block with Whitney envisioning I may have to carry her. She barely makes it and now crashes hard asleep but still wants to go. I guess that comes with old age.

I am going to wash her up after I eat lunch if she wakes up in time. :-) I also have to wash a couple of other dogs as we had wet days and muddy times. Nathan said they don't need it but the 2 retrievers do and so does Katsuro - bigtime.

Be sure to check out our slideshow of the puppies antics below.


New Havanese Slideshow

The pups are messy as ever from their early morning jaunts outside and my lack of combing them so just ignore and realize the dawgs need fun too - not all that brushing all the time.

Check out what they have been up to today in this slideshow.

We are going to take walks today, socializing the Abs, the Fiona at Petsmart/Home Depot etc as long as the rain stays away. then I will be back at it taking Risa, Kat and the rest of the crew. It's time I get back into shape consistently.

We will also be doing training today - actually going to start with Chico in a few minutes.

More later as the day develops.


Havanese Moments

The puppies are coming into their own vying for everything and that is usual at this age. It does get better as they get older but may not give you as much laughs as it does now, depending on your mindset.

Dear old Miss Abs is sitting in wait with her mind churning trying to figure out how she can get what's in the dish. Now Miss Abs has already eatened but she would have Risa's and anyone elses if she could just figure out how to maneuver that without getting told - not on your life.

We feed the dogs pretty much in the same spot but we manage to control who eats what by our presence. They know the ultimate bosses are us but that doesn't stop the mind calculating the next move. Please Risa - can you spare some food?

As you can see, Risa managed to eat the whole thing!

Well, the human here is trying to get motivated in training the crew and taking a walk with them in a bit.

Hope you are more motivated than we are. Funny how the weather affects everything.


Another Wet Havanese Day

Well, Chico, Coach and Fiona had class last night and Coach's dad drove. I think they all did really great in class but that Chico got everything fast and then got distracted and Teddy - the instructor gave me natural balance for a treat and suddenly - hmm okay I will focus - really I will and he did. We even got to demonstrate stay and going around with keeping a stay and he didn't do it before class and wow and got it. Coach was beside me and this human next time will be across the room as she tends to be too vocal when a dog is doing what they should be and poor Coach - although he was doing it all - he kept looking at what I was doing. That's my bad and i wish I had caught on to it before I did.

The crew was saying not another wet day. Chico has already had his morning training and so did Fiona. Miss Abs had some table work and later we will do it all again. The more you do it, the easier it will be to just have it happen but it does take work. All it takes is 5 or 10 minutes once or twice a day. Keep at it and you will love the results.

More later....


Cold and Brrr Havanese Morning

It's a cold day. We took in all our plants too late and now they are drooping but the dogs just love it. The cooler air just seems to invigorate them.

Well, we have training to do. Human mommy has to do the 'Idol' results page tonight and take a nap with the crew and we have someone coming by to see Chico tonight. Then teh Miss Abs gets to go to handling class again. She's going to totally have this ring business down cold one day for sure - soon.

More later>> (Be sure to watch the show videos below)


Full Lindsay Show Up Now

The playing is back and we are really having a great time. The shows are fun but so are the downtime when we can spend time playing, training and snuggling.

Check out all the show videos below.

It's Abs first show at 6months old and we will be going to a few more soon. But till then, Miss Abs is going to handling tonight and tomorrow night and Miss Fiona and Chico - the fluff ball will be doing obedience classes with Coach. Hey, John - are you practicing with both? Take a look at Chico and Fiona playing their hearts out.

Day 1 Lindsay Show
โ€ข Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
โ€ข Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
โ€ข Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 2 Lindsay Show
โ€ข Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
โ€ข Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
โ€ข Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 3 Lindsay Show
โ€ข Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 4
โ€ข Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 4
โ€ข Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 4
โ€ข Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 4 of 4


Another Havanese Day

Well, show time is over. There will never be another first show but there will be a 2nd, 3rd and more. Tonight I have handling class and we get to do our usual training. Fiona is starting too - well at least training at home and obedience training. Chico gets mom for the training. Who is the luckiest? hahaha

Chico is doing great in all his commands and so is Fiona although we are doing everything in a stand and she does want to put that small backside down every now and then.

We hear our friends have photos of the show that they haven't shared yet. We are hoping some came out. They also got a rather cool gazebo so the dawgs have a new place to chill. Oh, they thought it was for the humans - yeah right. They are the masters of deals and oh I wish I was in on this one but we will do with what we have and have ours up by the picnic. The pool will even be open and we are hoping this year we have the weather vs. the rain we had last. Still, fun was had by all.

Look for the remaining videos (day 3) today.


Wet Havanese Day - Videos to Come

It's a rainy day and the pups are mucking it up. There goes Abs most stylin' do - hair-do that is. The gal is going to have a break and no shampoos for a bit no matter how dirty she gets. Ice on Ice will help protect the coat and allow her to have fun, fun, fun.

Well, we are working on the Lindsay show videos. I will post more links as soon as we have day two and three uploaded. See below for day 1 Lindsay Dog Show.

Day 1 Lindsay Show
โ€ข Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
โ€ข Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
โ€ข Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 2 Lindsay Show
โ€ข Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
โ€ข Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
โ€ข Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 3 Lindsay Show
โ€ข Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3

--Two More Coming Tomorrow Morning! - Then that is it!

Day one was a tad funny as I was trying to take photos with Yvonne's grand camera but one can't hold a video camera in place and take photos at the same time and only crazy me thought one could. Not to worry - day 2 and day 3 is more solid though a tripod would be needed to get solid as your arm gets tired holding it in the air for so long but I had fun. Hope you have fun watching too.

Stay tuned here as there will be more links posted here soon today.


Another Havanese Show Day

Well, we are back home and Miss Abs is soooo delighted. Three blue ribbons this weekend and we learned a whole lot of stuff like mom's have to wash dawgs twice when they are cleaned and she opens the door to go out with them and they make a mad dash for the mud.

You can always click on the photos to see a larger version.

Now that she is home, she stuck her head in the water dish - drank like no tomorrow despite that she had water on the way home and well then jumped in the dirt, rolled around with the boys, played non-stop with Fiona and now she crashed. I think she's a regular delightful tomboy.

Someone said to us, maybe she would be excited to be at the show if it wasn't so darn right fun at your place. I guess that's right but we are working on getting her excited about the shows as well. Any ideas are welcomed.

She loves being around dogs. She wants to meet and greet every single dog she encounters and that has changed since her Home Depot/PetSmart socialization stints with human daddy. Not all show dogs are friendly - sigh but she can read them rather well and reacts accordingly. Sometimes at 6 months, they aren't quite sure of what the other dogs are saying but she does.

Well, human mommy is off to train with Fiona and Chico and then give the TV a whirl or maybe veg outside. I am supposed to be doing garden work but....


Another Show Day Down

Abs was too distracted today by all those treats in teh ring and on an empty stomach - oh my - what's a gal going to do? Well, another blue ribbon but no points but we will see what tomorrow brings.

Abs even fell asleep on the table while grooming her. Me thinks - and she showed us - she wouldn't mind playing with big dogs and little dogs alike. This walking around the ring is not as fun as playing.

Videos to come on Monday and more tomorrow. Today - we are chillin'. mom is grooming and then eating then finding a couch and Havanese to cuddle with. couldn't be better.


I Would Rather Sleep

Abs was at her first show and as you can see, she would rather sleep. ROFL

She won a blue ribbon for best of Junior female puppies but no points. It's a start. Both Nathan and her survived and so did I. Abs coat was stunning and soft as ever.

Well she's now playing up a storm. I need a nap, build a couple of celeb pages - Snipes for tax evasion, Winehouse for assault and then wash the Wasabi woo all to get back up at 4am tomorrow. Ouch and we will see what tomorrow brings.

More later>>


Show Day & Then Relax

It was such a productive day for Chico, Fiona and Coach in class last night, Keep up the training and we will kick ahem next week. :-)

Today is the 1st show for the Miss Abs. We got up at 4am and bathed her and an hour and 15 minutes later, daddy was keeping Chico away from her so she wouldn't get messy or dirty. So, she's out sitting with me while Daddy is getting food ready for the clan. Me, I am about to take a shower and then get on the road.

I had to work till almost midnight then up at 4am - yeouch. Needless to say, I am ever so tired.

Then we will come back from the show and get Wasabi washed and relaxed - we think all to start again with packing, organizing, cleaning etc for the next day. Never thought I would say, can't wait till Monday. heh


Fiona's Time to be Stylin'

I am the test case. I am not sure what that is but human mommy calls me THAT. It's something about a packmate going to a show tomorrow? Why does the littlest one have to be one? It must be something WAY special cause that is what I am - you know!

Human mommy washed me up much to my - are you crazy, lady reaction? Oh yeah, I am getting better but Miss Abs tolerates it better than me. I am getting slow conditioned. ROFL

That's really what it is about. We had someone say - hmm our dog is now letting me groom/wash them after staying at your place. That's because they can't darken my door without getting combed and brushed daily. This way when it is show time, they will know the drill.

Here I am, after all that vigorous grooming - like I said a test case - whatever that stuff is all about and can you see my hair looks like different colours depending on the lighting. One of these photos was inside and the other was outside.

I am incredibly soft with what my human mom did to me and even she is impressed. Now let's see if she can do it on teh Abs tomorrow at 4am. ROFL


Windy Talemaker Times

It's quite windy today. We had flying everything outside and you couldn't tell by this photo but I actually brushed these dawgs.

Talking about grooming, I almost have the Abs laying down and falling asleep while I groom her. That is progress. If you keep at it as I do - a daily dose of slow positive conditioning, they do get used to it and they never get knots.

Well, Miss Abs has handling class tonight and she is going to see Sebastian and Apple there. We hope she stays focused and gets in the groove. If not, we will still have fun with it.

Tomorrow night we have Fiona and Chico in obedience class. Then we have the Dog Show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and a visit to the vets on Saturday. Oh my, crazy times!

Chico is really into relax mode these days. It's as if he had to go through some 'what now' experience and learn how to deal with it all.

He gets a bath tonight or tomorrow. I have to look at the weather to figure it all out. His scabs have completely fallen off.

He loves kids. He kissed a friend and her mom out of the blue. He's really enjoying people. He did a play bow over and over again with Linda's Basil last night and seems to be happiest with other dogs, people and kids. He's finally coming into his own. He adores walks but he needs to learn to heel. We will be working on that.

Mentally and physically he's going to be more than alright. We are truly glad otherwise he would be staying right here while we worked out the kinks.

All dogs go through a transition when there is a huge change in their lives.

He now 'comes' and sits and tomorrow night he will start obedience. We are hoping to really get a real feel for him and find him his forever home real soon.

More later>>


Downtime After The Guests

Chico now has his staples out so he is staple-free. He's going to get a bath - probably Wednesday or Thursday so we make sure he is 100% scab free - this way he will look beautiful for class on Thursday night.

The crew is all vegging after training. I did all that I could do with all including out old lady Whitney.

We did stands for Fiona - sits for Chico, stands and heeling for Abs, everything for Katsuro, Terra and Shoshi and a mix of things for Risa.

Now all they want to do is veg from all those treats and brain testing.

This is the stand at the door - can't you hear me - let me out. We now have bells but we have yet to train them to ring them. I would like to train Fiona and Abigail to them as they are inflicted with the - don't you know I am standing here waiting till you let me out?

The gang is emptier without Sebastian and Coco.

Classes Thursday. Are you ready Coachie? I know we aren't yet. hahahaha


Catching Up With Talemaker Life

This was a fun weekend with lots of people, dogs etc and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Coach, Sassy and their human dad and mom and shall I say human sibling came over yesterday and hung out - gave Chico some human interaction.

Here you can see Coach nose to nose with Chico along with Kat and Abigail. The dogs had a wonderful time.

It was nice to relax with John and his family and the dawgs before we had company in the evening, cooking, food, and all the fun that comes with a dinner. The dawgs kept sniffing for their share.

It's going to be fun going to class with John and Coach.

Then we had our 2 grand kids come over with our daughter and hubby and Chico just ADORES kids. I guess some of his best moments have been with the kids he lived with for the last 4 months. It shows as we had kids here today as well and he just lights up with the kids. He's a tad shy with the adult humans at first but once you pet him, well he warms up. Kids - no warming up - he's just excited to see them.

Chico starts classes this Thursday and tomorrow I am going to start working on sit, come, and stay to help him get a head start on class. This way, if he is not sure of the environment, knowing the commands even if he is not doing them perfect will help him make the transition to class is fun. Plus he will be in class with Fiona and Coach.

Sebastian's mom comes tomorrow so Sebastian won't get a bath till tomorrow morning so he can look GORGEOUS. We are going to miss him.

Here you can see Linda (who came to visit) lovin' him up.

Remember you can click on the photos to see a larger view.

I thought about washing Sebastian today but figured with the way he loves to play, tomorrow is a better day.

I am going to fluff and dry him then take a photo so you can see him all so handsome and all!

We got to see Coco again and she remembered me - gave me lots of kisses and snuggles and that was really nice. There is nothing like kisses from puppies and I got them from Yvonne's Downsey too.

Here you can see some of Coco's family. Thanks to Yvonne for bringing her here so we could see her again.

Well 4 days till Abigail's show debut. Got to get that grooming bag ready. ROFL. Got to get busy - ooops that's Nathan has to get busy.


Springing Ahead Havanese Style

Oh my gad, life is grand. Miss Abigail is going to be gone, gone, gone off and on all next weekend and hey - she's taking mommy and daddy with her. What's THAT about? Oh well - another week and I will deal THEN.

This week is Passover and Talemaker's wishes all our Jewish friends, family and acquaintances many memories and eat well this sedar. Don't allow your canines to make those eyes and over-indulge. ha ha

Mommy is going a tad crazy practicing 'no bark' with all these mowers, blowers etc going on in the neighbourhood. She actually thinks we should not be so vocal so she says no bark, puts a funny face on her all scrunched up and then she starts moving all those leaves around all so she can pressure wash everything down to get rid of any residual smells etc. She's a crazy lady. It took her hours to do the deck and it will take her 5 times as long if daddy doesn't get the blower going to push those leaves at least in one spot while we nose dive in it and make it a mess again. Yeah - we do that...yikes.

Coco's mom, Yvonne, Coco, Downsey are all coming Sunday at 2pm and that ought to be fun. We figure by Sunday, Chico's hat will be off and he'll be a happy camper. He's off pain meds today - antibiotics of the liquid kind for a few more days and life will never be the same. Then Monday we may be seeing Sebastian's mom as he goes home too. It will be a quieter house for sure - hahahaha

More later as we adapt to life outside as we adore grand weather, a pool and dock diving Havanese but that's a tad too early but the rest - plants, hide and seek in and out of them - well life is grand for a Havanese come spring and when the leaves no longer stick to them - it will be grand for me too. hahahaha


Talemaker Crew Bunch

We are just playing to lighten up the mood around this place but Chico just got finished getting groomed and his hair was a tad static so I thought I would have fun.

He now has 90% of his knots out and as you can see, his face no longer has that crusty stuff on it from eating in this thing. He is now eating solid food - Fromm's with chicken and cheese and even bacon thrown in - yum. We still have the face to deal with as he is on liquid meds for many more days but we are washing the area up and although he needs a bath (has to wait till stitches are out), he is making great progress.

He is adjusting to the couple of times grooming and doing well but of course he gets kisses, hugs and a treat and even a head massage all to get him enjoying - not dreading.

His stitches look great - no redness at all. He's still twitching - still on pain meds. He is now coming back in with the pack where before he didn't want to come in - just stay out back but no can do when you are recovering.

Our biggest issue is getting him to rest as he does so want to play with us, the dogs etc. I have a feeling he is going to make us laugh with his play when he is recovered.

As you can see, even at noon time when only the pups are eating, it's a hmm can I get some too affair but they learn - not at noon adults.

The crew had hamburger with melted cheese over and kibble - (Fromm's Chicken Ala Veg) and they wolfed it down. Sebastian especially likes this particular meal - warmed up and looks for everyone else's after he wolfs his down. Gad - he's such a nice dog.

Well. Abs is doing another handling class at a place she hasn't been to at 830pm tonight - late for her but she needs it before her debut at the Lindsay show.

Sebastian has been getting daily training in handling at home till his mom returns from her honeymoon - congrats - by the way. Fiona has been too. The rest get stands and stays and we will be adding Chico into this daily thang after he is a bit more healed but certainly by weekend. We are working on 'come' in the meanwhile and by gad he is getting it.

There is so much to do with a dog playing recovery. It's sort of like having pups. Plus I am spending time with Wasabi as she has been back to not eating in the morning and needing more attention. They all get it but at times you have to figure out who needs extra without leaving any of the others out except yourself. ROFL!

Now to fit in cleaning the floor from all that stuff they drag in to even work or a shower - ha! But this will change when Chico is 100%. So much to do - so little time.

We are missing Coco - and so is Abs, Fiona and Chico. We are hoping she is really having a roaring time at the Chicadoro household with her canine mom, sister and crew.

More later...


Another Havanese Day

Well, it's another day and Chico says I still have this crazy cone head on but I am eating, coping with this crazy hat and my stitches look good. That human Darlah keeps trying to comb a knot out here and there only every once in a while and only for a few minutes but once the stitches are out, she tells me I am going to look soooo good!

She even did a top knot on me and I shook my head. You almost could see me with 2 eyes but well you see one and she will try another day in trying to make this top knot withstand the shake of the head.

I don't seem to know 'come' but I know the 'chase me' game so those humans are working on that and I get lots of love when I do come.
Now the human here says, now that we have Chico's number, we have made 'come' a fun game and he gets it most of the time. He catches on real fast so it looks like he is a fast learner and a willing one at that. Our goal is to get him doing all his basic commands and then some before he is rehomed. We work with the dogs daily and have already started with Chico.

He also will be starting obedience class next week so he's going to be amazing and that human Darlah will be handling him. He'll even get to see his brother Coach in class - now how cool is that?

Chico tends to stay happy go lucky even when he is in obvious pain but we figure by the weekend, he will have his cone head off and be vastly improved. The dawgs also have managed to adapt to this ball of fur that hits the corners with this collar.

The crew got up and started mixing it up. They were having a roaring grand time. Sebastian and Coco is just like one of the family now. You should hear the racing pitter patter of feet and Katsuro has been really getting into it showing just how fast a Havanese can run.

Tonight Abigail has handling class and Coco is here tonight - til maybe tomorrow. Yvonne should just leave her here - haha

More later.


Chillin' Havanese Sunday

The pups are at it bright and early today. Coco slept in the bed and slept all night. Her last feeding was at 530pm and she barked for her breakfast. That's a sibling trait - I want it now.

Fiona's been sleeping all night for quite awhile with these arrangements so we figured we would do the same with Coco. It's working and her comfortability has increased. She's doing stairs, jumping on top of the crew to play and learning that endearing pounce and then move fast so they can't get me back. Yeah - it's a game they play. It's fun to watch.

It's rather cold outside. I was hoping for warm. It looks like no more rain till I don't know when so after our walks, it may finally be time to get the crew washed up one at a time.

Coco will be heading out to Yvonne's come - tomorrow and Sebastian is here till the 21st. Sebastian tends to mix it up on a level that Abigail really enjoys. He's such a lovey even when I brush him daily and doesn't forget there is a treat at the end.

Poor Coco was not pleased with the grooming but with lots of kisses, hugs and snuggles she survived and got excited with the treat. I suspect today's grooming will be much easier. Shoshi had mega grooming as she managed to drag in sticks, leaves and anything else that would stick to her hair but after daily grooming, they just lay there and wait for their treat.

Yesterday Nathan did training with Abigail, Sebastian and Fiona for the ring but let's say - training again today as they have that jumping in excitement thing down too well at times. We are making progress but maybe with less than 2 weeks away for Abs - her training has to increase to 2 times a day. Will Nathan have the energy? Time will tell. hahahahaha

Well, I may crawl back on the couch and snuggle with some dogs. I promise you training photos later. We may even have a walk or two mixed in. slideshow coming. :-)

Oh - and Sebatian has found his way to Katsuro's heart. He was seen letting him snuggle and even playing their hearts out bigtime. Imagine that.