Socialization Havanese Style

Well, we have had a busy day. I have been sick so ignore the disheveled look but we decided it was time to get the pups out today seeing we didn't have rain. We went all the way to Petsmart, Solutions and Canadian Tire and socialized bigtime. This also means that we walked along a very busy street and NO reaction for a couple of hours. We had more of a reaction in a parking lot when the cars were too close for even my comfort.
Miss Fiona needs more work but so does Miss Abs. This was Fiona's first big outing out other than to obedience class and walks in the neighbourhood. She now has her rabies shot so socializing will be on our plate bigtime.
It's funny what they react to that you do not realized they haven't been exposed to.
This appeared new to Abs: cars very close by, doors opening and shutting at stores that make noise, a dump truck, a flying bag.
This is what was new to Fiona - all of the above and other dogs in the stores, strange people giving her treats, petting her, busy street sounds, cash register. Fiona did well considering it was her first exposure but needs much more work. She is still reacting to other dogs, people walking by and lets Abs do the initiation before she trusts. We think she is still in her fear stage but these are all positive exposures. It's funny that she is fearless in an environment she knows but the unknown still needs work. It proves that socialization is important.
On Tuesday both Fiona and Abigail will be going to handling class. Nathan will be doing the handling with each but with my help, we can expose both.
Then we came back and walked Chico (this morning I trained him out front - was way distracted so training will continue out front), and Wasabi, Risa, Katsuro, Shoshi, Terra and Whitney. Nathan did an extra longer walk than I with Shoshi and Terra while I meandered around the block with Whitney envisioning I may have to carry her. She barely makes it and now crashes hard asleep but still wants to go. I guess that comes with old age.
I am going to wash her up after I eat lunch if she wakes up in time. :-) I also have to wash a couple of other dogs as we had wet days and muddy times. Nathan said they don't need it but the 2 retrievers do and so does Katsuro - bigtime.
Be sure to check out our slideshow of the puppies antics below.
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