Havanese Dreamzzzzing
Saturday, October 11, 2008 at 4:00PM
Darlah Potechin in havanese specialty, rockhurst Abigail at talemaker, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

Well, the human mom is rather sick today so the dawgs are hanging out dreamin' and we are watching TV shows that we saved for days like this.

Abigail is hanging out with her duck - which usually belongs to the Wasabi woo but we practice sharing around this place.

One wonders what a Havanese dreams of. Is it the games, the snuggles - the joy of life? They certainly seem to have that passion that we could use some of.

We promised you a video of a brace or an attempt of one but not sure if we will get one in. It's not from the desire though the daddy can do it without the human mom and her camera but rather that couch is calling.

Do you have a snuggler, a 'pay attention to me' - a charmer? The Havanese can be and much more.

Our pups had baths yesterday. We are going to 7 to 10 day baths with mild shampoo to help us go through that once in a lifetime 'blowing coat' stage that they are in. A clean coat mats less but never wash a dog matted or it will make the knots felt like.

By the way, the big Havanese specialty is coming to Toronto over Halloween weekend. let us know if you want to buy some raffle tickets. The bags and jackets are way cool. Check them out. Then if interested, send us a mail.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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