
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Havanese Guilt or Human?

But mommy the stairs are too high - come pick me up and carry me down?

We are all guilty of giving in to what we perceive as inabilities in our little ones but we do them no favours.

The only way to get past anything that your little one is unsure of is to create safe situations where they will try and then applaud them when they do. Once they realize trying creates positive results, then you will get a dawg that tries things that they wouldn't have if coddled. Do not foster insecurity. It will create all sorts of issues.

Sure my stairs are scary as they curve are open and there are many of them but after a few days of ignoring them placing paws down one step at a time and gently pushing her on as a mother would - she now runs the stairs. Use this philosophy with everything.

On another note, not all dawgs are afraid of thunder but there is a significant amount of those that are that I truly believe you should find storm bytes online that you can play in the background. It may drive you crazy but play it softly than tweak it higher over time. By doing so, before the storms hit, your dog will already be familiar with the sound and that's half the battle.

More later...


Havanese Let Down (Video is UPDATED)

Our wild and crazy day video is up now (updated - it was cut off at the end)

It's quiet today. Sure mommy and daddy hears the pitter patter of tiny feet running like the dickens but something about visitors that does our heart and bodies good. It's sort of like a holiday like those humans take - fun and then nice to get back to it and then we start dreaming of the next time.

Well, mommy has the video done of our fun event yesterday.

It's updated as the end was cut off with Sebastian and his human crew. We had so many moments that we had to cut so if Sebastian's mom wants an unedited version - my human mommy will burn it for class next week. It's over 15 minutes long and we had so many moments the camera wasn't out. It's always like that. The Chico video was unrecoverable and we are heartsick. That disk is in the trash now. Got to plan another sleepover. We miss the guy already.

We wonder how Remy's classes are going. We hope the Sassy and Coach and livin' it up and not driving their humans crazy. But hey - such is a dawgs life that fills you with tales you can talk about for years to come.

Here is what we said about the video in the description at YouTube.

Sebastian came to visit after class and found all the nooks and crannies we set up to make our house dawg friendly. Enjoy the antics of this crew and how even a well behaved trained dawg can give you paw vs. listening.


Class is Almost Done

Next week is the last class of fundamentals and this cutie, Sebastian is doing everything perfect. I believe he is going to get the certificate of most improved.

Miss Abs does everything perfect at home - except down - even with enthusiasm but I think she's going to win the prize of most stubborn in class and we haven't figured out why yet.

She's not spooked by the large dogs. She goes and meets and greets with tail wagging. I think daddy needs to stop feeding her at all that day till class. (hint)

Here you can see Sebastian doing down and Nathan decided that he would do stand seeing she is going to have to learn to stay standing. She did do that but as you noticed from her tail, the gal is not happy. She loves the class - and did great till last week and this.

The moral of this story is often people give up when hit with an obstacle but this is the time you should persist and plug on to get past this point and figure it all out. We have no doubt that she will get back to it and soon she will be joining handling classes and we will see how that goes.

Well, we have a video we need to edit and get up of Sebastian visiting us with his human mom and dad for lunch. We hope this one came out. We shall see.
Mark and Maryanne said...
Am I biased or is Sebastian just gorgeous!!
March 1, 2008 5:06 PM
Nathan & Darlah Potechin said...
Oh, he is a cutie. He's going to make all the gal dawgie's hearts melt.
March 1, 2008 6:32 PM


Havanese Sibling Rivalry or WHAT?!

Oh, gad not another day with all these dawgies - but oh, it is. Miss Abs said, check me out in this video with my best pal, Fiona and her sibling. See how the pups play. Is it sibling rivalry or just plain fun?

If you ever wanted a 2nd Havanese or dare I say three, check out this video before you do.

Mommy had a lot of trouble as she had over 8000 sectors munged on the CD but she managed to recover some and we are trying to recover more. We are missing the Chico portion and another very important part but we are trying. Rewritable cds only last so long folks.

More later - enjoy the video.


Markham Show Videos

Mommy said that I have to really watch these videos so I know how to do this show thang! Catch the Markham Show part 1 here. Then when you are done, come back. Part 2 is NOW uploaded. Hope you like it, learn a thing or two and enjoy this unedited view of the Havanese at the Markham show.

If you want to see a clearer version, visit this site here. Due to YouTube choking all ^%&* night, I uploaded it to my other site that takes video uploads. Just have some patience - let it load and wow clearer version and put it in 200% as it's a clearer version than full page.


You Be the Judge

Oh my gad - aren't I simply .... You be the judge. Post your replies. ROFL

Well, it's just another Havanese day - oh hum and what do they have me watching? Well, look at that TV. We already watched the National Geographic channel and I *like* watching those. They tend to have animals in them and I want to pounce on the bugs, watch intently at those bigger animals and just am curious as all get out. But all those judges on TV and please - no Judge Judy - get that off MY TV. It is my TV now - the humans just don't get that yet.

Still, nothing better than snuggling on the couch and chillin'. I am trying to convince Fiona of that but I think she needs a sledgehammer or wisdom to get that!

Remember you can click on any photo to see a larger version.

Fiona seems to always want to mix things up. You can see her mischievous side as dear old Abs wants to sleep and Abigail keeps yanking on the blanket. She keeps it up and keeps it up till Miss Abs says enough and comes back on the attack - all in fun you know. At this very moment all I can hear is their tiny feet running back and forth over and over non stop. It's a riot.

Then Wasabi has a chewie and Fiona decides SHE wants it so she starts barking at her. Yes, she has suddenly found her voice. She barks, she pounces and Wasabi just eats away and ignores. Oh to be a frustrated Havanese. What can one do?

Not to worry - they all got chewies eventually after that behaviour ceased.

More later>>


&^%$ Havanese Brrrr Cold Out There!

Fiona says - you want me to go out in THIS!?

It's really cold today and its getting colder they say. Be sure to double layer your dogs on a walk, watch for cold feet (lifting paws) and be prepared to carry home if you are midway and the paws are hurting. A shorter walk today is wise. Fiona runs under the ottoman when you mention outside today. What is she trying to tell us when she usually loves going outside? I guess at under 4lbs - well mom it's plain too cold.

Gidget is getting picked up today. We will miss her immensely.

More later>>


After Bath Hanging Out

Gidget had her bath today and I blow dried her and brushed her and she came out amazingly soft and way fluffy. Let's see if it lasts till tomorrow when her mommy Audrey comes and gets her.

She was great to wash. I got the idea that she was enduring it all until I took out the treats and it was if I did something magic. Oh - sure have that blower in my face - just give me those treats and i will forgive ya!

She was the only one I bathed. Still under the weather. We have our son from London coming in tonight. His B-day is tomorrow.

Daddy didn't get to train Miss Abs again - still too sick so hoping tomorrow is it. I can hear Sebastians mom saying - excuses - excuses. You know who rules!

Well, I guess we do as it surely is not us in this condition. Usually we care but beyond brushing, throwing the ball around and snuggles - we are napping and trying to get rid of this whatever that has visited us.

I found some 'no more stain' stuff that is actually supposed to remove all stains but not up to trying it out. Will let you know.

That's all for now, folks.


Havanese Bonding

Friends often blend together like they were placed on a canvas with one brush.

Miss Abs says - Terra - I know Shoshi used to be your best pal but you have to admit, I have found your heart and at the very least, you make a great pillow.

Gidget goes home tomorrow and she will get bathed later today.

I am not up to it but her mommy is off on another trip and I want her to look fresh - not like the cat dragged her under the deck - ooops that's Wasabi who did THAT! Oh, you say Gidget doesn't need dragging? Well, then you would be right!

Fiona is playing her climbing games and trying to get Gidget to come chase her. Fiona is an interesting thang as she tends to have this teasing personality. She hides under ottomans, on top of couches - any place high or under things to get her in a stance to pounce.

Then after she pounces, she gnaws. Gidget is saying - what is that gnat on my leg and what does SHE think she is trying to do?

There's nothing like Havanese and how they play with other Havanese but that doesn't proclude them from deaking out a retriever or two. It's half the fun of life - is it not?

Remember you can always click on any photos in this blog to see a larger version.


Creating Our Own Havanese Fun

Well, if the humans are going to act sick around this place then we have to make our own fun. To top it off, the human mom was trying to transfer the video and she got an obscure error saying part of the video is munged. Fun. When she is feeling better, she will see if we can find a work around. The human is so frustrated but no energy nor is she feeling well enough to do anything about it. Sorry.

The crew is continuing to play and have a roaoring grand time despite the ill humans.

More tomorrow....


Havanese Dawg Day Letdown

It's a Havanese Dawg Day letdown. The humans are sick. First it was that kid that snuggles and plays with us Jonathan and then that human Dad Nathan who couldn't come to the dawg show. Then mommy is feeling chills and will be crawling into the couch with us so we don't D-I-S-T-U-R-B daddy. Then that other kid who watches these shows with animals so I can go crazy watching them is complaining about feeling cold.

Where does that leave us? No excitement today - guests have all left except that precious Gidget - just snuggles, and eating and playing out back. Video much later - sorry.


Chicadoro Visit At Talemakers

Click to play Havanese Friends
Videos, Show Photos Coming Tomorrow. Just a Few Pix From Our Weekend.


Wild & Fun Weekend

Hey, I am Mags. My mommy Yvonne and daddy Alex decided to drag me to visit my mommy, Risa and the rest of the mad house at the Talemaker abode.

Here I am, sitting, waiting and wanting to EAT! It is time, you know!

The visit was fun as one of my daughter's, who flew the nest a couple of weeks ago hangs out there - Fiona.

Below you can see one of my babies hanging out with my house sister, Lola and that fickle Katsuro from the Talemaker crew who tends to think all the gals are his.

Here's part of the crew that was here this weekend with me. This is Gigi, the puppy that has not left the nest yet and thinks my pillow is now hers. Yes, she is the sister to Fiona. She's a pistol just like Fiona. The humans around here just adore watching the two. I am glad I can add to their comic relief. Always anything for those crazy humans that pamper us silly.

This weekend, Katsuro was rather smitten with Lola - who you can see in this photo.

Then Wasabi's young'n Chico, after that human mommy gave him a brush (doesn't he look so fluffy?) - well he just kept mixing it up with Miss Abs.

These two are two days different in age and actually half siblings. (same sire). He was sort of smitten with the Abs much like the Katsuro was with that hot suff Cuban Lola. ROFL!

Gidget is having a roaring grand time this week and is enjoying the crowd and when she has enough, she goes up to bed and finds a comfie pillow. Here you can see her saying - well is it all gone? She's becoming quite the eater - oh no!

She adored seeing the Mags and Lola and Britney. Flora had to stay at a friends as she was in that thing the humans call heat where the male dawgs lose their minds - and Katsuro - well he needs his. Can you imagine how silly of a dawg he would be without it?

Well, I made my way home. I had to dictate this to the Talemaker human to post. A gal needs to do what a gal needs to do and after all this socializing - well I need my beauty sleep. I will hand the reins of this blogging stuff back to the Talemaker crew. Till next time.

Hoping the video comes tomorrow. The human daddy at Talemakers is way sick and the human mommy has to do Oscar stuff - till tomorrow!


Havanese Sleep Over

Oh my - lots of dawgies - lots of fun - is the day almost over?

They say I can go to sleep now with HOW MANY DAWGS?

More tomorrow on how that goes.


Crazy Dawg House

Well, our day is continuing and Chico is over having a grand time. He's a bit smitten with Miss Abs. He just seems to truly adore her. Oh no - hehehehe.

We are trying to figure out if he is as large as Coach or smaller or? hard to tell when they are both not at the same location. We did weigh Miss Fiona and her sister and they were 3lb 8ounces. We also weighed Miss Abs and she weighed in at 7lbs 10 ounces. What was Sassy, John?

It's nice to see they can come for a sleepover and just have everything work out - fun, play, cuddles. What more could you want?

I missed the dawg show today but Yvonne and Alex went. I will be going with Nathan tomorrow. Tonight we are off to eat out. Maybe sleep after that!

We went to class with Miss Abs. Well, Miss Abs was tired, stubborn and that dear old half brother of hers - Sebastian just showed her up. Tsk tsk - no excuses next week as there won't be the lots of dawgs visiting.

I have a video to do (tomorrow night) but guests are visiting so I am falling way behind. It's a crazy dawg house.

More later...with the adventures of the Talemaker and Chicadoro crew.

Mark and Maryanne said...
Admit it, Sebastian just stole all the brains in the family! Sebastian thinks that being tired is a lame excuse...
February 23, 2008 9:27 PM
Nathan & Darlah Potechin said...
Well Sebastian...a gal gets to do what a gal gets to do and all of you boy dawgs have to follow. HAHA - Ok - you won THIS time!
February 24, 2008 2:48 PM


Fun Havanese Day

This duo is fast becoming the best of pals. They sit in a bed under my desk a number of times just to be with each other. It will be interesting how things unfold when Fiona's sister comes to visit for the weekend.

Well, we are off to the Markham dog show. I am going to try to take video. Couldn't find the tripod. I have to wake Dennis up as he is watching the dogs.

Will get lots of photos of this crazy dawg house and the fun adventurous weekend. Oh and Chico is also coming this weekend - wow - fun!

More later>>


Havanese Ball of Fun

This fine early morning, Gidget, Abs and Fiona joining in had the hair flying all around and went on for over an hour. Can anyone ever do aerobics that long without thinking - is this OVER and wow we are still having a ton of fun! I think not. Perhaps we need to learn from the dawgs.

Now I know why Gidget likes to sleep in like our Risa - she needs the energy to deal with the puppy duo. They are relentless in play and then they drop. I should have had a video camera going but I promise - I will when Yvonne's crew is here - it will be a dawgie crazy house indeed!

Our son Dennis is going to watch the crew while we eat out and the verdict is out on if he will ever be the same. We will fill you in. How many dawgies will there be? 13 - 14 or? hahahahahaha

The duo is making a plan on how best to deak Gidget out. Will they succeed or won't they? It's amazing how their minds think and how good they are at finding solutions and making that 'interesting' plan.

More later as the day develops. The point of all this is enjoy those special Havanese moments.

We are thinking of the Sassy and Coach duo and what fun they are formulating. Amazing having Havanese pals - I tell you - for the humans and the dawgies alike!

Click to play Havanese Play Session


Havanese Learn From Others

Dawgs often pick up on habits of another that lives or plays with them. Fiona was the back of the couch dawg always and here Miss Abs has found her way to the high side.

Hopefully they learn 'good' habits vs. the ones you don't want or you will be correcting both.

We had our practice session with commands. What have you done today? Just a simple sit or stay or come or? Something...will make a difference.


Havanese Need a Job

Here Fiona is trying her live Havanese Furminator job on Whitney. She thinks her job in life is to eat hair? Argh...Whitney's hair, my hair - anyone's hair. We are working on that but Whitney is so passive, she doesn't mind a bit.

She also climbs up, balances on the big dawg's backs and has a roaring grand time.

If you can think of another JOB we can give her that is more productive, let us know but until then, we will be correcting, doing more training today and getting the lil' one to be a star.

We all need to have some goal in life and eating hair - well it can't be THAT!

Here the duo is sitting under my desk in the bed together. I thought they would curl up and sleep - nah...

They are a pitter patter duo of real trouble. Oh No! More later.>>


Talemaker Havanese Memories

Click to play Remember When