Havanese Puppies

Let me share an email exchange with you. Beth owns Rockhurst, from where we got both Abigail and Treasure, located north of Ottawa. Holly owns Smile Havanese in Florida. When Darlah and I drove to Beth’s home yesterday we picked up both our Treasure and Holly’s Blazin. Holly will be flying to Toronto to pick him up in a few days. For your reading pleasure, here’s a slightly edited version of the email exchanges that followed:
Holly: How's my boy doing? How's Treasure doing?
Nathan: I am sad to say that after spending a night and a day with Blazin I feel he is totally unsuited for a life in Florida. He walks funny, he’s clearly half blind, his tail is undetectable, his teeth are simply missing and he has the most aggressive and confrontational attitude. In fact, I think it would be best if he simply stayed here with us where we will provide the poor thing with the comfort he deserves in his remaining months.
Just kidding.
Holly, Blazin is UNBELIEVABLE! What a star. You’re going to love him to pieces but if you don’t then I’m on record right now saying that I’ll take him off your hands, no problem, and I swore I’d never have another male in the house. He is absolutely delicious. Darlah and I both think Blazin is gorgeous in every way.
Treasure of course is even better! It’s a trial having two such puppies in the house at once. Abigail made sure they both realized this was her house and she was in charge. Kat made sure that at least one of them was female and he’ll keep an eye on Blazin until he’s out the door from his harem. Paris, Risa and Wasabi sniffed them up and down, decided while they were puppies they weren’t their puppies and Shoshi is ready to play with them. Fiona was neutral unless or until they got to close to her daddy and then she asked them both nicely to get back or she’d rip their lungs out through their respective throats. Blazin jumped on Terra’s head to say hello. Terra just let her, having spent 6 years as the overly Havanese in the Golden Retriever body. Almost 14 year old Whitney, our old Golden Retriever, isn’t quite sure who they are or why they are here but when she wakes up she’ll give them a sniff.
No doubt Darlah will come up with some pictures later.
Holly: Nathan, You are HYSTERICAL!!!! I started reading your e-mail and just laughed harder and harder! I especially like the fact that Blazin' has a tail that's undetectable! How did you ever come up with that? I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again and thank you so much for the play by play with how each of your dogs is reacting to their new housemates. I got my copy of Our Havanese, I love the pictures and articles you and Darlah contributed, and Beth too!! Give my pitiful boy a big kiss and hug from us, I'm sure he needs it, and check my bag when I leave to ensure I don't have 2 puppies! Just a word of caution. Holly and the gang.
Nathan: We look forward to your arrival. Your pitiful boy will be in good hands until then. I’ll give him the big kiss and hug but he’s going to think it is yet another from me. Thank you for your kind words.
Darlah has made a notation to stop you for a strip search before letting you leave the house. I, of course, will be in the other room with your puppy. I’d advise you to make a note to ensure you actually leave here with Blazin.
Darlah: Holly, he can’t help himself.
The two just ate. We put two bowls out and Blazin dug in and so did Treasure in HIS bowl. She growled at him as if to say it’s mine. Blazin didn’t take his head out of the bowl. Nathan put Treasure at her bowl and the contents vanished and then she was back at Blazin’s bowl trying to push him out of the way. The gal is a CHOW gal.
They are doing great. They truly are. No car sickness and on our way back, we stopped at Yvonne’s for a few minutes and she had serious thoughts of talking you out of him so she could have him all to herself and she only does girls. Does that tell you how she felt about the boy?
Nathan: To continue Darlah’s message about their eating habits …
They finished eating and decided to take a nap. Blazin took the tunnel, lying on top and flattening it to his comfort. Treasure took the donut bed. They slept for about an hour. When they woke up I immediately carried them both out to the backyard surrounded by “the pack”. Treasure almost immediately crouched and peed and I praised her profusely. The she started circling and 30 seconds later did the rest of her business and I congratulated her as if she was the smartest girl on the planet. Meanwhile I have no idea what Blazin would have done if Abigail would have left him alone. She was busy lying on top of him and he was loving it and coming right back at her. I tell you this so that you shouldn’t worry, Treasure will be completely house trained in no time reinforcing the effort Beth’s already put into it. Blazin, on the other hand, will be learning to do his business only while under a dog while being pushed down into the snow. Or, I’ll praise him when he pees on the carpet. Wait, I don’t have carpet. Just kidding again. Of course he’ll be totally trained to do his business in the snow. Wait, you have no snow. You’re doomed.
And so another day at Talemaker Havanese draws to a close.