
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in food aggression havanese (2)


Teaching Patience to a Havanese

WE now put on a t-shirt on Abigail to protect her hair from Treasure. Well, I found it on the kitchen floor and no one took it off. Now what is that about? I haven't figured it out yet but I want to.

I am looking for doggie long johns sold in Canada that I want to put on Abigail and Fiona. If you see them, let me know. I know they are available in the states.

Treasure is going through the stage of teeth coming in and getting WAY Too excited about treats. How do you deal with that? If you don't, she may bite you not on purpose but in pure desire to get that treat. If you have one of those, you must curb that. How do you do it? You teach patience.

Take a treat and show it to them then close it in your hand. Let them sniff your closed hand. When they stop sniffing, reward. After you do this for a bit - a week or so, try the floor - and ask them to wait. Don't let them eat off the floor but ask them to wait/sit - whatever you want and only reward when you do not have to correct them by giving them the treat from your hand. You are in control over the treats. Don't give then the idea that the floor is. Sounds crazy but its important.

If you have multiple dogs, that over enthusiasm may rear its ugly head. Use the closed hand till they calm down and reward. It works.

No one likes a dog that doesn't bite with a soft hand when you are treating them. But puppies may not be patient especially if they are competing. It's up to you to guide them. It's these little things that can make all the difference in the world.


Havanese: Sharing During Eating Times

One often asks, how do you get so many dogs eating all together and not have a zoo. Well, it didn't start out that way. They all tried to eat each others but we would stand and control the environment even if it meant putting our feet around a bowl while one ate - especially a straggler and they eventually got the idea to respect each others space. We do not allow any food aggression or they lose access to their food pronto! It's not just something that happens but instead something you have to create.

We do have the low growl saying 'it's mine - leave' but it's a correction - a communication that I am not ready to walk away. When they are - they saunter off and I swear smile saying - now all of you that have been standing here can figure out who gets my crumbs. It's a game that Fiona plays heartily as she is always the last and Abigail is always the first in waiting for anything Fiona decides to leave. We feed accordingly so Abigail gets what she needs and Fiona gets what she needs. They can have the exact same food but they want what the other one has.

So tell me - is it the game or do they really believe the other has better food or? You can learn a great deal watching a pack of dogs eat. It's almost like a social ritual like we have when the family sits down at the table. One can be uncle x that eats so loudly that you cringe and another one dainty and eating a little at a time - another that is a taster that slowly decides if there is anything good but is really too busy watching the rest etc.

If you have more than one dog, and you have a family gathering - see who your dogs compare with. It could be fun but not sure you want to tell the human non dog lover that your precious Havanese snorts like them. heh

I know - I am bad but it must be this flu junk that hasn't left me yet. I tend to have a quirky way of looking at life and the dawgs when that occurs...or hmm maybe that's just an excuse.