Havanese on Holidays

Well, this was Wasabi and Abigail just before Alex came to pick them up. Anyone who has had females in heat with an intact male - well it's not a pretty site unless you are mating him so Kat went from clean to looking like - well we won't explain but that means he went from looking good to looking scary - teeth chattering and a howling mess. Boys - what can we do with them...
So, Yvonne and Alex was nice enough to take in Wasabi till she can be mated and they also took in the Abs who also went into heat. I looked at Fiona and went - oh oh she 'may' be going in too but Kat's not bothering her so all is good.
So, did you come here to learn about the birds and the bees and how a little boy in a hairy body called Kat loses his mind? I think not.
The human Nathan is out of town. The human Darlah is WAY sick and crawling into bed and for the first time in a long time could only muster up a page (her real job other than dogs). She always works through every illness but not today.
Let's hope the dogs let me sleep. This way I can dream about what the %$^& we are going to do with Kat with all these girls in heat and a Havanese specialty coming at the end of the month. Can you shoot me and get it over with now? ROFL
More tomorrow when I feel better - hoping!
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