
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Wasabi the Havana Silk Dog Hanging Out

Here I am hanging out in the grass and mommy says it's bath time. I am trying to hold out till Thursday. My coat's still silky and I think having all these baths are silly but I can understand why mom wants me smelling good for the vet for my up close and personal visit.

Mom is busy creating this box for my little ones called a doggie incubator of sorts. She finished the bottom with half of it with a warming pad, bumper pads and all and I just climbed into it and got WAY comfie. If the photos come out, mom will have to change this one out. If not, use your imagination - just know that I am WAY comfie - for the pups - hmmmf it's for me!

I heard Maggie is back home. Rita and Yvonne just had a very long trip but productive one. I get to see Rita on Friday at the vets. She was doing the counting and said next week would be MY week. Well, it's about time.

Daddy is going out of town tomorrow night so it best not happen then. I need my Lamaze coach. There is such a thing as a doggie Lamaze coach, isn't there? I think he forgot to take me to classes. Yoo hoo daddy - it's not too late - breath, focus - what else - can you remember? Better hone your skills cause it's happening soon.


Wasabi the Pregnant Havanese Hanging Out

Mommy says I need to have a bath but luckily she's not feeling well. This way I can avoid the tub. Oh, she makes it fun with toys and all but I am getting at the point that all I want to do is lay around and eat - well eat only the good stuff. I decided chicken is out. How many ways can that crazy Mommy cook it. Well, she is trying but I am giving her a run for her money. Daddy cooks the best - well at least for me.

Mommy keeps trying to see if the little dickens inside of me are kicking and moving about but she's not feeling anything. It's only day 51. I go for my x-rays this week and we will get a look at the little sweeties. I will be glad to get rid of all this extra weight. A few days ago I tried to jump on the couch and I'm VERY agile and move well - everyone says that but - well splat - I got up but it was not my usual graceful self. When you have that extra jiggle that isn't so much of a jiggle - what do they call it - the love handles - yeah right - well you have to adjust.

Mommy had a conversation with me about helping my youngn's become high achievers. Come on, mom. I am the brains of this gang and I troubleshoot and quickly find solutions but shh don't tell Risa. The more she's snowed in believing what she wants, the better I am.

Well, I hear Maggie is on her way home. We were hoping to get their pups for a visit but not to be. Oh well, soon I will have my own. Can't wait...or can I? Once they come - will my life ever be my own? ROFL!


Paris & Cleo Visits Day 50 of Pregnancy - Wasabi's Puppies Coming Soon

Today Paris now known as Gidget came to visit me. She was my very best friend. I used to play with her endlessly but alas today I didn't feel like playing. Katsuro was the one wanting to play. I was really happy to see her though. A day without Gidget is a day without a best friend!

We were also blessed with having a visit with Cleo. Shoshi has begun to think in my delicate state that she needs to protect me so she decided to bark at Cleo and mom and dad had to correct her. It reminds you that no matter how well trained any dog is, if changes occur that sometimes one of the pack will take on a new role not desired. Training is an ongoing thang! I expect to be doing that a lot with my pups with the help of mom and dad.

Cleo is one pretty dog and we were glad to meet her. We hope to see her again!
Mom and dad took us for a walk this afternoon through the forest. I had to stay on leash and so did Shoshi as the Shosh wasn't acting her usual self and me - well I am preggie so mom and dad don't want me getting into anything I shouldn't. So, I had to watch Katsuro and Risa have a roaring good time chasing the squirrels. I was green with envy. Still, it was fun to watch. Gad day 50 - it's all going so fast and mom and dad have to finish my whelping room - that desk has to go!
Well, mommy mentioned to some of her friends the neat toy that Kitty Braund got for her doggies and lo and behold this one showed up for them. Now mommy is trying to figure out how washable it is. Ha! I think I will play with it - forget the doggies.

Another friend got me waterproof pads for whelping and 2 toys. Wow - it's nice being preggie. Mommy told me she wasn't going to let me play with this one as I did with the duck. I think I mauled the duck beyond recognition and it was supposed to be for the pups. Tsk, tsk mom!

Well off to watch TV and snuggle with daddy and mommy. Life is good...for now...


Life of a Pregnant Havanese

Ah, such is the life of a pregnant Havanese on day 49 - but 2 weeks away. Daddy loves me, yes he does!

It doesn't matter if daddy's hips are hurting from arthritis or what - he still takes me for a walk and gives me tons of snuggles. Mommy does the same. We are the best and boy I know it!

For the first time, I tugged on the leash halfway through the walk and told mommy I didn't want to walk any longer so daddy took me with Risa and Terra. Mommy was out in front with Shoshi and Katsuro. They put me behind that dawg who thinks he is king, Katsuro so I picked up the pace. I wasn't going to have any of that and made it home just fine even to run with the rest out to the back where this photo of my tummy was taken. I am a tad wet on my backside as mommy is keeping me VERY clean.

Mommy needs to get a better photo but boy each day the stomach grows. Soon the little wonders will be kicking in my tummy giving me all sorts of indigestion. I have already started sleeping on my back almost exclusively. It's simply more comfortable. Pregnant women get body pillows and I get what - a back and nothing else. Geez - who's falling down on the job here?

Well, we were hanging out in the backyard watching Katsuro and Shoshi go after the ball on the pool cover - love those safety covers. They are not only safe but they act like a trampoline,make noise and give us extra space to run. We all like it. Oh, we miss the pool too but the covers okay now that it is cooler.

More later...


Mom & Dad Are Sick

Gad - what a day. We just hung out and did very little. Mom and dad was really not feeling well but mommy still took me on a walk and just finished working on 2 huge pages a few minutes ago. She wanted to crawl into bed but she took us out back, on a long walk, brushed us and worked - crazy lady! Now we may go to bed and try to do something exciting tomorrow to write about.

I have about 2 weeks to go till puppy time so I decided to practice games with Shoshi. Besides, she's a pushy little thing. I don't think she knows the word no even though I know mommy taught it to her. Oh, she knows it with mommy but with me...well I am glad we played. It's been awhile. When you are preggies, you just don't feel like jumping all over the place.

Well off to catch some serious zzzzzzzzzzzzs Catch you tomorrow!


The Snow is Coming - Not a Chance!

Mommy was talking on the phone to her friend in Utah and they had SNOW. Oh my! Well here I am just enjoying that crisp air last year in our yard.

The pool people closed the pool today. Wow they already did and did we run on the cover big time. Something about this safety cover is sort of like bathing a Havanese. It invigorates us and we 'run like hell' all over it bouncing all the way. Mom promised to get a photo of it the next time we are out on it. Watch us not run then. We will wait till Quito comes (ooops he has rescheduled) and that will give us new reason to go C-R-A-Z-Y! He's now coming next week!

It's cool outside now - not snow weather yet or mom would be dragging the sweaters and coats out. A girl has to be be stylin' you know. One must think we are 2nd class citizens. When mom fills that reading - oops bathroom with reading material, she has these fashion mags but where are the dog fashion magazines?

Mom took me for a walk but I am not in the mood today. She spent eons in the kitchen cooking up a storm and I didn't want anything but the leftover satay chicken and steak - not enough to feed this growing tummy. I guess I will wait till daddy comes home and wait to see what he has.

It's dawned on me that in all likelihood, unless we have a dry winter, I will be able to play with my pups in the snow. Wow, will that be fun. Mom is creating a file that will list a bunch of things to do to stimulate your dog and when she's finished, I am going to put my paw print on it or I won't. First requirement is the games had to be something she's done with us - so mom find some more creative ideas in that cobweb of a mind cause - well no one likes a bored dog - an active mind and body is a healthy one.

Just got email - well mom got it. It said Mags is on her road trip. Some gals get to travel to exotic places to have their fun in the sun - me, I get to go to Yvonne's house to a puppy picnic that I could only watch from the house. Now what was THAT about. A girl in my condition can't have fun? Next time we will have to have an all girls' puppy picnic. ROFL! Okay - what fun will that be?

Well signing off for now - more later...


Havanese & Rain

It's raining again and this gives me the opportunity to address this mother nature thang. There's something about wet paws and soaking wet grass tickling our feet that our humans just don't get. Sure, some of us don't mind it where the others are found lifting their paws out of all that wet.

I tend to be one of those dawgs that appreciate a raincoat on a rather wet day on my walks but when it's warm, I don't mind not having one - still that grass - well I don't like it all sopping wet where my pack mate Katsuro will plow through the grass as if he owns the world (today he is rejoicing as Maggie is a faded aromatic memory - and relishes everything in it. Read about it in 'A Dog's Sense of Smell') It's not that I don't. I just don't like all the cleaning I will have to do when my feet get muddy - him, he will just allow it to dry and then cleans it off. Ha! We are all so different.

Yesterday - well I know today's another day but yesterday Maggie came by and we found she's going to meet her connection soon. Maggie is Yvonne's dawg who is going all the way to - well read about it! If everything works out alright and she likes this hook-up, well then babies will come to their house again. First Lola and then the Mags - how much fun is that? Do you think it's right that these humans pick our boyfriends? Do they know something WE don't know? I mean, are we supposed to meet them and then fall totally in love or is it okay that we have one night, two night stands? Ha!

Today we have Rita from Sonrisas coming for a visit and maybe Linda with her crew. It sounds fun. More after it all happens. Now the mom has to woo me and show me how much she loves me by giving me something good to eat - yeah right - only daddy knows how to do that!


Gloom & Rain Where's the Sun?

Okay, it's Tuesday and where's the sun? Mommy tends to keep her doggies in a stylin' fashion but me, I am learning from my pal Opal that you can also be a junk yard dawg and enjoy life. Still, Mojo looking at me saying - whose that babe isn't half bad. If it takes me looking boo-ti-ful, well I can stand it SOME OF THE TIME!

Now they are saying thundershowers at 11am so I am not sure we are going to get swimming in. I can't believe it. It was supposed to be our last hoorah. Pool is a salt water one with a temperature of 32c/90F

Mommy got on her scale this morning and it said I gained 2lbs. There is no way - I am still a svelte thang. The scale HAS to be broken. On a serious note,mommy says - it doesn't sound right so maybe we will check this out at the vets later this week. All I know is the bathing suit no longer fits. It's getting close to debut time!


Another Monday

It's just a lazy day today. Mommy created another page for the Havanese crew events and the 'Food For Thought' info. This way you know what my mom and dad are all about. Even their human kids think they are crazy - crazy in love with us furry crew.

Mom was bored and decided to see what I would look like with my hair standing up straight. My - she needs a life. I had to tell her to take it out. She had this idea she was going to leave it that way till daddy got home and parade me on my walk like that. I told her to do that with HER hair and we have a deal - knowing full well she would never go there. Still, the thought of her with her hair on end...well I won't tell you what thoughts that conjures up.

Well, it is now approx day 44. I can't wait till I see them. I have never been this big before in my life and wow can you hear those heartbeats. In 11 days I go to the vet to see how many they see.


Missing Daddy & Yvonne's Pics

UPDATE: Photos From Yvonne's With Pups and More are In. Even got Wasabi playing with pups and Katsuro Wooing Maggie. Check Them Out Here.

Now back to Wasabi's getting ready for Havanese motherhood!

It's rather pathetic - me sitting at the front door waiting for daddy. I had a really long day yesterday. I did eat well this morning but visiting all those cute puppies was exhausting.

With daddy working a trade show till Tuesday night, I have a feeling it will be eat what I give you or else.

Mommy did make a chicken stew with veggies, pieces of prime rib - huh chicken stew with prime rib. Hmm - I think she's giving me the slop - the leftovers - my oh my. Now mommy, I thought I was the light of your life -that really special one. She whispers to me so the others do not hear - but you are! Oh not enough to make the others jealous. Mommy reminds me she has had lots of human kids and everyone thought the other was loved the best. It's the nature of the child and she believes the nature of the canine pack - she says we all count and I guess we do. She makes sure we always have special moments and hey she now carries me upstairs at night as I look at her with those gorgeous eyes saying - are you going to make me climb those stairs? Still, she makes me walk and I rather do love it even though I don't realize it lately till I get out there.

I am hoping mommy goes swimming with us now that I am brushed. She may create a frame with lots of photos for the whelping room. Mommy and daddy are even trying to figure out what to do with the desk in there so they can open the bed and daddy can sleep in the room with me that first week. This way I can be in comfort too. I rather like that and besides, the couch closed up is okay but nothing like a big bed to spread out on and still look down at the pups in case they need me.

Well, we finished Yvonne's puppy pictures let us know if you like them. Much work but worth it to share!


Puppy Teaser

Mommy and daddy just got home. They were off saying Happy Birthday to Danielle for her 7th birthday. Mommy is trying to figure out how to show all the puppy photos. Think we are going to talk Yvonne into starting a blog for her gals and we will point to each other - hint hint! Until then, I will try to figure out how to display so many.

Here you will see Wasabi with two of the puppy crew. She really loves the pups and they are at an age that they are ever so cute.

They just adore playing outside and we had a grand time watching them. More puppy photos coming tomorrow - somehow, someway.

We did get to hear Wasabi's puppies heartbeat. Now how cool is that! Now how many puppies do you have in there oh Hot & Spicy Wasabi Woo!

Poor Katsuro was taking a time out from trying to romance Maggie. He just was beside himself as she would tease him then sit down. It took him awhile to calm down after getting in the car to go home. Someday...someway. ROFL!

Tomorrow mommy is going to try to listen to them again. Daddy has to do a trade show for the next 3 days so it's Mommy and me. Poor daddy will be coming home really tired. Maybe mommy will try to dive like daddy off the diving board - we shall see! She really needs mega practice to get anywhere as good as daddy.

Well as we said, poor Katsuro was having a tough time today. Mags was - well she was his attraction. He caressed her ears, danced with her, she would tease him and then he would...well you know and she would sit down. It was more than any boy can handle but he was a good egg but then Risa was watching all this and came over and said enough of that! Get that tongue back in your head and straighten out - ohm - it's yoga time - get in the right mind state - practice silly boy to act well like the son I used to know. He just ignored Queen Risa. Heck, he ignored everyone and just focused on the Mags.

You can't blame him for trying. The Mags is beautiful! He'll get over it....someday and besides Mags is promised to someone else - real soon now!

Before we sign out for tonight, I had to add this photo of Yvonne's dog Britney with one of the pups. I swear she is an overgrown Havanese on steroids - hahahahaha - On a serious note, I watched her and she is one of the most loving moms and the pups aren't even hers. Risa saw the pups and made sure they knew that she wasn't their mom. It was so amazing to see this gentle giant loving Lola's pups.

More tomorrow when the fingers are awake and the brain is engaged!


Mobile to Yvonnes

Okay - this is not my car but I am in a car and soon will be in a car. Mommy, Shoshi, Kat, myself and Whitney came downstairs as daddy has all the windows shut with the air on but its still too hot. It's much cooler downstairs. I tried hanging out in front of the fan but mommy still heard me panting. So, we are all going to hang out on the 1st floor in comfort till daddy, Risa, Terra. I look way comfie now and so does mom.

We will soon be off to Yvonne's after chowing down. Hopefully daddy can woo me into eating with something. Mommy will think she has to fix the hair on my head - please mommy after driving in the car, playing with the dogs, do you really think I will look so put together?

I am getting so excited. Lola's pups....can't wait. It will get me ready for my own. It's only a few weeks away. Rita is bringing a stethoscope so we can try to listen to the heartbeats. exciting!


The Trip

Hey, Wasabi, I'll keep you informed about all my (Maggie) adventures during my trip to Minneapolis (mom helped me with that). Yvonne and Rita are taking me to Nona Dietrich's house which Nona calls Gingerbred Kennels. Sounds like good food and lots of dogs too. Mom says I will especially like the one called Rowdy. I sure hope he doesn't live up to his name. I am a very refined lady, you know.


Hey, girlfriend!!!

When you were here at the Sonrisas picnic I wondered why all the guys were all over you. My mommy tells me that I'm about to find out cause I'm in "season". Don't know what that means but I'm gonna find out real soon or so she tells me!!

We're gonna go with Auntie Rita on a long car ride (not sure if I like that idea) to a place far, far away. Somewhere called Minnie apples??? And I'm gonna get to play with my new boyfriend!! Yeah, I like to play.

Well, I'll tell you more when I see you tomorrow.


T.G.I.F. & Anticipation City!

What can I say - T.G.I.F. Tomorrow I get to go see Yvonne's pups or shall I say Lola's as Maggie has a huge secret, read her post here. Mommy and daddy said they would take lots of photos to upload.

Then tomorrow night, if I am plain lucky, maybe I will get to go see Danielle for her b-day. That's mommy and daddy's grandchild and she is full of jumping beans and just loves the puppies so she is alright by me.

The sun is shining. I jumped in and went swimming. This paddling around is addicting. Now if dear old Opal didn't show me how to rub up against the bushes and roll in the dirt while I am wet, mommy may not need to bathe me. Tsk Tsk mommy says - Opal just had to show you how to have fun rolling around in the muck. Then Katsuro runs and jumps way up in the air and does a splat belly flop but it didn't seem to bother him. He kept jumping way before daddy came in. Then mommy tried to dive but that gal needs some practice. Then Risa came in and Terra jumped - not walked in - you go Terra. Wow, the Potechins are swimming - just in time for the pool to close.

Mommy finished the whelping room so now all the extra junk is out of it. Risa gets a room with baseball bats and I get a room all spiffied up. Now who counts more? Shh! Risa is listening. We do not want to upset the queen. (hahahaha)

Every day now I go in and smell the whelping box. I remember Risa's pups and I adored teasing them - oops playing with them. Did I tease them - nah. I just went in and got them woken up to raise a ruckus so Risa had to go in and check. I did it so much that when they were almost ready to go home, Risa knew it was me and ignored it. I just adore the little ones.

Well, I see my dear friend Maggie posted so be sure to read her hot news! She doesn't know what she is in for. Are we going to have an exciting winter or what!


Getting Rest While I Can

Well, I decided it was prudent to get the rest wherever I can. Eat rest, eat, rest and changes are coming. It's approx Day 40 if success happened at the picnic, day 39 if it was the day after. Time will tell.

Mom just read that Asian elephants have a gestation period of 645 days. That's a year and 3/4 - yeoch. Here it is day 40 for me and I can't imagine thinking of having 605 days more but maybe if daddy kept feeding me like he is, there are some benefits. Still...

I turned my nose down at mom's chicken stew - veggies, nice broth, chicken, thrown over my kibble. Daddy - I want filet mignon - go get me lamb, go get me anything but mommy's stew. The others can eat it but not me. Maybe she's sick of chicken, mommy says but daddy makes his famous chicken and warm - well then she will eat it. Oh - she doesn't like mommy's food and who's the great cook around this house. Well, mommy is thinking it's not her anymore.

Daddy always has a way with the preggie gals. That's when Risa made him her person and there was no going back.

Well the belly is growing. I decided air is better than the pool and mom is out working at the pool. Me, I am anywhere where the food guy is. If you haven't figured that out - that's daddy.


Summer's Winding Down

Well, soon the pool will be closed. I thought it was today. Seeing it was so warm, I wasn't going to let my pack mate, Katsuro have all the fun. I decided to go in as well.

Sure he gets way crazy when daddy puts on his suit but I have my own way of showing excitement and I don't need a suit. If you got it, flaunt it, I say!

Boy, it was refreshing and sure helps shift the weight around. I am going to miss the pool but when that safety cover goes on, well, we all love to run across it like it is a trampoline. Daddy often has to go out on it himself to retrieve one toy or another.

Mommy has yet to brush me as I also have one of those coats that hardly knots.

Okay, that was mom's cue to brush me and pregnancy does a body good or how does that go? Not a single knot and I was almost dry. Katsuro was the same.

Pool guys came to close the pool for the winter and Daddy said come back next week. We are celebrating. We can handle one more week of that. Risa got pool time when she was preggie and loved it at the end. Me, I get the cover at the end.

Here I am after my swim waiting for my chair - well it's daddy's chair and Katsuro has the audacity to get up on it, shake all over it and get it totally soaking. It's bad enough that he makes sure daddy doesn't have a dry chair but I am the one that is supposed to have special treatment.

Well see who gets the fresh burger tonight and you expect me to share it? You didn't think you could get my chair and burger too, did you?

Okay - maybe I will share a little bit...we shall see.


A Girl & Her Toys

Well, already my pups received a cool present - this ducky from Rita Thomas of Sonrisas Havanese and mom and dad placed it in the whelping box and I jumped in. With one full swoop, I retrieved it and I won't let anyone else touch it. It quacks. It's soft and I just adore it.

A girl has to do what a girl has to do when it comes to those special toys.

What - it was supposed to be for the pups? Well mom and dad can get another for them, can't they? I mean, it may look like the cat dragged it in and stomped on it by the time they come...

I am not eating much yet today. I am waiting till daddy goes and gets me something truly special. I have the guy wrapped around my tiny paws.

Oh, I must be eating enough as the tummy is growing and they actually have this idea that they are taking photos of me all round and - well bloated. Well, they can think twice about THAT but I may have to learn HTML, steal mom and dad's passwords and zap a photo or two or better yet put one interesting of THEM up.

Thank you to my other momma Rita for such a MARV-e-LOUS present. I could get used to this pampering.

Less than a month and counting.


Today is Wasabi's 3rd B-Day

I remember this well - the Havanese huddle at Katsuro's party with me in my pink bow. Hmmm and here it is my birthday and is there a party? Not a single Havanese huddle, kisses, fancy bows, yum food or toys.

Hmm maybe when I have puppies, they will celebrate THEIR birthday and I can join in.

Mom did sing me 'Happy Birthday' and I would have rather she not. One can only cover their ears with their paws only so well but she had good intentions. I love her for it.

Much to celebrate - another year older, puppies coming and all that coddling by dad. Life is so good!


Buster Visits Wasabi's Blog

Well little lady Wasabi, what was I -R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst- a fleeting stop in your life? I came to see your lovely face and what – not a single mention of me. My nose is out of joint!

We made beautiful magic together and that's not all we made together! You just wait till mid-October to see I don't just love them and leave them with nothing.

We are going to have amazing pups - the best - you just wait!

The rumour is out that we are going to have six little darlings. I best get a ton of photos. It's the least you can do, don't you know!

Well my mom, Beth Obrecht is telling me I am spending too much time reading your site. Maybe she's telling herself - not again!

It's okay mom. I haven't convinced Sonrisas' Hot N Spicy Wasabi (oh, I just love that name) to run away with me. She rather likes it at her place where her packmates, Whitney, Terra, Risa, Shoshi and Katsuro would be more than miffed if she decided to go anywhere but at her home!