Remy Welcomes His New Family

It has been a tough day for us. When Remy’s new family showed up I got choked up. I think it had more to do with Sassy being the last after Remy leaves. The two of them were snuggling and sleeping on one another at the time.
But thinking about it, poor Sassy doesn’t have it so rough. She now gets individual attention from Darlah and me, not to mention Wasabi who is all over her, Kat, Shoshi and even Terra and Whitney.
When we came back inside from having Wasabi and Sassy out with us, all the dogs, even ‘Queen’ Risa, touched noses with Sassy. I don’t know how we are supposed to handle this aspect of breeding, watching the puppies we love leave, but I can say that it is hard for us both and I suspect it always will be. That is why it is so important that we see the puppies as they grow older, so that we see how very happy they are. (All you new puppy owners need to be paying close attention.)
Remy is an excellent match for his new family. Their youngest walked in the door and said “can we take Remy home now” after they’d been here 5 seconds. When the girls approached the wide open x-pen where Sassy and Remy were sleeping Remy jumped up and went running into their arms. I swear it was spontaneous and just perfect. Join me in wishing Remy the very best as he joins his new family. He’s going to get all the love he can handle and then some.
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