
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in toronto havanese (44)


Raylan at Elora

We thank Coco's mom Carol and Mary Lou for coming to see us. It means a lot to us. We also had many others coming to see Raylan and all we kept hearing was he has the cutest face and is ever so friendly and sociable etc. That was nice to hear. He is a special guy.

Raylan received a point today and now he is 2 points away from championship.

My hand now has shooting pain up the arm. I know I am in trouble as I have more grooming to do but we will do what we need to and have a stiff gin and tonic with a twist of lime and maybe I won't care. I am not a drinker so 1 would do it. hahahaha

Tomorrow I wash Raylan tomorrow then off to the show.

Now off to snuggle the pups... Is it only 645pm? Only?


Bathing How Often?

Fiona had a bath today and she smells ever so good. Soon we will find out if we have pregnancies with Fiona and Treasure and call it a day till 2012. Pups going home in early spring will be nice.

Treasure is already having morning sickness and I have no doubt that Fiona is pregnant too.

Today was busy. I did my usual grooming and tomorrow we are off to a show with Raylan for the next few days returning home late each day. We will still be updating but photos will be slow.

I just picked up something heavy and messed up my hand. Here I thought it was almost healed. How silly.

So, I am off to rest it and ice it. Later!

PS: I bathe approx. every 2 weeks or when dirty.


How to Get Your Havanese to Swim

Coco is up on the deck in a 'safe' zone wondering what all the noise is about?

She's been in the pool once and decided although she can swim wonderfully - well its not the things she adores.

Zack...well he's another story. I have this feeling it's a 'boy' thing of competition. Zack sees the attention that Kat gets by jumping in so he tries it but only when he is lost in the emotion.

How do you get your dog interested in swimming?

Well it certainly helps if you are excited about it and you make it a game and it also helps if they shot the moon when they do, so to speak. Suddenly, your Havanese will be strutting and doing it again and again if he is into being all that!

Well, Zack just jumped in with his excitement at first but when he calmed down, he decided the stairs was an easier adventure. What is it about jumping in that is so overwhelming to most dogs? I guess the same thing that is scary for humans.

It's simply easier, I imagine.

But does it matter if they jump or walk in? Not to me. The best part is they are enjoying something you are.
Zack goes home on Saturday evening but he's found a new passion. Now let's hope his family likes to swim too or they will have to go on holidays again and drop Coco and him off for yet another adventure!


Havanese Video Comes Tomorrow

Well, it's getting late and as you can see in this photo, Wasabi and Miss Abs are waiting for me to go upstairs. You can find them close to each other an amazing amount of time. I do believe these two are bonding the deepest thus far.

More tomorrow>>


Sebastian's New Family

It was 8 degrees (Celsius) today. It rained off an on for most of it. The snow has been melting so much that steam was rising from the ground. The dogs came in from playing in the backyard soaked to the skin. Kat couldnโ€™t care less. Heโ€™d have happily stayed out all day.

Now the temperature has dropped dramatically and the wind is howling outside. The temperature tonight is supposed to reach -6 not counting the wind chill factor. In other words, itโ€™s going to be freezing and the roads are going to be totally iced over and treacherous and so are our backyards. If you donโ€™t have to go out, stay home! And please donโ€™t spend too much time outside with your dogs or puppies tonight, just enough to do their business and get back inside. Dogs can get frost bite too!

Sebastian left us today. He is the sweetest little boy. Heโ€™s going to a home where they know dogs! Iโ€™m told heโ€™s already met his two new four legged companions, both Labrador retrievers that only outweigh him by 90 lbs. Knowing Sebastian heโ€™ll have no problem establishing dominance, licking his way to the top of the pack. Iโ€™ll post a picture of Sebastian and his entire new family as soon as I can get it. In the meantime those wee Labs better leave room on the bed for the new king. I taught him martial arts for nights like this.



Two Goes to Their Forever Homes

Well, the Coach has had his bath along with Chico. They have been fluffed and dried and loved and played with and soon they will be on their new adventure.

Here's human breeder daddy giving snuggles to Coach and canine Mommy Wasabi is looking on.

She's done well getting them ready for their new adventure and we can't wait to hear all about it.

We will be filling you in on Chico this afternoon.

New roads to travel, many new experiences and lots to love them...nice!


Down To Five

Well, today we are down to five. Our show potential Tux is off to Rita's house to his new home to play with new pack mates. The house is a bit emptier.

Rita came by today, Kat's brother and human dad and the dad's mom with 'Little Dickens' came by. It was a full and busy house and human mom here had to build a page on Pamela Anderson getting yet another divorce - geez.

Not much to report other than we had a ton of fun today. More tomorrow...


New Toy For the Crew

We got a new toy today - a bed in the shape of a car. They got so excited with new things. We find that new toys create new interests and new fun. That is why it is so important to rotate toys. An hour later, they are still playing in it. It's a win/win when they spend this much time with anything. Not everything excites them so but the tunnels - another win/win.

We are always scoping out new, interesting toys and will continue to do so even after the pups are gone. It's important to stimulate their minds and by doing so, they make you laugh, become solidly balanced dogs and they get to be all they are destined to be.

Here's a different view of this new toy to give you the idea of what it is about. It comes with a pad that is cushy and can be used as a carrier though supposedly but not sure if I would rely on it for that.

Over the last few days a couple of dogs found their bark - first one then another and we are correcting that and its as easy as saying shhh and putting my finger up. It's only once in a blue moon that they are doing it but by correcting it right from the beginning, you avoid correcting an out of control habit. Some people allow things early on as they think it's cute from a small dog and then it gets to the next level and you have your work cut out for you to retrain. Training from the start is easier than retraining.

Some dogs love to hear their own voice and if allowed to get out of control, then you can end up with a barker. There are times that you may want your dog to bark but that's up to you to praise when they are doing it at the right time and correct when they are doing it at the wrong time. They are smart enough to get that.

Most Havanese are not barkers but there are the few that as we say love their voice and love to control their universe with it - if allowed. This crew is so smart that positive correction works fast and easily. That is why you should always let your little one know the rules you expect them to follow and correct in a positive way. The end result will be a fabulous dog that everyone wants to be around.


Havanese Outside Fun With Human Dad

You can't see the whole crew in this photo but they were out there for hours today. Look at the big dog just lazing out on her back. Does that tell you she is comfie around all the little ones or what.

The gang couldn't get enough of being outside as its a tad warmer and they were inside and outside really enjoying themselves. Human daddy had them out for a long time and now they are fast asleep. One even did this low grunt when I went to cuddle as he wanted to sleep. Oh my....

Today, human daddy went and got Merrick's Winglings and they can't eat it fast enough. They LOVE it more than anything else they have had. Plus Wasabi tries to steal it every chance she gets. She was miffed at human mommy as we said NO - its for the puppies.

Last night Coach had visitors - his new owners came to snuggle and tonight Chico will have his owners visiting and we will have to show them how the pups are really getting this 'sit' business down. We are hoping we get it so solid that we can introduce another command.

Well, more later...maybe daddy will add what he experienced outside.


Havanese Food Challenges & Play

Ah Mommy Wasabi - you are eating OUR fair..well it doesn't look so hot anyway. No wonder why we are not eating it.

Kitty Braund, publisher of 'Our Havanese' a must have subscription to a magazine of our breed gave us a recipe to get the pups to enjoy the mush more but they won't even touch it. Oh my....It's old fashion - cook slow oatmeal, some egg and goats milk all soft and mushy and they sniffed and went no way. At least the soft kibble they ate somewhat. Now back to the drawing board - so to speak. Hmmm why does mommy like it?

Had an exciting day today. We all went outside and tux and the one with the moustache like me (Wasabi) just couldn't get enough. Wow is that a change since the 1st try.

Human mom and dad was taking 2 of us out at a time to play with the guys. The little one behind was running as fast as possible as if to say - what about me then played its heart out.

All are sleeping now after a full day. We have many visitors tomorrow so we have to snooze in between or we won't do anything but catch some zzzzzs.. So, long day but fun one in store. We all can't wait!


Havanese Crate Time

Some people think that a crate is not a fun place for us but if done and used correctly - as a time to relax, veg, play, enjoy - then it is a *good* thang! You see, sometimes we may need to be transported in one and a slow conditioning to one is a positive thing. Plus my gang rather likes sleeping in one with a cushy, soft pad. But...they are not spoiled.

Ha -human mommy says!

Positive experiences are a must! We use a crate inside the x-pen so they can climb in and out.

Never use a crate as a punishment and it will remain a comfort to them. Everything we get exposed to and find enjoyment in, makes us better dawgs. Daddy says our goals are always to make our pups balanced and happy and as you can see in our videos and photos, we are that for sure.

Well, today we are expecting snow but we are still too young to go outside so human mommy says if it really snows like they say it will, then she's going to bring some into the house so we can get familiar with it. Now that ought to be interesting!

Looking at this photo, mommy is noticing our looks are changing. The mostly white one is thinning out - still teddy bearish but way handsome and he's such a character - well they all are Wasabi says but each are clearly different these days and as the week goes on and we hit week 6 and 7, well personalities will continue to unfold but not a skittish one in the bunch. Some are quieter than others but none are off the wall spaz cases or human mommy may be working to change that. They all seem to have mommy's calming demeanor but some more playful than others. The job - well it's easy this time around as they are all so equal - but as we say unique and that's quite nice!

Well, it's playtime so off the keyboard I go and we get to tucker the little ones out. They play and drop dead asleep and are now eating at least a full meal instead of me - Wasabi so I get a break! As time goes on we will make that 2 meals then three etc...

I couldn't be in yesterday's video as they wouldn't leave me alone. Sometimes they just think I am the milk factory - sigh!

Well....more tomorrow!


Wasabi Havanese Watch

I have a great deal of experience with this stance. I spent a lot of time practicing it when I watched and teased Risa's pups. It was as if I was made for this job. Oh - is this a job? Me thinks it's a fun one, if it is. Everyone should be so lucky. Only those prima donna celebrities like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan has enjoyable JAY-OH-Bee-S - if that's what you want to call what they do.

They all have pocket dogs too and yeah you can carry all 10lbs of me soaking wet around but I am the real sturdy thang. Besides, other than the designer doggy wear, what do they have other than what I have? Daddy still feeds me the best of the best and mommy gives me massages. Hey - maybe I do have the celebrity life. Ha! Lights - cameras...and all that!

Daddy was so smart to come up with the idea to have a couch next to the whelping box. This way I can sleep in comfort during the night and day and still watch my babies in those in between times where my body needs to fill back up to feed the babies.

The pups are now 3 weeks tonight. I can't believe it. They are all walking and Tux almost runs to me if I even get near the box. El Blanco Grande stays sleeping till I nudge him cause after all, he likes the sleep. Our lone gal is playing dominance games with her brothers. It's all so cute - whose head is on top - mine - yes mine.

This morning, one of my pups was kissing daddy's face then he snuggled right up to his neck. Mommy wanted a photo of THAT but the idea of daddy - well being in his night time wear on my blog just didn't appeal to me so you will have to use your imagination. Ha!

Mommy is going to do more testing and playing with the crew today. Me, well - I saw how much fun they had yesterday doing the tunnel so I climbed in myself. Yeah - I fit. At preggie state - just ready for birth I would not have but I do now. Where was the camera - charging - go figure - that mommy - she needs enough sleep to get it together.

In another week the pups get to come downstairs to mommy's office - wow!!! Oh, they will sleep upstairs where everyone does but I get to be with everyone else then and still watch my pups.

One thing mommy has noticed is I am barking. I never bark and I get the whole pack barking when anyone comes over. Well, I have precious babies that need protecting and my pack - well we are family and they help me. Mommy says, a few barks okay but then that's it. It's nothing serious - it's more like bark talking but boy am I proud of these creations.

Well, time to take my nap. It's rather cold outside so heaters are on. Oh, we wish it was summer.


Keeping it in the Havanese Family

This photo was taken at the beginning of the weekend but wanted to show those that do not visit the Canadian Havanese site that these Havanese are special. They share - they play nice and they genuinely care for each other. They even help each other out.

Now back to Wasabi. After all - this is HER blog.

It's one of THOSE days. The kids - well they are eating and even making slurping sounds. I need to teach them some manners. We don't slurp at the stomach - you hear?

Mommy has to put some soothing gel on me that is non toxic to the babies as a few are giving me things that look like hickeys.

My puppies - this is Tux - waiting for a new name when his personality truly shows - looking at you. Well, they all have their eyes open to some degree and it all happened all right after each other or at the same time. I call this so exciting as they can now see who is licking them clean and snuggling with them. I have some real snugglers in this crew right from the start. They like to snuggle up to my face and neck. Even when they couldn't see, they found their way there. I guess they could smell my breath. Read more about how Havanese smell.

The littlest one - the lone gal has now surpassed the smallest boy in weight. Later on, we will take photos of them with their eyes open.

Mommy and daddy are doing a program that introduces various textures to them starting on day 14. We have also been doing the superdog program that will help us develop high achievers. This way they won't be concerned no matter what the texture is or the feel. Toys are starting to come out now that eyes are open and a mirror will go into the whelping box. The fun is about to begin. Mommy tells me soon they will be playing - be patient. Where have I heard that before?

Well, we have also been busy adding new photos to the album and will be making another video each milestone, I imagine.

Today mommy got up at 430am to fit in her exercise as that hasn't been working so well for her - no havanade yoga for me doggie style or otherwise. I looked up at her and went - see you later when there's light outside. Mommy came back about 6am and Daddy joined her to feed me, weigh the youngsters and cuddle and kiss them.

More later...


After Bath Havanese Still Needs Brushing

Mommy gave me a bath with Katsuro. No shame around here. We all share. She even set me under a dryer and semi dried me out while brushing. I feel so clean but I think the pups went sniff sniff - who is THAT!

Here I am looking at whatever mommy thinks she is feeding me - yuck! You can do much better, mommy! I am not sure about this stuff. It looks like it's going to crawl out of the dish - yikes!

Did you notice that silly mommy dressed one of my pups up for Halloween and created a Havanese Halloween Safety Tips to help you keep your Havanese safe? Do keep your Havanese safe. They are very precious and deserve it!


Halloween Havanese

Okay, it's not Halloween yet but human mom is trying to find an outfit that will fit these 5 havanese boys and 1 havanese gal.

Human dad says, - get a life!

Me, Wasabi - the real mom out of this crew is glad she's not dressing me up. Sure, I have my sweaters and coats but Halloween outfits - please!


Havanese Puppy Characters

It's Day 6 and already personalities are starting to come out. The white one that mommy calls so fondly El Blanco Grande, well she is starting to think she can create an entire comic strip on him. He can always be found eating up a storm and if someone else has milk left, well oops did I push you out of the way - well let me just taste - you do share with your siblings don't you? From one to the next he plows all others down all in the name of that great liquid refreshment but not all of them is taken such totally laying down. The competition thang has already begun as you can see one is on top of El Blanco Grande saying, 'my turn and don't you forget it!' But did he move...nah - he's the big white one and he's already taken the course, 'Havanese Assertiveness Class 101'

The class has JUST BEGUN and we will see who has their way as the class rolls on.

Me, other than being exhausted at all this chowing down on my body, I am enjoying the little ones. I can't wait till they play with toys. I tried to play with them with my squeakie toy yesterday but no takers yet! Don't these dogs know how to have fun? Are you sure they are mine? ROFL!


Finally a Relaxin' Havanese Puppies and Mom

Here I am with my pups finally relaxing enough to snooze. Daddy is cooking steak for me - yum! Pups are all gaining and a couple is chowing down so much that daddy is making sure I eat right - mom too.

Mommy put the other half of my whelping box together so I had a place to nest but still watch the little ones. That made me WAY happy.

I just heard that my other mom Rita from Sonrisas Havanese is coming tomorrow - am I excited or what!


Havanese Wasabi Finally Resting

It's day 3 now and my precious pups are eating, lively and really amazing.

Mommy and Daddy stay in with me and make sure I am eating, going out to do my duty and taking care of the pups. I am a natural but mom still does these silly things like taking each and counting so this way I can keep track by counting myself. This is what Risa did and this way when they get bigger and go outside, I can count to make sure all of them is in eye sight even though our backyard is closed in and safe, mommy and daddy always count. They did this with their human kids and they do it now. Katsuro counts when we all come in. Risa used to but she lets Katsuro do it lately.

I can see mommy and daddy are already teaching me and I will be teaching the pups so they can be all they can be.

Well I just ate. Mommy has cold toast and cold coffee but I am all good. Heh, Daddy is in bed finally sleeping. All is good on day 3. Wow day 3 already!


Sire: R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst Sent Wasabi an Email

Sire: R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst - that stunning guy sent me an email (how thoughtful) and his photo so I would always remember him. In it, he said...

I'm out-a-here!....
Well done Wasabi...5 little Busters! hmmmmmm! and 1 little Wasabi...
you rock Wasabi!

Hope to see you again...:))


Land of the Living Havanese Puppies

Well look what I got? Tails, tails, tails sticking out everywhere. I have a hungry crew but quiet. They only fuss if I go outside to do my duty or move. Am I lucky, or what? Good pups right from the start and snuggles not just next to my tummy but a few love to cuddle up to my neck and just sleep so contented. It makes me feel sooooo good.

Momma Rita bought me this cute bow and mom just put it in to make me feel dawg - sort of like feeling human again but we furry things feel like dawgs again. heh

Mom and dad are giving me pedialyte with ice in it. None of that warm stuff, you hear. I am a pampered gal even more so than that Paris Hilton human creature - hahaha and better looking, don't you think? Let's see if she can have 6 things clamouring all over her and not guys - well I guess I do have 5 guys all over me and one lone girl, come to think of it. Still, the attention I am getting has to be better than any she may get.

Now where am I getting such crazy ideas? Well, mom had that TMZ show on TV - gad. It's bad enough she mocks up pages on these celebs but she has to listen to it too - tsk tsk. Well, by listening to it, I know how good I really have it - no worries about bad fashion, good fashion, am I preggie or not - hey I shout that stuff out instead of hiding it. Be proud gals.

Well, off to get my sanity break. Mom says I am blogging it too much. A gal has to speak her mind - no?