Wasabi Havanese Watch

I have a great deal of experience with this stance. I spent a lot of time practicing it when I watched and teased Risa's pups. It was as if I was made for this job. Oh - is this a job? Me thinks it's a fun one, if it is. Everyone should be so lucky. Only those prima donna celebrities like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan has enjoyable JAY-OH-Bee-S - if that's what you want to call what they do.
They all have pocket dogs too and yeah you can carry all 10lbs of me soaking wet around but I am the real sturdy thang. Besides, other than the designer doggy wear, what do they have other than what I have? Daddy still feeds me the best of the best and mommy gives me massages. Hey - maybe I do have the celebrity life. Ha! Lights - cameras...and all that!
Daddy was so smart to come up with the idea to have a couch next to the whelping box. This way I can sleep in comfort during the night and day and still watch my babies in those in between times where my body needs to fill back up to feed the babies.
The pups are now 3 weeks tonight. I can't believe it. They are all walking and Tux almost runs to me if I even get near the box. El Blanco Grande stays sleeping till I nudge him cause after all, he likes the sleep. Our lone gal is playing dominance games with her brothers. It's all so cute - whose head is on top - mine - yes mine.
This morning, one of my pups was kissing daddy's face then he snuggled right up to his neck. Mommy wanted a photo of THAT but the idea of daddy - well being in his night time wear on my blog just didn't appeal to me so you will have to use your imagination. Ha!
Mommy is going to do more testing and playing with the crew today. Me, well - I saw how much fun they had yesterday doing the tunnel so I climbed in myself. Yeah - I fit. At preggie state - just ready for birth I would not have but I do now. Where was the camera - charging - go figure - that mommy - she needs enough sleep to get it together.
In another week the pups get to come downstairs to mommy's office - wow!!! Oh, they will sleep upstairs where everyone does but I get to be with everyone else then and still watch my pups.
One thing mommy has noticed is I am barking. I never bark and I get the whole pack barking when anyone comes over. Well, I have precious babies that need protecting and my pack - well we are family and they help me. Mommy says, a few barks okay but then that's it. It's nothing serious - it's more like bark talking but boy am I proud of these creations.
Well, time to take my nap. It's rather cold outside so heaters are on. Oh, we wish it was summer.
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