Havanese Wasabi's Pup Climb Over

Well, am I in trouble or what?
I have spent my days on the other side of the whelping box as I have 2 sides put together safe from the little ones after I feed them. These little devils are 3 weeks old today and lo and behold 3 of them climbed right over after me.
First was El Blanco Grande and Mommy didn't have the camera ready for him. The next was Tux and she got a photo of him after he hit the floor. Then the one with the mask climbed over then climbed back as I tried to fool him by jumping on the other side. It didn't work with this one. Me thinks he might be the best climber of all as he climbed one way at me then back after me again. No puppy free zone left for me except out of the box now.
It's really hard when something happens to catch it midstream in the act. You have to be waaay fast and mommy is waaaaay old so she is slooooower than mollasses. At least she caught one of them. Even though it took her 3 dogs and a double cross-over to turn the &^%$ camera on. Mommy says she was excited so its hard to be fast when you are excited. Excuses - excuses - mom.
There's no place to be safe anymore. I guess it's jump up on couch time.
Gad these puppies are way agile before their time. Maybe they will take after me - Wasabi after all. The best of both I imagine.
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