Havanese Crate Time

Some people think that a crate is not a fun place for us but if done and used correctly - as a time to relax, veg, play, enjoy - then it is a *good* thang! You see, sometimes we may need to be transported in one and a slow conditioning to one is a positive thing. Plus my gang rather likes sleeping in one with a cushy, soft pad. But...they are not spoiled.
Ha -human mommy says!
Positive experiences are a must! We use a crate inside the x-pen so they can climb in and out.
Never use a crate as a punishment and it will remain a comfort to them. Everything we get exposed to and find enjoyment in, makes us better dawgs. Daddy says our goals are always to make our pups balanced and happy and as you can see in our videos and photos, we are that for sure.
Well, today we are expecting snow but we are still too young to go outside so human mommy says if it really snows like they say it will, then she's going to bring some into the house so we can get familiar with it. Now that ought to be interesting!
Looking at this photo, mommy is noticing our looks are changing. The mostly white one is thinning out - still teddy bearish but way handsome and he's such a character - well they all are Wasabi says but each are clearly different these days and as the week goes on and we hit week 6 and 7, well personalities will continue to unfold but not a skittish one in the bunch. Some are quieter than others but none are off the wall spaz cases or human mommy may be working to change that. They all seem to have mommy's calming demeanor but some more playful than others. The job - well it's easy this time around as they are all so equal - but as we say unique and that's quite nice!
Well, it's playtime so off the keyboard I go and we get to tucker the little ones out. They play and drop dead asleep and are now eating at least a full meal instead of me - Wasabi so I get a break! As time goes on we will make that 2 meals then three etc...
I couldn't be in yesterday's video as they wouldn't leave me alone. Sometimes they just think I am the milk factory - sigh!
Well....more tomorrow!
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