
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Brace Win & Much Fun

We had a grand time at the show meeting new people and renewing relationships.

We even had the bonus of seeing some of our dog or puppy people and Liz and Sylvie and Sebastian's mom and dad, and Kirsten and family, and Anne and the kids with Colin stuck outside with Louis who they wouldn't let into the show (his puppy cut must have given him away as a non competitor) ;-) and on and on and on.

It was great fun even with double pneumonia. (Darlah has been sick for going on a month. Naturally she has not stopped or barely slowed down but she really is slowly getting better.)

The best part was Nathan's win on the brace as it was almost comedy in action but the gals actually performed quite well with no practice but the other team didn't have much either. (The other team had the Best of Winners winner and Award of Merit winner so no slouches you understand.) Abs was in her first heat and at Yvonne's until the Thursday night before the show and by the time she got back, well who had time to practice two dogs walking in sync. But Nathan knew the dogs, switched in mid-action as he knew Abigail now had to be on the outside and it all ended strong other than Abs deciding - hey maybe I can pounce on Fiona a little here. The claps were wonderful. Deb and her pair was wonderful and Delilah - Abs sister, won really big all weekend and so did many of the Rockhurst dogs. Abs came in 3rd in her class, Fiona 4th and 3rd twice in her class and bottom line - it was fun but anything and everything was going wrong. It was like a comedy of errors starting with me being so sick, people thought I was mad. That was just me with a brain in so much fog I couldn't think straight but I wanted to be there to support the crew and enjoy and we did.

To all the winners - Norm and Cheryl's tears over Magical Mandy winning Best in Breed at the National Specialty and retiring - well priceless - all of it. I will let Nathan fill you in on the funny moments and we promise you photos but 8 DVDs worth - yeouch.

More later...or more from Nathan.


Another Day at a Show

Only Fiona is going to the show today and then we have a very late night. We will fill you in on everything with great pics and much more when we return.

Also, we are awaiting to see if Wasabi is pregnant. Now how cool is that? If she is she will be delivering around Christmas. Cross your fingers as we will once again have a ton of videos of the fun times we have with pups.

PS: we also have a true treasure joining us on December 12th. More about that later!


Brace Babies

Abigail and Fiona and Nathan on lead won brace but we are too busy to post photos and way too sick still but we promise we will. No rest for the weary.

But I tell you - it was fun - sick or not. What a nice experience to be surrounded by all that Hav Love.

More later>>


Long Weekend

Still VERY sick but doing the best we can. We will be at the show so no updates till tonight or tomorrow. Sorry folks!

Come see the Havanese - gorgeous they are!


At the Show

We will be at the show - still under the weather but we will be posting photos later on. Hope to see you there!


Oh Woe is Me Says Kat

Well off I go on an adventure to stay with Yvonne's hubby Alex and their old gal Britney who looks like an oversized Havanese but they say she's a Beardie. She rather likes me but she seems to be more gal than I can handle.

I haven't been on an overnight stay without the human parents since I was a little one. They say it will be fun. Alex tells me we are going to have a boys weekend - whatever that is!

All the girls are coming back home and I have to go due to this thing called heat where I lose my brains. Really - I know where they are.

Oh well, I will survive but will Alex? Time will tell.

The specialty is being held in Toronto so many Havanese will be strutting their stuff. Did you buy raffle tickets?

Fiona and Abs is in a brace but due to that 'heat' thing they were unable to practice so we do not have high expectations other than lots of laughs. But that will make it great too. I hear we will have 2 other serious bracers against us. May the best brace win!


Snow Ball Faced Havanese

Fiona is destined to be a ball of snowballs. She adores the snow as you can see.

She plows through the whites stuff with wild abandonment. It's as if she is at a new amusement park and the outside are her rides.

Miss Abs & Wasabi woo comes home tomorrow and I can't wait to see them.

Much to do before then but in between that snow fun gives me giggles. It's nice. Hope you are enjoying the snow too!


Order of the Havanese Pack

Here Fiona is giving kisses to Risa. In a pack, the crew usually all give kisses to the alpha of the pack. So far, Risa seems to retain this position.

It's a position that takes a lot of work.

Each pack member has its own job and that can change. Add another and things get shifted all around at times.

I find it a fascinating thing to watch. The way the Havanese come together and become a tight knit pack as they seem to do here is fascinating.

When one is gone, it upsets the pack and it changes once again.

You can learn a great deal from your Havanese by watching them closely. By getting to know them on this intimate level, you can help them be all they can be.


Havanese Brushout

Shoshi is loving having the Fiona give her so much attention. When Abs is around, it gets piece mealed out.

With everyone being sick here, it means the human is grooming less and just lovin' more but she will pay with more work. It's easier to do a brush out a day and skip here and there than to do one once a week but that's my philosophy. You tend to get rid it it easier as you can get it at the start, not when it's a solid mat. But Shoshi - who used to be the nightmare of nightmares when she was blowing her coat - now in a shorter coat growing out is not. Beyond her feet and sometimes her neck when the pups play with her, she remains mat free. Is it the cut, the daily brushing or what! I will tell you no brushing for 2 days and I brushed her out today and nothing but when I say brush out, I can put a comb in their hair in all directions. That type of a brush/comb out should last for days. Without using a comb on all layers, you are most apt to miss a knor or two. Not the end of the world but something to be aware of.

Three dogs down - a few more to go and then the couch and Havanese drape thing is going to occur.


Low Key Havanese Day

I bet you that you are getting bloody sick of hearing that the humans are sick but boy 3 weeks and counting for the female human. She can't even muster a walk. Things were getting better and then back to being way sick. We think the dogs are growing weary of this.

What's interesting is the dogs smell my breath often. Not sure what they are smelling but they are.

Here's the Shoshi with Fiona playing. They are a mess - the human is a mess and we will survive. Hoping to get well NOW!

More tomorrow!


Try, Try & Try Again

Fiona had a bath today before next week to try some new products out on her coat. When you get them ready for a show, they often become a test case more so than a pet dog but what happens is you explore so many products that you find what works for you.

Here Fiona is so clean and then it starts to rain - go figure. Well, at least she had her walk in and she smells and feels scrumptious.

The old humans are way sick though so crawling into bed to try to get well.

We will post more later or tomorrow.

Booooooo - what is your canine wearing for Halloween?


Missing Abigail

We Miss Abs so much...she's still at Yvonne's having a grand time and what is that about?

Ah fair weather dogs - wherever you are is the best place to be.

We are all sick....trying to get well for the specialty.


When your dog goes elsewhere and adapts easily - well that's a 'good' thing. It means your dog is balanced.


There's a Havanese Under There

Fiona looks like Wild Child - yeah that is what we should have called her. There's another Havanese under here too - Shoshi and they are playing crazy. It's nice to see.

We are still missing the Wasabi and the Abs. There's still way sick humans but life moves forward - dogs play and we enjoy them.

Couldn't get better than that - could it?

Are your dawgs dressing up for Halloween?

More tomorrow.>>


Hookups, Snow & Puppy Possibilities

Well, the snow is disaPPEARING but that Fiona misses it. Me, I am not sure. I got washed yesterday despite mommy being sick so she must have felt I was really bad. That's okay - she snuggled with me extra cause she thinks I smell good. I think I smell just fine the other way.

Daddy is still out of town so it's just the mommy out in the back in her jammies - what a sad sight that is. She thinks she has it going on with that big baby blue bathrobe with hearts on it but shhh don't tell her - she doesn't.

Wasabi is going to mingle with the cool Coolio again today to see if they can get another hook up so we can make sure pups will come. Will she - will she not? They usually refuse when the time is past - and usually is the operative word. Today will come with its own story. We shall see.

More later - hoping for warmer times.


Lots Happening at Talemaker

Yeah it snowed today and can you believe most of it stayed in our yard 3/4 of the day but now it's mostly ice.

It's way crazy and they are predicting more snow on Halloween weekend - just in time for the Havanese specialty.

My pack mate sister and I are going to dress up for Halloween and try to win a prize. The secret is in on what we will be - can you guess?

Well, that daddy human is still out of town with our pack mate Wasabi and she was having a tryst with that Coolio guy from Rockhurst (see his picture right here) and they had a tie that lasted 30 minutes. I guess he was making sure we or is that Wasabi and Coolio had pups. They will try it again a couple of times over the next couple of days to make sure we have puppies again in the Talemaker house. If it happens it means they will come during Christmas week. Is that exciting or what?

The human mom is still sick but getting better. We are hoping by weeks end she feels - well - human again.

We are all missing the human dad, the Wasabi woo and Miss Abs. We can't wait till they all return.

More tomorrow...


Hey, There's Bleepin White Stuff Flying

Can you believe it - white stuff coming down and sticking enough that Fiona did the shimmy through it and was in love with the stuff. Risa just hung out and let the stuff stick to her hair.

Oh, it should be gone by tomorrow but still, isn't it way too early for it to be here? No summer - early winter - yeouch! The year that wasn't - I tell ya!

Well, the human female around here still has that thing called pneumonia but she's getting better. Not there yet but they say these things take time.

We were lucky to have a visit from Audrey and Gidget. We will be cuddling with Gidget while Audery goes away and we can't wait. Unfortunately we didn't get a photo of Gidget that we could use as she was trying to play with Kat and bouncing around so fast that everything Nathan took was a blur.

We also had a visit from Jean, her friend Nancy, Quito and Kooba and that was ever so nice. We hear they went up to 'Eye on Fashion' to visit and hope they had a grand time. Nancy is just as nice as Jean is. Just wish I wasn't so much in a fog when they came.

Nathan is still out of town till end of week as he is breeding the Wasabi to the handsome Coolio. Our Abigail is in heat at Yvonne's house and yep there goes that training for brace but Nathan will muck through it - and what will be will be.

Me, I am crawling on to the couch tonight and watching Dexter. What are you watching this fine cold day?


Fiona Misses Her Abs

Well, it's been a pretty much - mom work, groom and do nothing else day so we can get well. It's hell having pneumonia - I tell ya. The dogs just don't get the fact that you can't do everything you usually do.

The crew is missing the Wasabi and the Abs and the human Dad. To top it off, the computer is not cooperating so not such a fun day but if you are dealing with anything similar - know tomorrow is another Havanese day. Hug them - love them and enjoy. They are the greatest infusion of joy.

No photo today - not up to taking any today - but we hope you understand.

Boy that human daddy is going to love cleaning up teh backyard - NOT.


Quiet Times Havanese Style

Fiona is acting way sucky - unlike her and she is playing with Terra in a strange way - wriggling her body all over the floor and pouncing on her. She doesn't usually play with Terra but Abigail is gone so she tries.

It's okay as I still am sick and Nathan is away so we will hang out and watch TV and chill.

Fiona just finished eating and she had a saturated beard on one side. Now you tell me - how does that happen that only one side gets like that? Does she eat sideways? ROFL

Have you bought your Havanese grooming book? It's a must to get, IMHO. We have it to bring to the specialty so come out to it and buy it and if you can't, drop in here after Nathan is back and buy it from here. It is chock full of tips.


Rockhurst Puppies in Action

Catch Rockhurst pups in action. Hope this fills your puppy fix. Look at those pups. hehehehe


Fiona Misses Abigail

What a suck Fiona is turning out to be. She truly misses her Abigail. I never saw her hang out and do nothing so much in her life. Oh, she has played with Terra and Shoshi but not the same.

It's interesting how everything changes when one or two leaves.

Am hoping she pulls out of this. Plus - I think she is missing her Daddy - Abigail too as she follows Alex around everywhere and howls her howl if she perceives herself left alone.

More later>>