Leaving Your Havanese Behind

Last night we went to handling class with just Kat and Treasure was miffed, to say the least. She rather likes the classes but she had just finished 3 days of show and we felt she needed a break despite what she thinks. Tonight she is back to handling class.
There's a fine art to balance when training. You can't do it so much that they get bored or don't find it as a treat to go to class so leaving Treasure behind at times is a good thing despite her - but daddies that she so prominently displays.
We bought these 'no bark' devices from Home Hardware and placed one at the front door. We had a few barkers that we were boarding at the same time and it got our pack barking in unison. I don't mind a few barks but then that should be enough. It hasn't stopped the barking totally but it has stopped the number of times. What it does is put out a high pitched sound that they can only hear. It doesn't hurt them. It's a sound correction. Will it work long term - don't think that is necessary if you use it as an attention thing and use your usual correction - you should be able to shut them off and still have the same affect with the anticipation. So far - day 1 - it's doing the attention thing so we can correct. We will see what happens when we get a boarder or two that likes to bark. We have one on our deck but may need another further out. We shall see.
Bad news - they need batteries and who knows how long they will last.
Two weeks till Wasabi's ultrasound. Why do the days string out when you want them to go by fast and zip by when you don't want them to?
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