Another Show Day: Simcoe

Here's the 3 at the show yesterday. If you think it is easy showing 3 at a time - well it's a tad - well challenging the way we do it but that's okay. I had all three on the table waiting their turn to be brushed.
Last night I had to wash the crew. I fudged - I half washed Treasure - fully washed the other two. I was out of steam. Treasure wasn't dirty other than underneath and her feet and her face so that is what I did. My bad but it was almost a full bath and thinking back on it, I may as well just had done the whole thing but it did save me a bit of time. Tonight I get to wash only 2 as Fiona is staying home. It will be much easier with 2 but get this, we are on at 9am - yikes - yeah Happy Mother's Day to me.
I then went to bed crashing hard with Wasabi, Shoshi and Katsura. Kat would have none of that sleep stuff so I may be sleeping in the car. This heat business is getting old. It's almost 530am and I have to wake the crew up soon anyways so we can get back on the road yet again - to another dog show.
No dog show next week - hooray and the next one is only with Treasure - much easier for ME!
Well, today we are going to drop Val off and we are - well I am hoping to buy some plants. There are a bunch of greenhouses and nurseries out that way and that will be my Mother's Day or celebration to me for surviving. Don't want to do it tomorrow as it will probably be a zoo but hoping we find the time today. We shall see.
Hoping for a good day at the show. Win or lose - it's a great chat!
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