Havanese & Wet & Nails and Ears

I have the wet blues. Mommy says I have a show tomorrow but I do adore the rain. I like to stand out in it, jump in the puddles, and simply get a terrible mess. Puppies are supposed to do that and usually she lets me but not the day before a show. I mean - she's going to wash me TONIGHT but she's afraid she will have to do it earlier and then have an extra long time keeping me clean. Mommy - can't you bathe me twice? I never thought I would say that ...but....
Well, if that wasn't enough, Wasabi is acting like she is the boss around here. That's usually Risa's job. Okay - even if you are preggie - don't you know *I* am the real boss around this place. Just watch..I give this look and everyone just does whatever I want - yeah right!
Last night Daddy did nails on the dogs and Fiona just HATES her nails done. So, he tried - she squirmed so Mommy held and he cut and all was good but if she had her way, she would have not had them done even though they were truly needed.
Some of us have strong willed dogs but you must persist with baths, nails, brushing tummies and feet - anything that they feel they don't like as it's necessary. If you can't do the nails many vets will but that costs and many groomers will. But don't think the nails are getting grounded down naturally unless you are doing marathon walks on cement daily.
Ooops and don't forget to check the ears - smell them and make sure you don't have an infection coming on. We do not usually have one but Wasabi had one that just wouldn't go away and after two different meds and lots of treatment - it went. It does happen - just not all that often.
After this wet - do a brushing to eliminate any knots setting in. You will be glad you did.
Oh well - shows - busy times and hopefully we will survive. Hoping you have an easier time and we get Zack and Coco a week from Friday - how cool is that? We are excited!