Abigail Championship

Well, Abigail now has 13 points - you need 10 for their championship and the question is - do we cut her down or do we leave her in full coat? What do you think?
That's it - Abigail can play to her heart's delight and muck it up, swim and not have mommy give her all those deep conditioning baths.
Life is going to be sooooooooooo much fun. ROFL
Reader Comments (3)
wow... does nathan ever look like a proud papa!!
no plans to play with her as a special?
why not cut her down? it is so hard to make that first snip...i couldnt even do petey myself. or just trim it shorter, leave ears and tail long. leave the body about 2 inches long and trim up the legs pretty short so they dont bring in the sticks and grass.
leaving them a bit shaggy is nice because they still look like havanese, but you can trim them up so you dont have to clean feet, bums etc. i call it a "convenience clip"
congrats again!!
Both loocking so proud and happy.
Maybe soon Jazzy can run with the Champions?
You are right, Claire - hard to do that first snip. No special - just a fun thing if we bring them out so I sit on a fence - to cut or not.
Love to see Jazzy but next weekend you should come to the Richmond Hill show. We are there with Treasure.