
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Wet & Dreary Day

Now that you have seen Kat when he is all neatly brushed (below in yesterday's note), today he had a who cares what I do day. Still a handsome guy in our opinion but he went from that tux look to that casual look all in one day.

Mommy caught up on brushing the crew thoroughly and just let then roll and play and have fun as that is what a Havanese really should do. What fun is life is you don't muck it up when you can and that includes those human types. We all need that!!

Click on the photo to see a closer view.

Abs had a haircut months ago now and her hair is starting to come back in - so is Shoshi's and Risa's. Shall I cut - shall I keep longer?

Do you go through that too?

Well, our last puppy goes on Thursday and a visiting puppy comes on Wednesday.

We are truly looking forward to the visiting dawgs this month. They all sleep in our bed unless they are here long term and an owner needs them to stay crate trained. Then they sleep right next to the bed loved and coddled still.

We had a visiting bichon and she had an x-pen in our bedroom as that is what the owner required but play sessions before bed, cozy blankets and pillows and beds at night and first thing she was back in the mix running with the rest. Besides, she did our crazy bedtime crawl under the blankets and play on our bed before she caught some zzzs.

So, we do make exceptions to our rule - that they must sleep on the bed with us. We do listen. :-)

Can't wait till we have visitors. December will be an absolutely fun adventure. You'll just have to drop by and read the antics of everyone at Talemaker Havanese.


Our Canine Good Neighbour Boy

What is a Canine Good Neighbour Award?

It's a certification program that test dogs that have the training and demeanor to be reliable family members as well as good-standing community members. The testing takes place in a busy public area, such as a shopping mall or a dog show. Kat took his test today and passed with flying colours.

He even managed to put smiles on many faces when he did his recall showing more enthusiasm than they have ever seen.

Everyone else had their down/stay on a very long lead but Kat did his with his lead dropped and Nathan just walking away. He stayed no matter what he did.

Kat has not been in obedience for a long time and we must admit we haven't been doing our reinforcements. We have been doing so many other things with the dogs but it all came back.

What do you have to do to pass? 12 out of 12 and it was a breeze for this guy. Anyone can take the test and get their award. All you have to do is practice or do obedience, forget about it and then take the test without. hahaha

Testing includes the following:

Accepting a friendly stranger — The owner of the dog shakes hands with a friendly stranger.

Patiently sitting for petting — A test for shyness and resentment.

Appearance & grooming — The owner's care and sense of responsibility is seen in how his dog is kept.

Out for a walk — Illustrating handler's control of the dog. Kat heeled perfectly.

Walking through a crowd — Demonstrating how the dog moves in a crowd without unduly distress and under his owner's control.

Commands — Sit, Down, Stay. Illustrating that the dog has been trained and responds well.

Come when called (long line) Nathan used nothing.

Praise/interactions — Illustrating the relationship between dog and owner.

Reaction to passing dogs — Demonstrates if the dog behaves politely around other dogs.

Distractions — Demonstrates the dog's confidence when faced with common distractions.

Supervised isolation — Demonstrates whether the dog can be left with someone other than his usual handler and still maintain training and good manners. Nathan left Kat with a stranger, put Kat in stay, and left for 5 minutes.

Walking through a door or gate and making sure the dog doesn't bolt.

*Any dog that jumps up on a person, lunges at another dog or displays unruly behaviour is disqualified.

Upon successful completion of the test, the owner is awarded a certificate signifying that he or she is a responsible dog owner who has taken the time and effort to provide their dog with basic good manners and that, on the day of testing, the dog demonstrated that it is a socially acceptable dog.

Dogs that have solid obedience training are a pleasure to live with, adapt well to a human living environment, exhibit good manners in the presence of people and other dogs and are content in the company of the owner who took the time to provide training, intellectual stimulation and an enriched quality of life.

Here's the benefits:

Dog owners learn how well their canine companions behave under normal on-the-street conditions around other people and dogs.

Dog owners can proudly display the Certificate with the Responsible Dog Owners of Canada seal that signifies that on the day of testing the dog demonstrated good basic manners and behaviour.

Dog owners will appreciate that their well-behaved dogs are more readily accepted wherever they go because of their good manners.

Dogs will be much happier because they will be able to spend more time with their humans in many more places.

You should go for it. If interested, let us know and we will tell you where testing is available near you.

Ours was hosted by the Rottie club so we saw mostly Rotties taking the test but even though we were the only small dog waiting our turn, we got to see how Kat did around Rotties. We also saw how well he remembered his commands.

♥ Marlou ♥ said...
oh my goodness, this is the most beautiful dog, I love him :)

November 30, 2009 5:42 PM

Anonymous said...
Need I say more?
Even Jazz is by the monitor


Sopping Wet

Don't ya wish it would snow then rain, rain and more rain? We do. We would love it if we had the experience of a first snow with the last puppy but I doubt we will.

Treasure tends to get wet even if there is one puddle in the yard. She can't help herself but that is her personality. Some Havanese love the water and others do not.

Shoshi pokes her head out the door and decides she doesn't do rain. We don't let her get away with it and we take her out anyways. We drop her in the middle of the grass - she does her business and runs as fast as she can to the door.

Do you think Treasure does that? Nah - she embraces it like its her best friend and rolls and jumps and mucks it up.

One breed - all different personalities and we rather like it that way!


Feel Good Havanese

Kat and Wasabi are really close.

Well, Wasabi would like to be real close but Kat's not always game. Sometimes he enjoys laying by oneself and chillin'. He's such a guy!

Did you know that Havanese ownership may be an effective tailored intervention among adults for promoting physical activity?

Want to do something else with your Havanese?

Havanese offer a means of therapeutic visits to the sick, elderly, shut-ins and other populations in need of companionship and acceptance, so often missed among humans. Havanese show no judgment, no prejudice to race, color, religion or anything. They reach out and want to be happy and make others happy. A tail wagging can carry a powerful healing messages, more powerful than any drug. Wags equal smiles to humans, initiating smiles in return, extremely healing with many conditions: childhood leukemia, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, serious burns, and many, many other conditions and afflictions.

Have you thought about therapy? If you do not have the time, what about the healing powers your Havanese can have with your own family?


Dog Language

How do you know what your dog is saying to you and other dogs?

Dog play is often initiated by a play invitation like a play bow and it seems to say, "None of the biting, stalking, or humping I'm about to do is serious, this is just fun, OK?"

This picture shows Wasabi giving a semi play bow to the puppy we have here.

It's hard to figure out what your dog is saying or what another is but you should learn.

Dogs often bark in play. This will usually be higher pitched than that same dog's fear bark or warning bark. You need to observe your little one to truly understand what they are saying and go to Chapters and pick up a book on 'dog body language'.

Rolling on Back
When a dog rolls over on his back with his belly exposed and his legs in the air, he's being submissive. If done in front of another dog, he's saying, "You're the boss and I don't want to fight." When your dog rolls over for you, it could have more than one meaning. If done in anticipation of a scolding, it means, "I don't know how to please you and I'm afraid you're angry. Please accept my apology." Or your dog may be trying to avoid something he doesn't want to do. More often, rolling over is a sign that your dog is happy, trusts you and has a pleasant, low-key nature.

It just means, "Please pet my belly." many dominant dogs won't get to this stage until they totally trust you and how can they if you just met them? Trust is earned and it comes.

Havanese are one of the most loyal beings on earth imho!

Anonymous said...
Understanding our dogs is truly an amazing experience. Dogs do talk to us.My Jazzy has "many barks" tonality from highs to lows, and it took me almost 4 years to recognize it and to understand.Since this communication bridge was crossed, having a Havanese to understand and communicate with has become easy, pleasant and fun.
Do make time to listen to your Havanese.

November 26, 2009 4:55 PM


Missy: A Wasabi Pup

Just got a photo of one of Wasabi's pup - Missy.

I love that hair thing she has going on. She even has Wasabi's half mustache. What a cutie!

Her mom tells me she has silver and brown coming in and it sounds like she has been playing up a storm with her Havanese housemate, Max.

This one went to a friend who lives way too far away. But luckily she pings me on instant message every once in awhile.

It's so great to see photos and hear how the crew is. We really miss the crew when they leave and always want to hear how they are doing.

Today, I gave Whitney, Kat and Abigail a bath. The big job was Whitney as she is 14 years old and collapsed a number of times and she has moments where she's not doing well and today was it.

So, every time you think a Havanese is a job to wash, think of me with 2 goldens - 1 with bad legs - another with dementia and you may laugh when you get a tad wet from that bath with your Havanese. It's not that bad - honest!

Well, Abigail - after I got her done decided to rub her body all over the place making sure she looks a mess but she smells and feels wonderful. If only I had the energy to do the rest all in one day.

Now to get some work done and groom the rest of the crew. Yep, sometimes I don't get it done til I am sitting and watching TV. What about you?

Tip of the Day:

If your puppy pees on your carpet, try this. After soaking up most of the mess with paper towel, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the area and leave it to absorb both the traces of urine and the odor.


WET Stuff

What is someone to do if it's raining outside? Keep their dawgs in and use a pad or get them outside and worry about all that dirty muck?

Here at Talemaker we prefer to make sure the dawgs are not concerned about the elements by taking them outside and enjoying all sorts of weather. It's called slow conditioning or in this case, sopping condition.

As we tend to go out with the dawgs or otherwise how could we get great moments to remember, we too get wet but we dress for it. Unfortunately, the dawgs aren't but even with the mud and guck, they dry, you brush it out and they don't look dirty.

You can also rinse their feet and under carriage and if they get in a condition that they need to, I do. In this photo, Treasure's not there yet and the dirt just fell off of her - bonus!

Here's a thought to ponder...and do give me feedback when you think it through.

Many dog owners say that they grieve more over the loss of a favorite dog than they do over the loss of a parent, a close friend, or a spouse. These owners say that losing their dog is like losing a part of themselves. That may be because parents, spouses, and friends have ego boundaries. Dogs don't. As a result it becomes easier for us to see our dogs as indivisible from our own thoughts, making us susceptible to the belief that they think more like we do.

What do you think?


Butt to Butt

Okay, what is she going to talk about with THIS photo?

Well, Wasabi really vys for Kat's attention each and every day. She tries to give him kisses over and over again and it drives Kat crazy.

When she does, he growls under his breath at her getting louder and louder but this only entices her to do it more.

Then he corrects her putting her down and she is still relentless. It's a game he acts so irritated with but seems to enjoy the attention.

It's so funny to watch and quite interesting the bonding relationships the crew has with each other. They accept they are a part of the whole except Treasure who thinks she should be the top dog always. ROFL


Another Wasaabi Puppy Visit

Saki came to visit and I was able to get a better photo of her than Chewie as she posed for me. She's a gal with atti-tude.

Chewie was high driven play cutie - always on the go type. Oh Saki can be too but she paced herself making it easier to capture a photo.

Saki is a high jetting traveller and is back to Texas for the holidays. She likes the city but something about her owner putting on flip flops with all that cruel weather there - NOT - well she thinks that is some great lifestyle. I do too...hehehehe

Everytime she wants cool, crisp air - well she just flies on back there. Wait till she sees snow when she comes back after the holidays.

Saki had her first hairdo at Valerie Weston's salon.

Chewie and Saki have that love of life and that's so nice to see. It was a delight to see them both.

We hope Saki's human mom feels better. She's under the weather so we are sending out paws-i-tive vibes her way.

Nathan ran around with the dawgs - what a guy - in his usual fashion despite he had tripped earlier today on something and really hurt his back and I mean really hurt it. Anything for the dawgs.

They adore it and I love seeing them run with him.

Now even though we play in the back and we do play with the crew - retrieve - running - fun games, we still get in a walk a day with each and every one of them.

It's important for their minds and bodies. Mine too. hehehehe

Good news, Risa has dropped her weight. She was becoming too heavy. She is now 1lb away from her goal and feeling great and active as all get out. It's wonderful to see. It's amazing what a little weight off can do to the energy level.

How did we do it? Walks - less food and only 1 treat at grooming time. She wasn't happy that first month - whining and looking for food but now she's adjusted and health wise and activity wise - she's a much happier gal and we probably added time to her life. We indeed added quality of life to her regiment

Now it's my turn as soon as the pups are gone.

This losing weight business - well it ain't easy.

Get out, rake some leaves and play with your Havanese and have someone take photos. I would love to see! We may even be able to get it into next year's calendar.


Wasabi Pup Comes to Visit

Chewie came over for a visit with his humans. It was an unexpected visit and it was fun.

He is such a happy boy going a mile a minute with his tail. It was great to see.

Tomorrow Saki comes for a visit and we are hoping it doesn't rain.

Chewie is going all silver like his dad. It's going to be interesting seeing him next summer and seeing the changes.

Here's a neat trick to teach your little one.

Flip a Treat
This trick is fun for both your Havanese and his audience. And it's easy, too.
•Hold your left hand under your dog's muzzle and place a treat on the end of his nose with your right hand. Slowly move your hands away as you give the command "Take it!"

•During the first few attempts, the treat will probably go flying over your dog's head. Grab it before he does and repeat. Eventually he'll figure out how to snatch the treat in midair.

•Teaching your dog to wait for your verbal cue before grabbing the treat requires a hold command and a release command. Place your left hand under your Havanese's muzzle and the treat on his nose with your right, then look into his eyes and say, "Hold it" in a low, assertive tone.

•Slowly remove your hand from his muzzle and say, "Take it!" If he begins to go for the treat before your command, repeat the hold cue.


Vinegar and Oil

Oh this duo is always trying to do a one upmanship.

It reminds us of two of our daughters. They either adore each other or they think the other one has to be beneath them as they are top dawg!
I just love both from the bottom of my heart but they - mostly that Treasie keeps you on your toes thinking.

The younger set actually play quite well with the older set and scramble up and down the stairs with ease. It's amazing!

Each day we take them out at least 4 times a day and then run around like banshees and sleep a deep dawgie sleep. Activity equals sleep.


Fiona's Empty Nest

They start going home tomorrow.

What's a mother to do when the pups are leaving the nest?

We make sure they do not go all at once and that makes it easier.

Ah - but we will miss them!


Havanese Calendar On Sale NOW!

Over 75 photos of beautiful Havanese
resting, playing, having fun
and doing everything that Havanese do best!

* Order your Copy Today *

You will recognize many of these dogs. It's a delightful gift for the holidays and will provide year round enjoyment. Proceeds go to the Havanese Fanciers of Canada, the national breed club for the Havanese. Both Nathan and I are members. Nathan is actually the Ontario Director.

Buy one today! If you are living local to us, visit and pick it up personally. You will get bonus kisses from many Havanese and if you bring a dog or two with you everyone wins. We call that PLAYDATE!


Funny Havanese Games

If you click on this photo, you can see a larger view. In it you will see Treasure sticking her tongue out at Abigail. These two gals have a face down all the time.

It's not Abigail. It's Treasure who wants to be top dog and Abigail says - who you - not you - couldn't be. hehehehehe

Treasure is a strong personality. She's fun. she's lovely and she will make you laugh but she needs boundaries. She's the kid that you say don't cross that line and she is edging her paw out seeing if you are looking.

This type of dawg is a huge ball of fun but you have to be boss and they have to understand that when they cross the line - no matter how cute you think it is, you have to set boundaries. Dawgs thrive with rules and boundaries - just some have to try to see what they can get away with and if allowed...well they will end up testing you to the point where you are not happy.

So, instead of playing recovery - set your rules and give positive reinforcement. Try not to laugh when they do something bad that is equally funny.

Your dawg is what you put in to them. They are worth it!!


Our Visitors Have a Great Time

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Hannah having a terrible time


When Do You Say Enough?

It's rather hard when one of our canine pals is dealing with illness or injuries. When do you say - it's time. It's different for everyone. That's okay but sometimes when you are in the thick of it, you can't see.

We would give our last meal to our dawgs. We adore them so. We fall hard for all our visitors too. It's just us.

Terra had a cruciate operation and has grade 4 hip dysplasia - not good. The vet said most would have put her down. I asked -will she be functioning again? Seeing she has 2 legs to do - he said there's a good chance but won't know till we see if she can strengthen her back end. She absolutely has atrophy from not using her leg. She must be walked around the block 3 times a day steady slow pace. It takes about 20 minutes each go around. Today she is in for her first rehabilitation on the underwater treadmill. I asked Nathan to take photos. I am hoping she does well.

Are we doing this for her or us? To be honest - both but if she had to live with constant pain, I would rethink this process. She will absolutely have arthritis. Perhaps be on Metacam all the rest of her life or maybe not.

She so much wants to be running like Treasure here and we can't blame her.

Before you read this as such a downer - it isn't. It's something we are all faced with eventually in humans and canines.

I do believe Terra is behind in her healing but she is also dealing with a hip and another bad leg - rather a tough one but if you saw her face when Nathan took just her to the car - well priceless.

Our big dawgs are a key element here - socializing the smaller sets to the big dawgs so they find that they are larger but just as friendly. That's important. Of course not all big dogs will be friendly but they must learn size is not a factor - it's about the dawg.

Gad, in our neighbourhood the dawgs must learn that even humans can be afraid of them. We try to get people over that but not always successful.

The puppies that will be 10 weeks tomorrow climb all over Terra and Whitney. They kiss them and snuggle with them. Plus the Goldens just truly know how to be a part of the Havanese pack.

We may never get a Golden after Whitney and Terra but we will always have some big dawg in our lives if we can. For us, the socialization element is critical and it is critical for people to expose their dawgs after they leave and have had their shots - to all sorts of things from dawgs to elevators to balloons etc.

Treasure the moments you have. Make the most of life and enjoy the laughter the Havanese bring - and they do - if you allow.


Always Changing

This photo begs the question, will Nathan be laying on the ground in the snow with pups? Time will tell.

The puppies start going on Friday. We will then be down to 3 till Monday when another goes and on Tuesday yet another. Then we have a boarder coming then the last one - the first born gone. more puppies.

But come December we have boarders that will keep us busy and hopefully we will hear stories and get photos and hear all about their new adventures.

We feel like we are always in a flux of change around here but that's okay. Change is fun and good and different and it's life. :-)

Just got back from a walk with all the dogs - 2 at a time - Nathan does 2, I do 2 and so we go on multiple walks. We try to change the routes to make it interesting. Dogs and people get bored with the same old route day in and day out.


Clothing and Face Furnishings

Look at what these humans do to me.

Okay, I don't seem to mind - I just look downright funny but my face stays cleaner for the show.It's boy stuff putting my face in all sorts of places it shouldn't be...not neutered boys.

That's okay, winter is coming and Mommy will put these jackets on us when the snow is extra wet so we don't get ice balls. Yes, we get a very cold snowball tummy but if there is a jacket covering that tummy, well only the legs get it. It has to be certain type of snow and it can get washed off easily but for us its an assembly line dressing everyone.

Why are we talking about snow? It's coming - eventually... Best be prepared.


Baths: Gidget

Gidget got her bath today as she is going home tomorrow. We are at a show for part of the day while our son plays with the crew so instead of having her owner wait till after I bathe her tomorrow, I did it today and if I need to freshen her up, I will tomorrow.

Gidget is not white as some of us thought but rather a wonderful creamy beige overtone. I washed her with a whitener shampoo from Pure Paws and then conditioned her with their ultra conditioner and threw a couple of capfuls of silk in and then did a silky rinse and her hair came out wonderful. I hope it lasts till tomorrow.

Looking at this picture, one wonders what she is smiling about. Is it due to getting away with rolling all over and messing up my handiwork?

Of course it is and what a delightful ball of fun. We will miss this gal. Gidget goes home tomorrow afternoon and now I will try to keep her clean till then...right.
Off to take the puppies outside...


Frazzled Play

We had visitors over while Shanty was getting picked up to go to her new home and as you can see, the Tibetan Terrier - who won big yesterday was playing up a storm with the Bichon. She was also in the show but didn't fare as well.

That's the show world for you. You never know...

We are back at it again today - and home earlier.

Gidget goes home tomorrow and I will miss her sleeping in and cuddling up in our comforters after everyone else has decided it was time to be up. She is a comfort gal and I don't blame her and she wil be missed.

Then we are down to just our own dogs. Can you imagine that?

More later...>>