Too Hot

WE just started walking the dogs. Yes, it's after 9 but it's been really hot and we mix things up by walking them at night when it is like this. This way they still enjoy a walk and we don't have to worry about heat exertion.
As I type, Archie and Katsura is out for their walk with Dennis. Archie is back to feeling like his old self. That's good as Hugo and Milo come to visit on Thursday. Tomorrow they say it's supposed to be just as hot as it was today so we are going to try some indoor games. Today we concentrated on grooming and keeping cool.
We couldn't do a heck of a lot as the air finally came on at noon and as everyone knows, it takes 24 hours to really feel the result.
Tomorrow I promise pictures even if it is inside.
Not to worry. We are still enjoying just chillin'!