
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker havanese puppies for sale ontario (30)


Brie & Colby

We have had a very busy day. Brie and Colby arrived for the weekend.

Roxie went to the show and didn't get any points but expected with just 2 handling classes. Why just 2? Well, we had all that breeding craziness and no air in the car and in the house so it was a tad non conducive to having dogs travel except on a cool night.

Thta's okay. This will be practice for the real thing but still I had to get her ready and that's a lot of work.

Them when Brie and Colby arrived the air guys were just getting ready to go. We had a hole in our furnace about the size of oh a oversized golf ball. So all the freon was disappearing through there as the system is all connected (heater and air conditioner).

After a bill that was several hundreds cheaper if you paid cash ahem but let's put it this way I could of went out and got a new high end DSLR camera for this cost - one I really want - well we now have air. Due to our heater being 25 years old and a builders special our fan that pumps the air out is under par so it will take a solid 24 hours before we feel it. If I go outside and back in it feels comfie inside - not cool - just not sweaty. Upstairs is not faring as well. I guess next big purchase will be a heater. :-( But we do have air.

I did sweat up a storm washing Roxie, Panda and Logan under those lovely dryers but hoping their next weekl wash is in comfort.

We slowly introduced Colby to the crew. He's much better than the first time we saw him and even the 2nd time we saw him and he is NOT sticking to Brie like glue - bravo Colby. He does like Mugs an awful lot and he loves the garden. He really loves Dennis and tolerates my hugs and attentions almost confused on if he should like them or not. I am pleased at how he is doing but determined to get him to like me like he likes Dennis hahahaha. He was a tad shy when we first met him so this weekend will do him a lot of good. It's all positive conditioning.

Brie is a crazy gal excited and yes Wasabi and Abigail remembered her. She flits through the house like she owns it and was highly curious about the pool cleaner and why it made noise when it came up too close to air.

We are going to let them adjust and then take them swimming tomorrow perhaps.

After Logan and Panda go home we are back in the pool with the dawgs outside with us - a tad bit of heaven and who knows maybe some will join us. We shall see.


Old Times

I found this photo and it reminded me that maybe spring is around the corner. We shall see. The garden grows. I complain about the weeds and everyone doesn't see what I see so that's okay.

The plants growing give the pups places to hide and things to do. I rather like that!

Supposedly during March break its supposed to be as high as 18c. That means mud and lots of cleanup. Gad help me. You may be wiping me up from the floor but maybe I will continue to lose weight and get to goal before short season. We shall see.

Today I was rather spent but I watched Idol. I had to play catch-up. We were draped with dogs. We did this after we had puppies out in the hallway and I will probably share that video tomorrow.

I vowed tomorrow no grooming just so I have a day of recovery. Then On Sunday I will start my usual daily regiment. I have a sneaky suspicion I will be dealing with mud too. Wish I had a huge tarp that covered my backyard that shook off the dirt every time they came in. hahahahahahahahahaha

We have a few visitors as it is March Break and I do have fun when we have visitors but please can we eliminate the mud? Even Terra finds it these days and Treasure well she swims in it.

If I ever won the lottery I would hire someone just to do mud cleanups and grooming just so I could be the Disneyland dawgie mom. Yeah...right and what planet do I live on....


Sparky & the Vets

Hi Nathan and Darlah,

All is well. Sparky is terrific!

Just had Sparky's annual check-up and rabies shot.

He's Florida bound soon!


Can't wait to see an updated photo of him in the sun but I just adore his chillin' attitude. We will be envious that he is enjoying a salt water pool and we will be shovelling perhaps.


Before the Rain Hit

 We had a blast before the rain hit and now Roxie, Panda, Logan, Cooper and his new parents went to class with Nathan.

This is the first class I have ever missed but for some strange reason my tummy is not cooperating. I was going to go and I still want to be there but as sick as I just got, well I am also glad I didn't go. <sigh>

I just hope I get some photos from this. It is Coopers first class after all. :-( His new mom said she would take photos.

We have had a funny day. Nathan had to run errands. I was grooming. It's obvious to me that Treasure and Fiona and Shoshi needs a bath but Shoshi has a hotspot right on her face. We think she got stung by an insect and she had a reaction so no bath till that goes away.

But as you can see in this photo, it's not stopping her in the least!


Spice Needs a Bath

The thing is Spice needs a bath BEFORE the picnic but it is Tuesday and she needs one NOW. What to do?

I may wash her anyway but we shall see. I am trying to not do it twice. :-) It is only 3 days till wash day if I wash her the night before. Can I wait...

We have had a couple of visitors come over and Spice is turning into the gal the boys all want. I went oh oh she is coming into her first heat but not so.

It has to be that charming personality that she has and oh boy she does.

Did you know that this particular Wasabi's litter is her full brothers and sisters? I think they have her personality.


Charlie & Daisy Goes Home

Charlie and Daisy went home and it's ever so quiet around here. What happened?

I think 2 play monkeys went home and funny I miss that when it happens but it also gives the rest of the crew a tad bit of time to play rest until the next visitor comes.

Daisy is a regular who we adore and Charlie has been here a couple of times now. He is adorable and fun and we enjoy him immensely.

They each had their baths and now are on their way home. Till next time - and we can't wait.

Archie joins us on Monday.

Gad, it's quiet with just Kitzie as the extra here.


Visitors & Pups

Today was a rather hot day.

We have been having a blast. How Daisy gets dirty while Charlie stays much cleaner amazes me. There are just some dogs that find that piece of mud. Have you noticed?

Tomorrow Daisy and Charlie goes home and Kitzie will remain till the end of the weekend. After the weekend ends, we will have Archie joining us. We can't wait!

As you can see in this photo, the pups and the adults get along just fine. Running is a regular thing at our place. It doesn't matter if it is a game of retreive or just a run and games event.

They really enjoy the walks but I tell you, they just adore the play and who can blame them. I love watching and capturing.

Catch today's photos on the Boarders and Visitors page.


No Rest for the Weary

I am way behind as we had visitors and pups are going home tomorrow so I am scrambling to do baths etc so forgive me - photos tomorrow.

Daisy is here overnight and she is playing up a storm with Charlie. It's so wonderful to watch.

We had a couple from Fiona's litter here. It was great fun.

Now to play catch-up.


Visitors & Surprise!

Well today we came back from an ultrasound and Fiona is pregnant. Check out Fiona's photo page for more news.

Keep following us for more surprises. Shh I can't tell yet what they are yet.

WE had a nice warm day.

Today we got to see Fiona's pup Mia and she is a gorgeous silver and white like Kat. She started out as a black and white. We also have Kitzie visiting us and she was from Fiona's last litter as you can see in this photo that her last litter was multi-coloured.

Charlie is also visiting us and is in love with Abigail. Abigail has found her play back with the adults and it is nice to see. I was worried after the pups leave if she would be back into the old Abigail but it looks like she will. We really enjoy how Charlie and Abigail play.

WE only have a few photos from today but I hope you enjoy.


Road Trippin' Talemaker Havanese Style

Yesterday we went on a road trip with 2 Havanese boarders, Charlie and Fiona's daughter Kitzie and 5 puppies and all of our dawgs.

Have we lost our minds? Nah..we are dawg friendly and slow conditioned. hehehehehehe

Everyone had a great time. They played their hearts out. Ate up a storm when we returned home and slept all the way home. It all worked.

This is a good social event as it helps the dogs and the pups experience other friendly dawgs.

Nathan did his usual run around the yard. They all followed after. They loved the garden - well maybe too much. Someone grumbled those 5,000 dollar plants are somehow getting belly flopped on you know but they and the pups survived and so did our 2 visitors and our crew.

Today we had Oreo come to visit to see his new pack mate (one of the pups) and we had one of Yvonne's pups come visit. He sometimes boards with us. It was great to see their daughter Gabby hanging out with the pups saying, mommy, I want that one. heh Kids...

Check out today and yesterday's photos combined on out Boarders and Visitors Photo page. I put them all together - 2 days worth. Some puppy photos are included as the big guys were in them. I also included Big Guy photos in the puppy galleries as well as they just seem t mesh together playing their hearts out with each other.



Lots of Changes at Talemaker Havanese

Let's see, Hugo and Milo went home. This morning Oscar went home. It's back to just our dogs minus two pups that also went home. We will miss them...truly!

It really changes a house like this and the back to our own for a day or 2 is great but the real fun and action is when the visitors arrive as it always adds something new to the mix.

Tomorrow Kitzie, one of Fiona's pups comes to visit and Charlie - a real party dawg Havanese. We really enjoyed him his last visit. He gets to go with us to our friends to hang out and play. They are both in for a treat.

Check out the photos from the last couple of days in the boarder and visitors photo page.

Tomorrow we will have our adventure photos or maybe the next day depending on how late we get back.


So Many Changes at Talemaker Havanese

Oscar goes home tomorrow morning so he had a bath today. So did Hugo and Milo.

By tomorrow we will be down 3 visitors and 2 puppies. Now that's a huge change.

We have really enjoyed having Oscar. He has been a delight. He's not a party monster like Daisy but are all of us humans? Instead he's just like our Risa. He enjoys lazing outside, snuggling, walks, his food and TV watching. He also likes the gals.  He's my kind of guy. hehehehe

We have truly enjoyed him and he feels wonderful after his bath. He's going to be wonderful to snuggle with in bed. We are going to miss him.

Hugo and Milo headed off tonight and they were passed out on the recliner waiting for their moms to bring them home. They too had baths and with all the baths, no time to do photos but I promise I will get some up tomorrow.

We love this duo. They challenge you daily and we scratch our heads trying to figure out who is smarter than a Havanese and Bichon?

More tomorrow...


Changes at Talemaker Havanese

Daisy just went home tonight after her bath. It's been raining off and on today so wet dawgs we certainly had.

Milo and Hugo go home tomorrow. Their parents are going to love seeing them. We got to see Hugo's littermate and boy do they look different. Do bichons actually all look the same? Nah...

If it rains tomorrow, it certainly going to be a challenge keeping this duo clean. I will deserve one of those awards. hahahahaha But we will try and we will succeed.

Rain, rain go away come again another day!

I have really been enjoying Oscar. He rather enjoys my company and I his. He also likes a few of the gals here. He goes home Saturday and we will miss him!

On Sunday Charlie and Kitzie arrive and we may be heading to our friends (weather is supposed to be good) to give the pups exposure in a safe environment and for us to relax and our adult dogs to enjoy. I am really looking forward to it after 2 of the pups going home.

No photos today. I am too tired and vowed the paperwork has to get my attention and so do the pups as they are leaving soon and I need my snuggle, watch tv time with Hugo, Milo, Oscar and our crew. You should see the dogs draped all over us at TV time.

More tomorrow.


Daisy Joins us Overnight

Daisy always enjoys it around this place and she enjoyed seeing Oscar as well. Daisy is a regular and will be here overnight once a week. This way she gets her play going on with the Talemaker crew but she will certainly miss the puppies. She also has Hugo's number and bats her eyes and he follows. hahahaha

Oscar didn't mind all the gremlin puppies around today. I swore I caught him smiling. He seems to be really enjoying himself.

Hugo and Milo has settled in a big way. They didn't like going up the staircase when they first got here especially Hugo but that soon went and now they attempt to run up the stairs. We practice walk vs. run.

The gang had time with our grandkids, our family and everyone seemed to enjoy that. Oscar really liked all the humans around. It gave him a ton of snuggles.

Daisy goes home tomorrow night after her bath and Milo and Hugo head home after their baths on Friday.

Our home is constantly changng and our dawgs and visitors are better off for it. Constants and new visitors add a good and healthy mix of socialization.

Check out today's photos.



Havanese Conversations

Today has been a chillin' day and I do believe Oscar gives the very best hugs ever. Oscar is spending the week here with Hugo and Milo. He is such a laid back dog and loves the walks.

Today has been overcast but we managed to go out a number of times. Oscar is adapting to the puppies and Hugo thinks they are bigger than they are. <heh>

Our son from Iraq is here and I overcooked the roast, almost overcooked the gravy. I could go on but its good to have him here. I usually cook a truly fine roast but hey in life things happen - don't they.

I imagine the dawgs wil love the leftovers. <heh>

No photos today as I am not sure I am capable. I mean what would I do to the photos being this distracted so tomorrow. I hope you understand.


Archie and Oreo Going Home & What the Hey Snow!

Archie went home this morning and Oreo goes home tonight. Hugo and Milo will be hanging out and we will have a brand new visitor Oscar tomorrow that will be with us till Saturday.

I know I wasn't going to do a lot but well it didn't turn out like I imagined. I groomed all the visitors and took a break from my own. It just means more work tomorrow but what the hey!

But I had a wonderful meal, brr cold outside. Wanted to read my manual and take a nap but here I type. Ah - to be a mom.

And... it bloody snowed last night. What is THAT about? You should check out the photos to see.

I think everyone else is napping so maybe that manual reading is a - must do that now instead of updating here so I hope you understand that I am keeping this short and taking my opportunity.

From the Talemaker crew to yours, hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

Do what Oreo is doing - stop and smell the flowers along the way. It's the little things that make those moments to treasure.


Havanese Windy and Rainy Days at Talemaker

Run, run, run as fast as you can. It's a bloody windy day and we had that white stuff flying. What the hey is that about?

It made for some interesting photos with hair flying. Our neighbour had a BBQ fly off his patio and smash to pieces. We were lucky. We don't go out nor leave anything up when it is THAT windy.

It's been raining most of the day off and on. I want to put my bathrobe on and some cozy fuzzy socks and melt into a chair with some dawgs but I am typing and was resizing photos and now updating the blogs and then I may even get a popcorn to munch on.

Today I was trying to eat a sandwhich and Fiona was in my lower part of the recliner and when I went to move her so I could get up, the plate went flying and so did the glass. One more glass gone.

WE made sure the dawgs was safe and Nathan went and picked it up and I got the vacuum to get the residual.

It's been ONE OF THOSE days.

Still, our visitors are all managing to get crazy and enjoy and we are enjoying. Catch the photos to see what I mean. Something about Havanese, well they are just so darn photogenic.


Eating Time & Play

Oreo is here to hang out and spend sometime with his soon to be new packmate.

WE did an introduction and hopefully tomorrow we will get outside to get some play in. If not, we will be taking Oreo and his new packmate into a room upstairs to get them connected. Why so much rain. <sigh>

I can already tell that they are going to be best of buds.

Archie also joined us today and he came in tail wagging having a great time. He was excited to see everyone and us him.

The crew played outside till the rain set in and then we got them playing inside. Inside, outside, inside, outside - that's the usual around this place.

Check out today's photos.


Wild Times Havanese Style

Daisy went home today and we didn't get a shot of her freshly bathed. Her mom came before she was done and did I remember to get the after bath shot - nah.

Tomorrow Archie comes to visit and so does Oreo. We are also doing an introduction to a new daycare/boarder tomorrow. It's going to be fun meeting a new dog. Thanks Daisy's mom for the referral.

Tomorrow and Saturday is going to be a busy one. I think I will take a timeout and let the guys around this place handle the dogs etc while I learn my camera. Yeah, I still haven't got to it. Oh, I am using it but I like to really use it. :-) I may even have Nathan do the blog. hehehehehe You won't see photos if I do till Monday.

I should be doing the garden but....maybe I will take a nap with the dawgs. What a decadent day and maybe some of the kids will help with the weeds. We shall see.

It will be a dawg day for sure!! I hope it will be the same for all of the moms out there, canine and human alike!

Photos of today are finally up. Sorry for the delay but it was Flickr.


Archie came to play for the day Milo and Hugo came last night and the Daisy goes home tomorrow.

But today we had rain and wet and dirt and I had lots of grooming but I wouldn't have it any other way. I believe in the dogs having fun.

Check out the photos of the crew mucking it up in and out of the rain. Plus there are a few more in the puppy pages on either Wasabi or Abigail's photos where the crew are hanging out with the real younger set.

We didn't let Archie out in the huge downpour as his dad was coming and sending home a sopping wet dog is not what we do but Milo, Daisy and Hugo got sopping wet. I had to dry and brush a brush them. They didn't mind as they got a treat. Archie was all brushed before he went home.

The crew was really enjoying each other today. It was a delight to catch them on camera and to play with them.

Tomorrow Daisy gets washed and goes home and on Friday Oreo gets to come and visit his new packmate for a couple of days. Oreo's family is getting one of the Wasabi pups. This way both of them get to know each other.  It's going to be an exciting weekend.

Can't wait till we see Archie again and maybe Saki wil pay us a visit...hint, hint!