
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Long Day

It was a long day today and the Talemaker crew is so tired.

Kat took breed today at a show. He had to be washed yet again tonight as he goes to the show early tomorrow. I wanted to just wash his feet and call it a day but I didn't.

All dawgs got much play, groomed - loved and got to platy with a tibetan terrier and a bichon.

The humans want to sleep and it seems like the dawgs do too. I can't wait till it's time to snuggle and let the zzz's overtake us.

Sometimes there are days like this...


Shanty's Visit

We just picked up Shanty and she will be staying with us overnight.

She's fitting in really well and no worries, Paula. She's a great puppy.

The dogs are wearing her out so she can get some sleep tonight and so can we. :-)


Messy But FUN

No matter what you do at times, the dawgs look messy and that's okay. Today is one of those days.

It's busy day. They all got brushed but today we had Terra going to the vets, getting ready for the show, walks and play, play play with the pups out back. They are exhausted. I think I am too.

I am not sure if you still have leaves on the ground but we have a ton and Nathan has raked a ton. The dawgs ADORE rolling and running in them just like kids. It's a joy to watch.

The older crew really enjoy the younger set. They really help to exhaust the puppies who are fast asleep.

Here is Gidget walking step in step with KitKat... yep that's the pups name. I can see that Gidget must have been a wonderful mom. She's been really enjoying them here.

Her mom comes home on Sunday and she will leave us. We have really got used to her adding fun to the mix but she will be so excited to see her human mom. They all do and then when they come back, they have fun too. It's quite nice.

Looking around the house, the crew is completely laid out after an exhausting day getting rest till we do our night play session. They play hard and sleep deep.


Cool Brings Out Fun

Things are looking up.

It's getting cold.

You say that's looking up?

Well, us Havanese rather like the Fall chill and when we went for our walks today, everyone from Risa to Gidget was having a exuberant time. They were jumping through the leaves like no tomorrow!

The cool also brings out the play in the Havanese and Risa was no exception. The crew just had a total blast with and without the smaller set.

Click on any of the photos to see a larger view.

I put this photo up as I found it delightful. Gidget really has fit in nicely here and she always does.

She loves the puppies too and even tolerates Treasure. ha!

Gidget gets you laughing when you most need a laugh.

Well, tomorrow Terra goes in to get her stitches out.

I am not sure the leg is healed in any degree. When she toes down, she does something strange in her movement but we shall find out tomorrow.

Here's hoping for the best. We need some good news around this place.


Collision Fun

The dawgs often play a collision game all in fun and now the pups are running in trying to join in the fun. It's a riot.

It's quiet around this place with only Gidget as a visitor.

Terra, our golden with the operation tries to join in but she can't but in her mind she thinks she can. Thursday her stitches come out and her rehabilitation begins.

The crew has been wonderful with her. It's just Terra that has no patience.

Well, back to play and grooming and walks...and what about you?


Marathon Bath - Or Not!

Took a photo of Abigail pouncing at Fiona and went - ooops look at her feet. She's been mucking it up with the little ones for sure. But I had Rocky to wash, Kat to wash and Shoshi.

Tomorrow it will be Risa, Abigail and maybe Whitney. We shall see.

We have a busy show weekend so the Kat is wrapped again. I took the silly wraps out when we had company. I think Nathan thinks Kat looks so silly but his face stays cleaner that way so in they go till Friday.

Shoshi's hair is starting to get long so it's getting at the stage of knotting. (she has a cottony coat) She's a pet and our only cotton coat thus far. It gets a certain length and you go - cut it or deal with the knots - which shall it be. I usually end up cutting it as she is a snowball collector in the winter. We shall see how long I last. Good thing about her hair is I can take the thinning shears to it and cut into any knots and brush them out - way easy and you would never know as her coat is thick. So, I may go that route. We shall see.

Rocky, who went home today wasn't crazy about the Bathing Beauty. He was the first dog that was not happy with it sitting in the sink with him. I haven't figured out why yet but he calmed down and the washing part wasn't bad..just could tell he didn't want to be in the sink.

It's quiet around here without Rocky but I tell you, if Gidget has her way, it won't be. She was even going after Risa today. It was a riot.

If you click on the photo, you will see Gidget with her tongue hanging out.

Gidget is with us till Sunday and then we will be down to our own till December. Imagine that!


Change of Pack

Bailey is going to be picked up at dinner time. Rocky goes home tomorrow.

Bailey was a bit hesitant about so many dogs.

We did a one on one greeting like we did when she came for a visit before she boarded here.

This way they connect with someone and it all works. No matter how long it takes, we find a way to make it work.

I am so proud of her as her tail went up about an hour after being here.

She started playing with Abigail, then Treasure then as you can see in this photo. Above, she is greeting Gidget.

This gal slept in her bed, right next to my head and settled in getting snuggles from me every now and then till she fell fast asleep.

She had a bath today and didn't squawk a bit about it. She even managed to enjoy the massage and kisses I gave her while drying. There's a method to my madness. If I make the grooming enjoyable, they will look forward to it.

By next Sunday we will be back to just our crew. Then in December, we get new visitors.

Just in case Rocky's human's parents are wondering what he is up to, well he is tuckering himself out bigtime.

He goes from one dog to the next but this isn't his first time here so he knows who will play back Rocky style.

Treasure is indeed one who loves mixing it up in that way.


Fun Filled Day

We had great weather and an amazing amount of fun. Rocky, one of our visitors was mixing it up big time and Bailey one of our other visitors is running out with the pack, playing with Abigail and has her tail and head up. It means she is gaining her comfort level. She is also a mass cuddler and so is Rocky. Gidget... she stirred things up, as she often does.

Here's just a few pix of today. No time to upload anymore 'cept here and on the puppy pages as we are still playing.

Paula's pup is still available and ready for a new home. Look below for a photo and contact info.

Enjoy a portion of our pix and check out the puppies on Talemaker Puppy Life.


Puppy Available

This Puppy is SOLD
A friend of ours that lives in Sudbury has a puppy available. I know, not many like to drive so far but if interested, we can confiscate the cutie and you can see it up close and personal at our house.

Besides, it would give us an excuse to get another puppy to play around here.

Last time we did this for our friend, Lil' Man found a home with the most amazing couple of gals we ever got to know. So, win/win for us. We get another puppy to play with. You get to see her up close and personal and bonus, she's ready to go to that forever home now.

If interested, send Paula email. She'll answer all your questions. Let her know you heard about this cutie here.


New Visitors & Changes

Rocky is visiting us for the first time in a long bit and we did the one on one introduction again.

He remembered the crew and was rather smitten with Abigail jumping and running and having a grand time.

It was quite nice.

When that wasn't enough, he moved on to playing with the rest of the crew.

Take a look at him play bowing with Treasure.

If you click on the photo you can see a larger view.

Gidget is still here mixing it up. She'll be here till next week.

Then we got a new visitor Bailey and she's a sweetheart. She got the rest of the crew playing in our underground patio section.

She spent the first half hour getting acquainted and then relaxed. As you can see, her tail is up already and its been just 30 minutes since she got here.

She also seems to have a real passion at watching the TV tonight.

We have the grand kids sleeping over and the dawgs are getting so much attention with so many of us and Bailey decided to cuddle up on my fave chair and watch the TV with me.

Here she is saying - well are you going to stop taking pictures and come sit with me or WHAT?

Well, Bailey, it will be my pleasure and we can watch from our chair while Rocky wears himself out with the grand kids and we can cuddle. Rocky will get his cuddle time at bedtime when he stops playing.

Gidget, well she plays, she rests - she plays and she tells them who is boss. hahahaha


Never a Dull Moment

It's hard not to have a roaring grand time around here if you are one of the dawgs.

If someone doesn't feel like playing, there's always another ready to step up to the plate.

Today the dawgs seemed to be invigorated as you can see with Treasure running along the pool cover.

She wasn't the only one.

The entire crew was running like they got a new lease in life.

It was great to watch but I admit flurries in the sky was not my idea of fun.

The pups at 8 weeks also join in the fun.

They seem to get out of the way when the large dawgs collide with others and they do this on purpose - a game of fun.

You can always click on the photos to see a larger view.

Abigail did this with Gidget and Gidget looked at her as if to say. "what do you think YOU are doing?"

If you go out with your little ones even if you are not a fan of the cold like me, you can truly laugh and enjoy and forget the cold - well almost. Just dress warm. heh

Are you having trouble dealing with the time change? I am. The puppies are too. They want to get up an hour earlier - yikes but we are being persistent making sure they make that change.

Our resident Golden is collar bound and Nathan is carrying her outside.

She is toeing down - meaning resting her foot on the ground and we are hoping by next Thursday when the stitches come out, she will start using it slowly building it up. It's going to be a very long winter for her and us especially with Nathan carrying her through ice and snow when the next leg gets done. What a guy...


Time Changes Everything

Hi, my name is Gidget, formally Paris. I am visiting at Talemaker Havanese. You can't tell by this photo but I am sitting on 3 pillows stacked on top of each other. I am a gal who adores comfort. I also love to snuggle at bedtime with that human female here who grooms me each day even if I think I don't need it.

I settle in immediately when I visit and so does my son Louis who also visits at times. He's visiting over the Xmas holiday.

I am the only dawg that gets away with jumping on Kat's back. He doesn't seem to mind a bit though he gives me the look - like what are you - crazy gal?

When I come, I tend to take the top pillows. I figure I am one of the leaders around here and hey I am also a party gal getting the rest to run, chase me and play like never before except maybe with Teddy who doesn't think he is boss but brings new meaning to party guy!

I am hanging out, playing, taking walks and having an adorable time putting Treasure into her place when she thinks she is all that. I am here till the 15th then my owner comes home and someone else will have to vy for the boss position.

Well, the winter holiday schedule is starting to get filled. If you are thinking of going away over the holidays, let these humans know as spots are filling up fast.


Long Day

Treasure was hanging out with the pups today playing. She really enjoys them and I can see why.

They are now 8 weeks so they are more able to keep up with the older crew.

We had a very full day. We had the crew outside playing.

We had to take Terra home from her cruciate operation.

Here is a photo of her stitches. We also had to get her a collar to stop her.  It's interesting getting her out to do her business and manuever her around but we are dealing - ice packs and all.

Tomorrow I wash Fiona - maybe tonight and start doing my regiment of washing dawgs one by one each day to get them all done.

Rocky comes this Friday till Monday and the crew will have fun playing with a new visitor. We can't wait.

Busy week - busy times but we seem to thrive in such. What about you?


Bad News

I know Terra is not a Havanese but she's our regular mascot for socializing the little ones with big dawgs. She's gentle, sweet and adores her rides and play and even barking at that squirrel and getting the pack moving in excitement.

We took Terra in for a cruciate operation and heard both legs were ruptured and she has stage 4 hip dysplasia.

Many would put their dawg down instead of spending the dollars and the daily rehabilitation that we will have to go through in hopes she enjoys many more years. I kept asking, will she be functional? Chances are she will be. Some may say why do this? Well, we firmly believe she will be up, playing and having a great time with her fave pals by March. We will have about 4.5 months of rehabilitation. We will do everything in our power to get her muscle mass and keep her thin so she enjoys life. She'll be our water dog in the summer months right along with Kat.

She will be our resident big dawg socializer.

So forgive us but we will let you know how she is doing from time to time and may even start a blog on how the rehabilitation is going so others facing similar know what it entails.

In all of this, I didn't get to tie Kat's hair up. I have work to do. I need to put my grooming stuff away and set up my room again. I need to groom. I need to work and where did the day go?

We already had a outdoor session with the crew. They played up a storm especially this trip and got so messy that I have to wonder how I am ever going to get them to look good again but I will. They jumped through leaves, rubbed in mud and got old fashioned dirty. Plus, letting them just have fun and be a mess is good too. There - I said it. ROFL



Kat won a bed for the puppies this weekend by winning breed in the toy specialty. They are his kids so that's the least he could. ROFL!!!

Treasure won one for Best Puppy at an earlier show. They must be destined to make sure the pups are always in comfort. Today's version is extra, extra soft.

If you don't want to enter a show to win a bed (not all of them give away beds to winners) some you get pretty ribbons, well you can get one from Woodruff that you can personalize. I don't get anything from suggesting a bed from them but one of the beds that we personalized with 'Precious Havanese' is found on this page with the name of Lola and the puppies LOVE it!

Now Kat goes back to having his faced and underbelly wrapped and gets oiled till the next show which thankfully is not for a bit.

We have Terra going in for a cruciate operation (ruptured ligament below the knee). She's our golden but just as loved as the Havanese. Our goldens allow us to socialize the puppies to big dogs in house and there is no better way at that age to slow condition them. She's such a gentle soul. She will have 6 to 8 weeks of healing and will be like new come the new year.

Just between you and me, I am hoping no snow till then but we don't always get what we want.


Happy Halloween!

One of our Wasabi pups, Chico dropped into a pumpkin patch this fine Halloween.

He bumped into a very friendly lab doing the same thing...checking out all those pumpkins in the mud.

What a cleanup job that must have been!

Hope all of the Havanese out there had as much fun as Chico and his pack mate Fidel did.


Transition Time

Some of the crew was slipping out today despite the rain and wind.

I was a tad worried as Saki had a bath and I figured just like Chewie, she would muck it up and have me wanting to clean her up again. ROFL

But she managed to stay clean thus far and soon her parents will be picking her up. It was great to have some of the Wasabi pups here. It was a great visit.

Saki was not thrilled with the bath but I used the Bathing Beauty on her and she feels wonderful. Less shampoo and conditioner, a massage from it and faster experience. I know - I already said I love it!

Saki's been playing with Fiona and Treasure and sometimes Abigail.

Here's a photo of Saki right after her bath.

Although there was rain, we still managed to play outside and Saki played in the xpen with the pups so wonderfully. Check out Havanese Life later on to see some pictures of this.

Well, Saki's parents came. She was so excited and we are so - oh my gad she's already gone.

We just have Gidget with us and Rocky come Friday for the weekend. So, the fun continues.



They say I am going to get a bath tomorrow with a thing called a Bathing Beauty that the human here adores.

It's too pricey for pet people but if you do the shows - well you will wonder how you ever did without it. I saved long and hard for mine.

Kat was my first to try it and he loved it as it gave him a massage as he was getting washed.

The ways we indulge our dogs. Tomorrow we will fill you in on how Saki Fry does.


Quiet Around Here

Saki says, I hear my human Mommy is on a plane from far away - Hong Kong and she will be coming in very late tonight and my human Daddy will be in Saturday night.

Mommy will be on a different time zone and we 'get' that after our Bali trip. So, we said leave the cutie with us till human Daddy gets in. Have something to eat together then come get the cutie then she can be your total focus.

One good thing is she will be sleeping a lot too as they usually do though we are waiting to hear about Chewy as he may be the exception. He's a go, go type and his human siblings keep him going. Was looking at his little gal sibling and she's simply gorgeous and loves her Chew Chew as she so affectionately calls him.

Well, we have a show today. Nathan is a traitor and is showing Bichons for a friend. I hope he does really well. I will be at the show early afternoon. I was there last night for setup. I also picked up my Bathing Beauty and will be using it today on Kat and tomorrow on Saki and who else knows which dog.

One of our dearest friends had a puppy last night - a gorgeous tri-colour. We hear its a strong feeder and is doing rather well. It will be going to a new home in 10 weeks once it has one. We will be posting links when she updates her blog.

I got my camera back. So far it is clean - heh and seems to be working well but will be giving it a workout at the show. We will let you know. Wasn't happy with how long it took and I may be exploring places like Vistek vs. Henry's Camera for that 7D that I am coveting but we shall see.

Till later ...


Hanging Out at Talemaker

All of you know that my camera was in the shop - yep WAS. I got it back tonight but not in time for these shots where Chewie went home and his mom and sister - human style came to get him and Jasper also came to visit. We missed having Chico and Missy here. Saki is visiting till Saturday.

Here is a few of the photos from today. Crummy camera but click on them to see a larger view.

The gang was hanging out on the cover. Even the wee ones were out too. Jasper really enjoyed the younger set and his siblings. Saki and Chewie have been enjoying them all week long. It's an excellent way of socializing them with the bigger set.

If you look closely, you can see three of the siblings. Can you tell us who is who?

The crowd did get off the cover eventually and I did get a lot of lousy shots - some good ones that I haven't posted but hey, I tried with this camera.

I caught a lot of Jasper with various wee ones always hanging out under him. I think they rather enjoyed him.

Treasure was whispering sweet nothings in Jasper's ears. I wonder what she was saying.

Fiona, at first was worried about her babies but she calmed down and enjoyed the time too scatting and having a grand time.

Just when you thought we had all over cover photos, yeah the pups played elsewhere. Can you name them all?

We are going to miss Chewy. He kept trying to tell Saki he was boss but she knew she was. No Chewy to try to steal someone else's food. Hope he is sleeping well tonight.

Now we get to treasure Saki till Saturday and then we will be back to our own except for Gidget - who always adds fun around this place. Yep, when the gang was here, she was getting them to run-like-hell. She's such fun.

Hope you enjoyed the photos...more tomorrow...