
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Today's Havanese Fun

This is a typical day with Nathan letting loose and having fun with the Havs. Me...I am filming or taking photos.

But today...Nathan managed to take his own pictures too.

Here's a photo of Risa jumping on Katsura. It's moments like these that are heart swells.

Check out the video below to see what else we do during the day and then check out Talemaker Puppy Life to see a first for the puppies.


TV Watching

The crew lays on Daddy and we get caught up on TV. It's gloomy outside so why not.

The Dad just walked everyone 2 at a time and now those old legs are saying - are you kidding? But he does it all the time. It's just at times he has some help.

So, what did the dawgs watch? Three Rivers - thumbs up or is that paws up so far. Then Cougar Town came on - and we clicked that off after 10 minutes. Now we are off watching Vampire Diaries - and the verdict is out.

Okay - the dawgs aren't really watching - we are. They are either snoozing or giving the dad a bath. Isn't that the way it is at your house when you are trying to watch TV?

Me, I am typing away and taking breaks getting puppy snuggles.

The dad has handling class tonight. I usually go but not while we have pups. I should clean up the guy (Kat) before he goes but it's a losing battle. Wasabi and him seem to muck it up in a big way.

The Wasabi woo just was brushed and bathed yesterday - brushed today and look at her? Give her dirt - wet - mud and oh the fun begins. Good thing the dirt usually falls off of her. heh

Well - back to TV...snuggling and having a tuned in or is that out day?


Serious Play

There are times when the inexperienced will think that the play is too rough but I know the dawgs well enough to know the difference.

You should too. Even puppies play growl and rough house. Treasure was relentless in trying to capture Kat. He's faster than her but she cuts him off whenever she can.

It's the mischievous part of her that just can't help herself. It's all in fun.

All is great fun till I see her tearing his ear hair out. It won't look good in the conformation ring to have a chunk missing.

Do you think I can explain it was all in fun?

Play biting is very natural and they will learn as puppies how much they can clamp down on a pack mate. We also teach them that playing in this fashion with humans is not desirable. They do learn especially if their forever homes do the follow through.

Today was a wash Kat and Treasure day. How did I know Treasure needed a bath? Well every time anyone played wit her, she had HUGE knots. It tells me the coat is dirty and if I brush it all out before (a must or you will have a knotty mess on your hands) and get the hair clean, she won't knot like she was doing this morning.

Each dawg is different. It depends on the elements - rain, dirt etc.

Many people ask me what type of a brush I use. I use a Madan brush as its soft but gets through the hair. I don't get them free. I buy them like everyone else. No kickbacks - I wish. I just really know they do a great job on a Havanese coat.

The rain stayed away today. Dogs played hard. Nathan is making chicken for Fiona - Mommy of the pups and we just may snuggle with the crew and watch TV. Results will be in tonight for the TV show Battle of the Blades. Will Domi go or? Do the dawgs care?



Rain and Baths and Feeding

Marlee was playing up a storm with Abigail and so was Jazmyn. It's too bad they had to go home today.

It must have been the on again, off again rain. It somehow invigorates them.

Add to the fact that Marlee and Jazmyn just had baths and oh that wonderful smell. It gets the crew going. It also gets their feet dirty - oh oh. :-)

Then Risa thought she would get into the thick of it and redirect the play.

No, Abigail, stop playing.

She didn't listen to Risa and poor Risa is getting that more and more as the younger crew get older. It was all for nothing though as no one was getting hurt. They were just playing up a storm. The dawgs have to have fun. Momma Risa to all has to just join in the fun and so she did.

When you can't beat them - join them!

I also promised a friend who owns Missy a video of Treasure going nuts at feeding time. I think I will do another in the morning as she just didn't do her usual - I can't handle not having the food now but I will put take one up and try to remember to do another one tomorrow. Even Risa got in the fun tonight but our sound didn't work. Got to try another mini cd. Something is corrupt on this one..

See the video, below.


Indoor Games Havanese Style

When it is raining, you can't expect the dawgs to just lay around and do nothing so we play games with them.

They know the routine - even the visitors.

Today though, Abigail knew it was raining so off she went to get the tug toy to bring it to me.

I threw it and she was the first to get it despite Treasure trying really hard to beat her to it.

Oh, and she really tried. Treasure doesn't like losing.

Our visitor Marlee tried to get it but she found another tug toy and brought it to me to tug with her - none of this retrieve stuff - Treasure will just think she can get MY toy. heh

Oh..the Havanese are ever so smart.

Jazmyn - I swear she rolled her eyes at such silliness.

We also had puppy people over and the dawgs got to hang out with them. It was a good day despite the rain. It is what it is!


Rainy, Dirty Fun

Well, mom was going to wash us - well the Shoshi already had her bath but Kat needs one and its wet - dirty and not all of us Havanese like that rain.

Those that just acquired them and find their dawgs go - no way am I going to go out in THAT, well pick them up, put them in the middle of that wet grass and say - 'get busy'. They won't like it but it works and the more you do it, the more they will go - okay - let's do it and get it over with.

Kat tends to like the rain but Shoshi hates it lifting her paws as if to say ooooh it's WET - get me OUT of here. But she gets put out and she doesn't run right to the house anymore. It helped early on that if she went I gave her a treat. Ah..we have our ways...and what are yours?


Disclosures Havanese Style

Well, human Mommy went outside this morning as human Daddy USUALLY and USUALLY is the key stays in bed a tad longer than human Mommy. You figure out what the USUALLY word means.

If you haven't noticed, it's become quite chilly. So, outside with the crew I go in a bathrobe. Well - it beats a fall coat - much longer but please. Hey, I am soooooo stylin' it aint funny. Yeah - I am howling with laughter.

It wouldn't be half as bad but 3 dogs came downstairs and off I went to make sure they do their business. I come back in and 2 more are waiting so back out I go. Oh - that's not all of them? Nope. By the time I am down with the next batch more has showed up. Now I am fighting some kind of a something so by the time I was done, I was chilled to the bone.

I then cleaned up the kitchen. Our son who watches the pups at night tends to leave a few things. Anyone who has kids 'gets' this. He says he doesn't want to wake the dogs and I do get that as our bedroom is over the kitchen.

I then climb into the puppy pen after cleaning up, take out the stuff in the whelping box after moving the puppies outside of the box and proceed to clean up. This will be easier next week when they go up and downstairs. I start yet another wash. When one has puppies there are many washes and people are often saying - when can I get my clothes in. It's like waiting at the laundromat. heh

Nathan comes down, gets the food ready for the dogs. He starts handing it out and ooops one of the bowls fell all over the floor. Treasure goes in for the Hoover vacuum treatment.

Our day has just begun. I still have to wash Shoshi and Risa. I was too under the weather yesterday though that never has stopped me before - maybe it's called 'under the weather' procrastination. Sounds better than LAZY!

How has YOUR day started?


What a Brrrrr Day

We woke up to really cold weather. We need to empty the water pots - get them inside and do all those winterizing things.

So much to do - so little time, I am afraid.

But the dawgs LOVE the cooler weather.

Treasure is dragging a stick around and most of the dogs feel invigorated.

Me - I am not feeling all that well and it's bloody chilly. Got dawgs coming for a visit this weekend so I got to get well. This duo is such an amazing pair. Can't wait to see then again!

Fiona was finding comfort outside letting the wind blow through her hair. She is finding moments to enjoy dawg life and we are encouraging it when the pups are sleeping.

It is important to make sure they have a healthy mind and body as taking care of pups is much work.

Fiona seems to truly enjoy the role elevating her to a true purpose. It's rather nice!

We all need to find that purpose and when you see a dawg do so, it just does your heart good - or at least it does mine.

May get into a blanket - take a nap - work a bit - groom some more and get better.


Wild Play

Mommy just cleaned Kat as he was going to handling class and the crew was out playing hard and he looks - well NOT clean. ROFL

It is raining off and on. It's useless to wash them when weather is wet outside but we do try.

The best part of what is happening lately is Shoshi is playing with Abigail non stop and that's new. Be still my heart.

We got to see Gidget today and she looked way cute with her new shampoo and set. Did we get photos - NO... We spent way too much time snuggling with her but that's okay too.

Hope you are managing to stay dry today.

PS: Show Sheen sprayed on feet and underside allows dirt to easily come off feet but if Show Sheen is sprayed on the floor - yeouch you will slip.


Wasabi Uses Her Smarts

Wasabi is in LOVE with the puppies. She wants to be in with them in the worst way. I think she misses the pups. But Fiona's not crazy about the idea.

We hang things over the side to give her privacy - Fiona and her pups. It's the pads/carpets we use in the pen.

There's a recliner that we watch TV in and sometimes groom in on one side of the pen, as you can see in the photo.

Well, Wasabi jumped up on the recliner, then up to the back and onto the top of the crate sitting in the x-pen and all the while staring at the pups. Fiona was staring at her as if to say - no. It's normal for mom to protect the little ones. But Wasabi was proud of herself. She figured out how to get up close and personal.

The Havanese are ALWAYS thinking.

Well, it is raining. The dawgs are a mess and although I planned to wash dawgs today - I looked at the rain and said not till it stops. They would just get dirty again and it makes no sense.

The visitors have gone home. The house is quiet. The mud gets tracked in. It's damp but it feels like cuddle in blanket time. What about you?


Rain or Shine - Still Running

Nathan still manages to run his heart out with the dogs and they ADORE it!

The mom needs to do the same but health wise - body and emotional for both human and canine - can you think of a better way to bond?

It's his thing just like swimming with Kat is and it's nice to capture it in photo.

Wasabi went into a funk after Saki left.

She can't get near Fiona's pups when Fiona is around though we have had her up close and personal when Fiona is not in the room.

She really is excited about Fiona's pups and after Saki left - she just hung out and looked as if Saki was still in the back yard. She looked and looked then sighed and went to sleep. We will have to have more of her pups come to visit as she does enjoy watching them.

She is due to go into another heat in a month or 2 and we will be breeding her again as she seems to be complete with the pups. It's nice. We may have Abigail and Wasabi pups at around the same time and then we will take a break.

Who knows - maybe we will have a mild winter and a great summer next year and we will do something like Rally and human mom will find her niche other than grooming and blogging and photography and.... hahahahaha

Jebi loves the smell of Fiona to the point it drives her CRAZY. It must remind him of his canine mom.

Turkey time is coming soon and remember you can FREEZE some of the cooked turkey and add it to the food or use it as treats. Our crew love it.

Our family is 5 ways to Sunday spread out so we will be doing Turkey time without the crew but yum turkey and stuffing sandwiches - gravy and puppies running around. Wow....and yes the pups ill be upwardly mobile then. HAHA


Busy Times at Talemaker

Today Joe and Lyndall came over with Saki. Saki is from Wasabi's last litter - the littlest gal.

I just love this couple and what they do with Saki san. They make us realize why we do this crazy dawg stuff.

They also have quite the knack at storytelling with their dawg adventures as you could see from Saki's sky adventure and menu reading in hotels.

They are starting obedience next week with her.

Saki played up a storm and remembered Abigail well. She also played nose to nose with her canine Mommy. She was an absolute wriggler when it came to saying hello and Nathan had to remind me that they had to have their dawg back so they could go. Selfish me...heh

Just as they were ready to go we got more company.

Do you remember Lil' Man - now known as Milo? Well, his parents and pack mate came to visit as well. His pack mate's names is Hugo and talk about funny stories from them.

I swear this couple is the Erma Bombeck of the dawg parents.

The muddy stories - and oops we will leave it at that and let you use your imagination would make you laugh and laugh.

Plus there's more...

We also have 3 visitors that add an element of fun to the mix beyond the reality of me trying to keep white feet clean - are you KIDDING and it's going to rain so oh no - Jebi and his coat. But we love the play but more play means more grooming but how can you not let them play. Show coats are different as you have to keep them long and maintained very well. So, I am way busy!

Here's Jeb (Tibetan Terrier) and his long coat playing with Saki. He thought she was great but he didn't have an off switch. :-)

Want to come over and help me with grooming him or the two bichons? ROFL

Then Yvonne is coming down today and will she be bringing the dawgs or not - in about 10 minutes we will know for sure.

Just a reminder...if you are going away this holiday and need us to watch your pups, we need to know earlier than later. We are already getting folks booking.

After this weekend is over, I am going to do a slide show of all the movement shots from our crew and our visitors. They all ADORE the pool cover. Doggie trampoline..that is!

Every dawg house deserves one!


Hang Out Time

What the hey is THAT? She said - let's go to Aberfoyle and pick up something.

Yep that was Nathan's response. It sort of looked like - are you KIDDING.

No - I am not.

Well, the dawgs are enjoying the cooler weather and the sun. Everyone seems to be WAY relaxed - playing up a storm - visitors and our dawgs.

The dogs - when they play hard - crash and hang out like this.


Visitors Playing Like Crazy

The crew is having an amazing time with the visitors.

If you click on the photo, you can see the funny expression Treasure has on her face.

We have a few visitors till Monday morning and they are really enjoying themselves.

When we have visitors. we always introduce one at a time. This way the visitors are not overwhelmed and the crew connects.

It was a very fast transition with this crew.

I got to see a Bathing Beauty in action today. I was impressed. Anything that can save me time and product bathing is alright with me.


Trampoline Havanese Style

There's something about the bounce of the pool cover that excites the Havanese. It's hard to explain but I figure kids enjoy trampolines and so do Havanese, it seems.

Abigail and Treasure get downright exhausted doing that run-like hell game over the cover.

The crew have heard us talking about an over sized Havanese coming to visit and 2 Bichons. You think they will survive?

Fiona may go into protect mode but we shall see. She has beautiful pups to keep safe and she does adore them.

Tomorrow I get to see the Bathing Beauty in action. I bathe so many Havanese and use so much high end shampoo and conditioners that I am looking at a way to do the same job but also not cost so much. I use the same high quality, costly products on my own as well as the boarders. I just like the results. Is this the solution - we shall see.

We have the boarders from tomorrow till Monday morning. We'll let you know how it goes. My biggest concern is grooming them. A Tibetan has more hair by far. hehe


Gad - a Bath!

Fiona is SOOO impressed that I took her away from her babies for a bath.

I waited till she fed them and then whisked her away and did it as fast as I could. She needed it!

But as you can see with the expression on her face - she was saying - ARE YOU KIDDING!

But human Mommy says - Fiona - you smell so beautiful and you feel so soft.

The rest of the crew was brushed - not washed cause we are getting rain this week. They all had a bath just before we went to the show so all are still good to go after a thorough brush and comb.

We are all still playing recovery from being away.
Have you snuggled your Havanese yet today?

This weekend we have a Tibetan Terrier and 2 Bichons staying the weekend. Oh boy! We are helping out a friend. A Tibetan Terrier looks like an overgrown Havanese to me. :-) Lots of grooming on the large size.


Agility Doors

Okay...we came back to a precious Havanese agility screen door built for us.

It's unique.

It's treasured but the dawgs keep running into the screen wondering where the doggie door is.

We are back.

Yeah - things are literally upside down but give it a day and we will be back to normal. Then we have 2 Bichons visiting us and a Tibetan Terrier for the weekend. Are we in for a roaring grand time.

The crew is wonderful.

Alex and Yvonne are amazing. I have a newly painted laundryroom - how cool. I am now only missing the dryer.

The pool was closed today and the crew had a wonderful time running like crazy over the cover. Even Flora was joining in on the fun.

Now to finish work - start in with grooming the crew and take a breath. Somehow - someway - Fiona gets a bath tomorrow. She totally needs it.

More tomorrow.>>


Last Day in Sudbury

Well, it's the last day in Sudbury and we hear it is rain all week at home.

Mommy will have lots of grooming when she comes home but little by little - she will get it done. At least the Kat man and the Treasured one won't need it.

We thank Yvonne and Alex for helping us BIGTIME.

Even if we don't get anything today - it was nice to be the top dawgs at the specialty in Havanese. With all this grooming stuff - I am sure Treasure and Kat feel that way too!

Pool will get covered come Monday or Tuesday and we will double the size of their playing area with the security cover. They love it too as it's like a trampoline to them.

We are missing our dawgs madly and we will be updating you on all their antics tomorrow.

We are bringing a boxer puppy to Toronto - Val to downtown so it will be a LONG day. Are we home yet?


Show Time

Kat got breed each show and won a group 4 today. Treasure won best puppy in breed.

Tomorrow is the last day of the show and we will be back probably late.

It's going to be a LONG day but we are looking forward to getting home and seeing the pups and our dawgs.

There's nothing like home...

Then we will go back to posting more exciting things. :-)


Treasure Loves the Show

Treasure received a best puppy each day in breed and opposites she has been here and yesterday got a best puppy in group. The judge said she really liked her - that she has a presence in the ring. She almost gave her breed and said so.

Well, give Treasure a treat and she will do amazing things for you - ROFL Okay - she does like this show business.

Last night I bathed both Kat and Treasure for the show and I have to admit bathing them in a tub with low pressure makes that bathing beauty that Sylvie is talking about more desirable. Plus Val says it saves in product in a big way. My back is aching after bathing and this &*^%$ bed. But they are clean and looking semi good this morning to go back to the show. I try to get better but hard to in a make shift situation.

It's way cold here - 0 degrees. I guess summer is gone. Hope Toronto is warmer. Gad - I miss my dawgs and pups. Tomorrow I get to see them again and update the pages again too if I can muster the energy.