Washing Too Often?

Risa had a bath yesterday. I washed again today trying out a new shampoo conditioner spray combination. It's an all natural - good for the skin type of stuff. It did make the hair way soft but not controllable. I did get a natural shine from it. Do I like it? The verdict is still out. Ask me in a few days. I do adore the grooming spray.
This is what Risa looked like before her daily grooming. She feels to die for - more manageable than yesterday and it makes you want to snuggle for long periods of time so she has been in the recliner with me when I can get her away from playing with Mia. Yep - she was off playing with Mia today. Just when you think the old gal is all played out, she goes and fools you. Don't just ASSUME they are too old for such things.
We have a strong skunk smell in our yard. It must have sprayed somewhere around in our yard or the next. It's driving me crazy as I am always on high alert when I smell such. I guess I would get my shampoo workout if a Havanese got sprayed.
It's raining off and on and I like the dawgs clean. How much is too much washing? Well, when you are drying out the coat and damaging it, that's a good sign but you can damage a coat other ways. What's too long? When it's dirty and you keep getting mats at the touch - well then it is probably overdue.