
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries by Darlah (5619)


JLo Had a Bath

Jlo is so funny. She loves to pose. Some dogs do and some don't. Tomorrow Finn gets a bath and a clean up and I will take one more photo of Tangles with her brother Finn so you can tell me which one is Finn. :-)

I am not putting up any other photos today. My battery is dead so they are charging. I have a carpal tunnel thing going on and that happens sometimes from lots of repetitive stuff so I am giving my hand a break. I washed Darcy. Nathan did a fair bit of brushing out and drying Jlo after I bathed her. I am not sure he liked me saying you need to do it this way or you miss that or but we got through it and he did buy me flowers so maybe all is well. He really did a great job under direction.

As I type Poor Truffie is panting and acting like a maniac as Abigail teases him from up on the bench. Girls... He is talking to her. Yes, he talks to her - more like begging. She gives in but its still early in the game but first connection - surprise.

Our days are never boring.

Okay, I lied - I had to put this photo up.

We have had mild flakes and Risa sits out there and sits out there and well catches flakes. This lack of movement forces us to look for any cleanups we may have missed but really Daddy didn't have to look for an hour while you sat, and sat and sat and she did. I just love her. Glad it was Nathan's turn instead of me. Even the rest of the dogs had long came back in. Good old Risa... she adores the cold.

She even sleeps in front of a fan in winter and yes we put one on for her. Besides I am of the age to appreciate a fan.


What a Day

This was Kona saying hello to his human Mommy when she picked him up. It was a glorious site. We already miss Kona. it's been so wonderful to watch him - rain - NO WAY - okay everyone else is so I will give it a try - snow diving - ARE YOU KIDDING - okay I will try that too. It's like he had to process it and realized if everyone else is and I don't then I miss the fun and he did have fun. I love a thinking dog who processes the situation then jumps in and tries it out. He is also so agile it is unreal. He can jump on a moving object and not miss a beat - fearless in his ability. Hope you are snuggling, sleeping and enjoying. Glad we got to know you even better. It made my heart swell!

Well, we had the Goldie here to play with her sister Dusty and she is a delight and Finn stopped in to spend time with his sister Tangles. It's funny watching the siblings as they are so unique but are similar. I am so lucky to see the pups and our adults and I do love them so!

Envy was jealous every time I snuggled with Tangles. That was unexpected so I made sure I had Envy time too. I guess he was named right. He doesn't seem to care about me snuggling anyone else - just that Tangled one.

JLo is going to get a bath tomorrow and then head home. What a riot she is. She is a total snuggle bug.

And Zoe that schnauzer with the brain of a havvie - he adored Kona and Kona adored him. Zoe also LOVES LOVES any puppy with his colouring - oh she loves them all but its as if she is more attracted to the tris. Got to love it!

Socks plays with everyone. He just goes from one to the next and then drops and sits at the recliner without a word till he is seen waiting to sit in Nathan's lap.

Coco and Doozie - well I can never say enough about them. They are so different and compliment each other so well that its an amazing fit. I love that fit that works! Coco is much like her mom who is a calming dog who lends comfort when you are ill. it is quite nice. Doozie brings fun to the world and that's quite nice too!

A special hope goes out to Logan and Panda's mom who is not feeling well - we hope you get well soon. May the Logie Bear and Panda take care of you well. May you get rest and they sleep right along with you like mine tend to when I am sick.

We have had a very full day. Here are a few photos - not all the photos but everyone today had an amazing time and guess what - so did I even if I groomed and groomed. :-)

Tangles and FinnKona and Treasure: Secret TimeZoe, Goldie and DustyTangles and EnvyDoozie and TreasureGot more but out of steam and I am wanting to finish my online course. Will be posting yesterday's photos of Pepper - a few I didn't post.


Lots of Activity Today

Okay, I didn't get a chance to brush out Envy AGAIN as he was playing so hard. I actually brushed him out after Paula headed out and well he doesn't look so. This was a photo of Tangles jumping OVER Envy. What do you think is going through Envy's mind?

Finn comes tomorrow and I have to get a photo of Tangles and Finn as they look so similar or my memory thinks so. Let's see if they do with a side by side photo tomorrow.

Here is a photo of Kona and Socks. Kona gets a bath and heads out with Kathy tomorrow. I will miss him in a big way. Wow... She will be delighted to see him, I am sure! He's going to sleep and sleep I bet. The dogs simply have so much fun from morning till night.

Darcy comes for a quick bath and I will be so delighted to see her. I bet you Spice will be too!

JLo will also get a bath and head out. She has had so much fun with everyone but especially Roxie. I love that she has so much fun in her as you can see here.

Doozie and Pepper were giving Zoe the eye. They rather like her.

Zoe even tries to clean Pepper as if she is the mom. It's a riot!

This is Tangles. I may have to put her hair out of her eyes so you can see them. :-)

Here are a few more photos taken.


Busy Day Tomorrow

Paula, hubby Tim, the 2 kids and Tangles and Envy are coming tomorrow morning. Scruffy and Pepper are also visiting so its going to be so much fun. My tummy is still a mess. Hoping by tomorrow I am not reading mags in the bathroom - sorry!

Molly came to visit and had a bath today. Isn't she beautiful? Gad I love her eyes and she is a KatxWasabi pup.

Levon was also playing up a storm. He is such a fun guy who is losing his teeth so I keep looking in case we see any as his mom is saving them.

Remy was also visiting today. Remy really, really liked Molly but who wouldn't. :-)

Everyone is gone and tomorrow will be busy too but fun, fun, fun as long as my tummy cooperates. I think I am eating Tums like I am eating candy.

The Socks and Jeannie was playing and playing and playing with each other. Levon was playing with Zoe who came to visit - a non Havanese.

I swear sometimes Zoe thinks she is a Havanese or she thinks the Havanese are really small schnauzers. Oh to get into their thoughts and truly know.

Kona has such a funny face in this photo observing all! What is it about blankets and sitting on high? It's how we set up the tv room so they have both.

Here are a couple of more photos but sorry didn't click everyone. I took so little photos today and Nathan didn't click a thing. <sigh> I tend to only click when I see a moment and I actually have the camera handy. That camera handy is an issue. I need to buy some contraption where I can carry it around with me wherever I am. Yeah...right.

Now I am off to take some zantac. hahahahaha


Oh Boy NOT!

Nathan promised me photos but this is all I found on the camera. I brushed out all the dogs. They continued to get soaked. I am off to lay down after Logan and Panda go. The stomach is still doing a cha cha. So - no updates - just going to go lay down.

Nathan was in and out with the dogs and watching tv. I have been brushing, blow drying and now I give up. Rain....


Not Feeling Well

Still doing what I have to but I have a stomach that is not doing well. Got 4 dogs washed. But the blog is not going to be my best today. I didn't get everyone - just some of the day. Notice that Kona and Coco lay on the same pillow together.

Also Coco was kissing Nora... nice - many more photos but not up to resizing and going through them. After Shady and Nora depart I am actually going to go lay down if I can get away with it.


Wooden Havanese

I meant to share this yesterday but here it is now. I just love it. Dick's (Timmy and Lilly's) friend made it. I think Dick hunted down the Havanese pattern for it. Correct me if I am wrong but nice!


Snowing Again

It's snowing so we had some good outdoor time but after washing the Biggie who is now at home and Fiona and brushing the rest, I ran out of steam. So no galleries - just know we had fun today.

I will tell you watching Kona chasing Doozie, loving up Jlo and kissing up Jeannie Kathy better put him on a short lead as he has become a ladies man playing the field. hahahaha

Socks is being his usual crazy having fun self playing with everyone he can. Coco and Doozie ADORE napping and outdoor walks and we had snow angel times.

Here are just a few photos. Ran out of steam so hardly have a sliver of them.

Plus the Biggie after his bath....

I hope he is resting well tonight at home! Give him a big kiss!


Still Washing

Biggie gets washed tomorrow - he will be missed - I have quite a few to wash after that and then I vowed I would take an hour a day to learn the camera - Photoshop SOMETHING. It hasn't happened this week.

Kona has learned the fine art of sucking up to me. I will let you use your imagination on that.

Oscar (not one of ours) visited today and rather liked Kona, Socks and Abigail. Abigail truly took care of him. Abigail is quite special that way! He also liked the pups. Kneel on the floor and he gives the very best kisses and I am serious! I snuggled, played with him while I did his pads and he settled in. I got the very best of the kisses after that experience so I feel good. He's going to be more than fine visiting any old time.

Coco had what I call a wild hair day. You will see the photo. I think today she ate faster than Doozie and it is usually the other way around.

Mom and daughter - Spice and Wasabi was busy getting soaked quite literally.

Socks and Biggie have been playing up a storm but Biggie and Socks both have a thing for Jeannie in a big way - oh oh.

It's been one of THOSE days. Be sure to look at Treasure's blog to see what Goldie and Dusty was up to. Dick and Irma stopped in after the vets and I asked Nathan to take photos of Timmy and Lilly - do you think one came out - hold that camera still Nathan - oy! Oh well I have the moments to treasure. They brought a wooden havanese for the wall - you have to see this - amazing - did you and a friend make it Dick? Oh my gad I was in tears - its so beautiful. I will click a photo of it and put it up tomorrow. It's now hanging in our hall. Thank you, truly!

Here are a few photos today but to be honest I was washing so much that I didn't get as much as I wanted. Dennis doesn't take photos - he just plays with the dogs like crazy without clicking but to be honest I love him for that! I also can't get through what I did take. I am in dire need of do something for me time so please understand.

Abs with Oscar Always Making Sure He Was OkayI think this last photo of Coco catches her real spirit. I quite liked it!


Lots to Do Today

I had many baths to do for others today. I am exhausted but wow that in-between time watching, playing and enjoying the dawgs - can't get any better.

Also, thank you so much to Julie, Ty's mom for a wonderful chocolate Chip cookie (huge pan sized) shaped in a heart. Oh my gad its tasty. Magic came for the day and thank you for a yum gift. Someone will have to roll me out of the bed when this settles in the tummy. :-) Boy do I need to exercise tomorrow.

We had a number of dogs getting baths and cleanups. Scruffster got a whitening, massage and deep conditioner extra service and I should have taken a photo of him bagged in plastic as I am sure he thought I was nuts but he melted with the massage like a limp noodle.

Here are some photos of the day.

The crew comes in, snuggles in blankets and waits till it is their turn for a brushout. They do this on their own especially Coco and Kona. Coco loves the princess life like our Fiona!

PS: Did you see Kona with Magic - oh my he loves Magic and Pepper. Logan just loves them all. hahahaha


Too Wet

Well, this morning Nathan headed for the airport to bring Phantom and was that an interesting time. Unions... that's all I am going to say but we already miss the boy but after he flies back in he will be heading home with Paula.

While Nathan was at the airport I was busy making breakfast for the crew. We got up at 6am - a tad earlier than I am used to and not fun.

Usually Kona is jumping like a banshee waiting for his dish. Not today. Here he was while I was getting everything ready - chilling in the tv room.

This is so unlike him that I was starting to worry. To say he is crazy about food is an understatement. So,. I got everything ready and waited till 730 and yep he was back to normal going crazy for the food.

I think 6am was too early for him and for me. We won't talk about Nathan.

Coco and Doozie settled in rather easily and ate up a storm. Usually Coco picks that first night and I don't worry about it but their food disappeared like a vacuum.

Levon came to play for a few hours and he was playing so hard he rested before he went home. He's getting to be pretty amazing about grooming him and cleaning his pads. Way to go. See its not as bad as you thought it was.

Biggie got a thorough brush and comb out. He was looking at me cross-eyed. I need to click his combed out do. Biggie is smitten with guess who...

Well that's it. Nathan is in the tv room with Coco on his lap, Doozie on his arm and Kona on his neck. Biggie is hanging out with guess who - a lady love and Dennis and mostly me. Such a dawg life!

Hope everyone has a fanatastic Valentine's Day tomorrow. I plan to make VDay cookies for the dogs if I can fit it in. We shall see as I have some baths to do.


Too Wet For Outside Runs

It's way too wet outside so we go out, hang out and come back in. If we deign to jump on the pool cover we get mighty wet and its interesting trying to keep them knot free.

We have been doing a lot of playing inside. Biggie joined us and he is having fun.

Tomorrow Zoe comes for a bath and a quick visit so Dusty (and us) will be excited! So will the Treasure.

Here are a few photos from today. One includes Phantom who is heading out on a plane tomorrow at 6am for a gal connection. He will be out there for a couple of weeks then come back here so Paula can pick him up and head home with him. He is a real jet setter!

On the Road AgainBiggie Head ShotPanda Before Grooming Waiting to PounceKona Head ShotJeannieDusty Playing TugAbigail PosingBiggie Loves to Play With JeannieThe dogs despite brushes still look rather 'rugged' looking. It's a hopeless venture so we just enjoy them natural and make sure they are knot free.

Let's see who was playing with whom? Biggie and Jeannie and Roxie and Dusty. Roxie and Panda and Logan. Kona and Roxie and sometimes Jeannie. Abigail played with all especially tug with Biggie and Jeannie and Dusty. She teaches still as if they are all pups. :-)

Wasabi crawled under the deck and well she aint pretty. Kona got so drenched walking on the pool cover that I had to blow dry him and he hasn't walked anywhere except the paths since (sigh). We have a lot of snow left but its wet stuff - the type that gets you soaked. My feet have been soaked with boots on. This too shall pass.

I hope for a dryer day tomorrow - if not we will run and play like crazy inside and go out and walk around despite the weather.

We play so many fun games inside but its hard to play and get them motivated and click a camera at the same time. To me, the play is the most important but I do try.


Camera Was Down

My camera was down for the early part of the day so it's a no photo day per se.

Last night Ty's mom shared with us a photo of Ty watching the Grammys. He must have thought it was boring too!

Dawgs are so expressive! :-)

Then we got a photo of Levon. Boo, his brother just went home and was doing stairs. Hope he continues them at home. We will miss the Boo spirit but we will have his bro Levon to make us laugh too on Wednesday.

Don't ya just love this photo of Levon?

Two different expressions from 2 havanese. What can I say?


Down Day Today

This is a no grooming day other than Daisy that went home. The arm is not cooperating and I have grooming to do tomorrow so I am resting it.

As you can see the pups managed to pull the lining down from under our ottoman so I must staple it back in but who can find the staple gun - not here - sigh. We will keep looking as I want to tack that back up before it gets torn. At least we don't have 8 pups working at it and that's the only ones that can fit under it other than Dusty.

Jeannie and Roxie was having a play session. Roxie likes to get Jeannie all riled up and then she makes a leap on top of her much to the shock of Jeannie. It's a strange game they have created as of late but it always is the same.

Jeannie always is so lost in the play that she is often seen standing on her two back legs for the longest time. Havanese can be incredibly agile.

The crew just finished eating and went outside but they seem really like they need to catch some serious zzzzs. I think they have played so hard in the snow the last couple of days that they feel like us humans - mighty tuckered out. That's okay as it is also important for them to have down time too actually.

I didn't even take any photos except these 2. Can you believe. Such a slacker I am.


Snow Wins Out

Finally got Kona out in the snow and much to his amazement he actually liked it.

This was Roxie snow diving. She dives into the snow as if she is diving into a pool. It's a riot to watch her. Too bad its supposed to rain on Monday so we have 1 more day of snow fun.

Do you notice Kona's eyes closed? This was after him jumping through the snow. Poor dog was falling asleep standing outside. We took him inside as Nathan said the glare was bothering his eye and so he sat down on the recliner. Kona jumped up on the couch and made a leap for the back of the recliner to settle into Nathan's head on the back of the chair. First time I saw this I went yikes but he's so agile and so concise on his jump that he always manages to get to the target. No one else has ever done that trick. Still, I put down cushions all around the chair in case he didn't make the back of the chair but he always does and with ease, I might add. I am surprised he had that much energy after coming in cause seriously he was falling asleep standing up outside.

He is so fast asleep now that even a loud noise didn't wake him up. See what playing in the snow does for you?

Daisy thinks she has a new toy and she is named Dusty. Dusty doesn't know quite how to take it as Daisy kept capturing her. When they got inside Dusty had enough and told Daisy - I don't think so. Dusty is like Truffie - a mild mannered gal till enough is enough. I think it shocked Daisy but then a bit later they were on a more even keel and playing much better together. Relationships unfold and they need to learn effective communications. After grooming Daisy will be heading home. She will be missed!

Dusty finds my tree peony mighty tasty. <sigh>

Boo continues to act as the kid that he is. He plows through the snow. Delights in the play and I think he thinks he has gone to dawg heaven. What a character he is. His parents are stuck and can't get home so he is hanging out here for a couple of days. He will be missed.

Coops is up in Huntsville getting less knots than when he visits us and we have snow. His play with Cody was amazing. But when Cody's dad was here (I was grooming) I overheard that Cody was saying - that's MY dad not yours. Silly funny!

Logan who is visiting for Chinese New Year decided he was NOT going to jump in the snow. He just walked around - played a bit with Panda and Roxie and came in and settled into the couch and fall asleep. So unlike the play monkey. That's okay, Kat just wanted to investigate and watch too. I get that!

The dawgs - they are so interesting - each and every one of them.

Me, I am in pure agony. I overdid it. My neck, my back, my arms are crazy sore and my muscles seem to be jumping - weird feeling. I am glad I got the grooming done. Just Daisy and a break till the next day - of course.

I am praying it doesn't rain on Monday.

Oh, and you guys out there - if you want the BEST truffles in town for Valentine's Day best head to the Longo plaza in the Bayview John area. Ultimate Truffles resides there and hands down they make the very best Truffles I have ever tasted and I have tried a ton as they are my faves.

Check out the message below as we have an update from Laci. We have missed her updates!


Laci Update

Abigail - Laci's MomCheck it out on Abigail's blog. The regular updates will be done later. I am too exhausted from grooming due to this snow. I am trying ever so hard to motivate myself to do Roxie and Truffie and Risa as they are the ones I didn't get to yesterday as I ran out of steam shoveling.

Keep saying GET IT OVER WITH and I know Nathan will say let's go out and run in the snow and the dogs will need grooming again.

Boo's parents plane canceled till Monday. Going to be fun that day as they said mud and rain is a coming.


Snow Gallery

Here's the gallery of when Lilly and Timmy visited. Hope you enjoy. Me, I have to go out and shovel. Dennis is exhausted and sleeping sitting up so its my turn.


Another Snowy and Dry Update: 2nd Update Today

Click on Photo for a Larger View

Timmy and Lilly came over for a visit and this is a just washed photo of Timmy. We had the crew out in the snow. Kona and Dusty thought the up to my knees snow was a tad ridiculous but Lilly as little as she is jumped in and out right along with her Timmy. Fiona refuses to even go out.

Nathan or Dennis MUST shovel paths as it is too deep for the Kona and Dusty and Fiona. It is getting deeper all the time. The men in my life are waiting till it stops - yeah right well I should shut up as Dennis is now doing the front but hey I care about the back. Nathan is taking a nap with some of the dogs. Look for a fun gallery later.

Doesn't Timmy look gorgeous?


Snow Keeps Coming

Nathan shoveled the deck and he needs to do it again - oh my. It's a slow and steady keeps coming thing. I have to wash Boo as he heads out tonight - but then again maybe not as flights have been cancelled everywhere including Toronto today but we must be ready. My grooming room is still a wreck. I have to brush all the dogs and shower. But here I sit typing away. hahahaha

Dick and Irma - you tell me. We can do this tomorrow too. I have been trying to be greedy and getting some learning time in while we are in this lull by having some weekends. If it is tomorrow you will have to do 10am as Cooper is going home at 11am.

Dusty says this white stuff is so much fun but this morning I sank into it to my neck. Where was Mommy's camera then? Silly lady. It should always be in her hand.

PS: The cleaning ladies have cancelled today (usual on Fridays) so I suppose I am supposed to clean. Friday is usually Dennis and my day off from that. :-) Got to have some treat.


Oh Oh

Snow is coming. Dusty needs MUCH training. Her latest antic is to hide under the deck and Nathan has to go get her. After about the 4th time - we can be slow like all of us can be, we decided recall needed to be practiced. So upstairs she went and by the time we were done for today, she was running back and forth without hearing come. What a smarty pants. Tomorrow no treat unless she hears the command.

Not sure if we are going to get the big huge storm but it is slowly coming down.

Here are just a few photos taken today. Just not up to going through all of them. So, I hope its okay to see a few.

Ty was here and gone today but just before Julie left she showed us Ty's latest command of play dead and sleep. :-) What a riot.

Daisy's home has workmen in it doing smelly stuff me thinks and she is playing up a storm. Cody was playing with Ty whenever Kona was otherwise focused on the frisbee. At first it was Ty and Kona as a team. it helped that we brought them out first alone.

Cooper thinks Boo is so fun and he relishes play growling and rolling all over the place. Each time Panda and Roxie play though he makes Roxie his own. I want to figure out what that extra something Roxie possess cause the boys all try to covet her.

Everyone is now chilling all over the place with us or with Dennis in the TV room.

Still waiting for the big storm to hit.

I did brush the Coops up but he adores sticking his face in the cedars. I may need a neutralizer to get the smell out. Funny cause Kat does the same thing. Haven't figured out what that is about except they get their face mighty messy.

Interesting thing to note, Logan didn't want Cooper to play with Panda but could care less if he played with Roxie. Interesting dynamics and this afternoon it could and usually does all change - which is quite the norm.

I just love it! Sometimes its like a school playground.