Darcy & Nathan

Well this started with Pepper finding the window. :-)
She was upstairs playing with the pups and found it mighty interesting out front. Not much was going on but a squirrel and some birds as it was too cold and icy and wet to be walking.
But then for mother's Day Nathan washed Darcy from start to finish. I checked her out afterwards to make sure he finished her right and not a single knot. Okay, he didn't do the feet or clip the bum so she gets no stickage but still she was perfect. He even used what I told him to use on her. Way to go Nathan you can do it and thanks for lightening my load today!
Of course I won't show you anyone else. Did you see the weather out there? It's called brusha, brusha tomorrow. Today I took off well mostly. Logan and Panda got groomed (now home), Jazzy got groomed and so did Brie, Colby and Pepper and Scruffy. Crossing my fingers that Pepper and Scruffy stay decent for mom and dad - human style. NO OUTSIDE till they come. :-)
Hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day. Thank you to those of you that made mine better. I deeply appreciate it!
Nathan is off to Sudbury tomorrow to get Phantom as no ride can be found. He has a long day. So tomorrow its just Dennis and I. Tons to do to play catch-up tomorrow but Nathan had the pups playing upstairs several times while I talked on the phone. I haven't done that in eons. Thanks!
Reader Comments (8)
Darcy looks fabulous !!
Can you believe Nathan did it. :-)
It's the simple pleasures we enjoy on Mother's Day like talking on the phone, sleeping in till 9 that are the best. Hope you all had a wonderful day too!
Darlah, Miss Abs, Grandma Risa and all the Moms at Talemaker....
Thank you! What more can we say. We are so thankful to have you in our lives and having our Breeze and Chinook as our canine "kids" and loving every day as they bring us so much joy, and they are our little "kids" now. Their Human Big Brother came home last night and surprised me, and we had such a great time together, and they are so excited to see him too, and he loves playing with them too. He is such a great son and what more can a Mom ask for to have the human and canine kids together that love us!
Darlah, I hope you got to talk to your children that are not in the city and that you were able to enjoy some time to reflect on all you have accomplished as a "Great" Mom to your children, Grandchildren and Havanese family!
To all the Talemaker Moms, I know you are thankful for your "kids"...
Wow, Nathan, you are hired! 😉
What a wonderful Mother's Day gift from Nathan! I'm glad you got to rest a bit. Scruffs and Pepper look and feel great.... At least until we got home and they decided that in and out to pee was not enough. Nope. They ran and chased each other all around the back yard and came in icy wet and full of grass to boot! It was nice while it lasted :) Thank you for taking such good care of them this weekend. They clearly had a wonderful time!
I brushed, cleaned feet on your duo, Lori and yes we enjoyed them. Happy Mother's Day all!
Shelley: WONDERFUL!!! Now that was a great surprise. I didn't get any rest but I managed to smile a lot. I am glad Nathan did Darcy so he knows he can at least on the dogs that don't need a lot of grooming!
Well done Nathan! Darcy looked fantastic. She was pooped when she got home!