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Simba heads out anytime now. He's had a bath and hopefully his parents are all settled in after their move. As it is raining he's had a quick outside and a wash of his feet so he looks good when his human Dad comes.
Cooper also departed and although he didn't have a bath I lined combed him. He's been playing nonstop and needed it after he has been wearing little Cooper, Roxie and sometimes Jeannie. He also played with Finn this morning and Scruffy before he departed.
Scruffy and the Pepper is here just for the afternoon. Pepper is losing her teeth and her mom has yet to be able to save one. Pepper, are you eating your teeth?
Hugo and Milo are a funny pair. Hugo is a go, go, go bichon and Milo is a sedate Havanese. They are truly a fun pair and we adore their parents.
We have been playing mostly indoor with some outdoors between the rain. The grooming has been well non stop and the floors a streak of dirt washed and washed and washed. Yep where do they go - right into the grass that seems to have mud sitting on top from all that fast running play. It happens.
Nathan helped me a bunch with grooming - thanks!!
The peonies are frowning from all this rain. Some of the dogs hair looks like that too. I may have to go out and clip some so I can enjoy them before the rain destroys them. Why can't peonies bloom all season long? Off to groom more rain out of the crew.
Rain, rain go away!
Plus I just got a photo of Shady and his new hairdo done by Valerie. Finn also arrived with a haircut his human Dad did. I didn't recognize Finn. He looks like a different dog. I will try to get a photo up of Finn when he is not wet and getting soaked. Maybe I will click just before he goes home. :-)

I posted looking for hanging baskets and in case someone else is, someone told me to look at 5330 sideline 32 in Pickering. I haven't looked yet but wanted to pass on the info in case you are looking as well.
Reader Comments (19)
Tell Pepper's mom to feed her ice cubes - they'll fall out on the spot!
Shannon: Will see her tonight in about a half hour and will tell her. Thnx! Great idea! The tooth that she is hoping will come out is loose.
"Huntsville Cooper" sure is a handsome boy, what a beautiful coat.
I love the long dark hair on his ears.
Shady's new hair cut is very nice. This may give me the courage
to ask Valerie to give Kona a similar cut. Kona's hair is finer so I do
not think he willl have this same look.
Darlah thankfully my peonies have not opened up yet. The rain really
does beat them up.
Kathy: My tree peonies are open. My garden ones are not. My garden ones are just buds.
Kathy: She will know how to cut him to make him look good.
Shady looks wonderful. That's what I call a longer short cut if you know what I mean. I may have missed a post as I don't know who Valerie is . . . ???
Valerie Weston CMG (Certified Master Groomer) & IPG Certifier. Toronto 416-964-1213 - 135 Avenue Rd., Yorkville, Toronto, Ontario
Kathy, I love Kona's coat. I am sure Valerie would do a great cut, but I think he looks so perfect. We all drool over how beautiful his hair is. Wish I had hair like that :)
I like Shady's new do....suits him.
I hope Scruffy and Pepper got to play with the Coop.....we just adore him. He is looking handsome as ever.
Thanks Shannon, I will try the ice cube but I am not sure if she will take it to chew on. When I occasional put ice cubes in her water bowl she just looks at me like what is this thing and can you please take it away? It is contaminating my water! LOL
Darlah, does Valerie do trimming by hand with scissors for longer coats?
Thx for the info Darlah.
Yes, she knows how to scissor. Has been known to talk and scissor a bichon at a show perfectly by feel and not looking at him.
Yes, Scruffy and Pepper got to play with the Coop.
Ice cubes on the floor can be considered fun vs. in a bowl. Pepper's mom though will bat ice cubes around in a bowl.
I have to soften Levon's ice cubes first - he won't take them straight out of the freezer. Once they've been in my drink for a few minutes, I break off smaller pieces for him. Yes, I see that I've created a high maintenance dog! Lol. Maybe carrots would work in ice cubes don't.
Lilly has finished loosing her baby teeth. I tried everything I could think of to give me a better chance of finding a few, carrots, chew toys, frozen cloth(then I searched every millimeter of it but NO TOOTH!) apple.....she'll eat just about anything.
But she chews a little and swallows so fast that if there was a's down the hatch. Even thought about searching through her stool................but decided I didn't need to have a tooth THAT bad! LOL
LOL, Irma, that's hilarious. I only search Levon's poop to make sure whatever he ate that he shouldn't have came out the other end! So far, I've confirmed two orange foam ear plugs travelled through his body in tact. LOL. My fear, though, is that if we took an x-ray of him, there's be a little nest of twigs (and who knows whatever else) built up in there somewhere.
Too funny Shannon! Timmy ALSO consumed my bright pink foam earplugs. You couldn't miss them when he expelled them! As for twigs....that's is the favourite past-time of my two....lying in the backyard and chewing on twigs. I know that's probably where Lilly lost her baby teeth. Drats!
Well, I have found elastics - tiny ones so now I take one out at a time vs. spreading various colours on my table.
Darlah, Pepper is super cute with that little pony tail. And of course, Roger requested I get some hot pink elastics for his pretty princess. What is with him and the hot pink? It is so hilarious how he dotes on her :)
She is adorable and he does love her despite you are her idol.