Well, We Tried

I had this goal of getting everyone into the pool. But we have to start with just a few at a time as Roxie tends to squeal like - well you fill in the blank. So, we took out Finn, Kat, Roxie and Fiona. Fiona wanted none of that swimming. Usually she loves swimming. Finn wanted none of the swimming either but we managed to get him in for a quick swim gently. At first he was trying to run away as you will see in the video. We waited till he relaxed then gently gave it a try. He did rather well but I didn't get him on video. I hadn't realized that was when Nathan was going to bring him in and I had the camera in hand vs. the video camera and although my DSLR has movie mode, did I think of it? NO.
Then it started to pour. I was drying the dogs under the dryer and gave up. It has poured twice since then and had the sun out and go figure now the sun is blazing but no swimming tonight for me.
Nathan is now off to get his ponytail cut off. He let his hair get too long and on his birthday June 1st he gets to go to Ottawa while I stay with the crew. He has a family event (not for his birthday) to go to so he had to snip. hehe
Check out today's video and also check out Abigail's pups on her blog a I did a video of their first outing too.
Here are a couple of photos I snapped. The first is of Finn. They gave him a haircut themselves. I will try to do one after his bath before he goes home. It's a great first try. This is what Finn looked like before his haircut. He is an Abigail puppy - full sibling to this crew now.
Now Nathan is yelling let's get more dogs in the pool and I said, yes dear - you groom. hahahaha Me, I am blogging.
Reader Comments (9)
Darlah, all three of us just watched the pool video. What a riot! This is the first time that we have actually seen Kat in action. What a jumper. And Roxie, wow, good for her for jumping in as well. And hearing her squeal is so funny. And watching Kat drying himself off. So much fun to watch.
P.S. on another note, Cooper slept until 7:45 am on Wednesday morning, a first for him. We actually got up before him and he then got out of bed. He must have been really tired :-)
We have earlier videos on Youtube of him jumping in but not of Roxie. That high pitched squeal of hers hurts the ears. I laughed about it but wow...
I was excited that she jumped in too. She's done it before but never caught it. She does love to swim too.
It's about time he slept in - still can't mine to.
Not sure who enjoyed watching Kat and Roxie swim more - Laci or me?! I laughed out loud more, I have to admit. Laci hasn't been in the pool yet this year so I hope watching these 2 swim has been a bit of a re- introduction . . . after all Laci was just a puppy last summer. She sure was focused so we shall see how the 1st encounter of her 2nd summer in the pool goes. No expectations - we have all summer long! :-) So looking forward to enjoying this summer w/ my girl!!!
Love that you take her swimming. It's so good for them. I find by the end of the summer they have muscles you didn't know existed.
Laci is a wiry slight girl but sooo strong! Doug says he's never seen legs this strong ever! Not necessarily in relation to swimming but her agility run in the yard, just missing each target by a fraction (be still my heart - but I am used to it now). I may be lying - :-)
Wonderful that she is doing agility. It will keep her mind busy and her body healthy. Bravo!
Laci visited a lot of residents in a retirement home today (my parents home) and she lit up so many people's hearts! Won't go in to details as they are all so varied and in the reality of each and every individual! :-)
Interesting little side note is that the new WWW is 1 block away from this retirement home. Would luv 2 C a Hav in there! They have resident dogs & cats. It's a requirement! :-)
Do you have to be certified? I ask as someone else is asking about it as certification can't happen till they are a year old and they want to get their pup exposed to wheelchairs etc. That's great that she was able to brighten faces
No they don't need to be certified. Dogs and cats walk in and out of there all of the time. They are welcomed warmly. As a matter of fact when I don't take Laci I'm always asked where she is and why didn't I bring her. Not too long ago there was a "house rabbit." Don't know where he ended up. They brought in a house poodle mix about a yr ago but no one took the time to train him properly so they gave him to one of the PSWs. Only one cat resides there at the moment.