So Sorry

I didn't click any photos beyond the pups this morning. Dennis has taken over my computer doing a favor for a friend of mine. What does that have to do with photos? Well he took out my card reader off line so why take photos if I can't transfer any. Well, I should have anyway and post them extra late but figured you may understand that I have a bath to do later.
Finn is going home first thing in the morning so I need to bathe him tonight.
Levon is here playing like crazy and is relishing jumping back and forth over Cooper. Hugo and Milo have been quiet today - can you believe?
Logan and Panda played early on and crashed. I think the heat is getting to them outside so its fun indoors.
It is exceptionally muggy and hard play can be dangerous in muggy heat so we have air on, crazy retrieve, games and the likes indoors and if this keeps up tomorrow I will get them all in the pool. We shall see.
Now back to logging in via my ipad and allowing Dennis to take over my computer. It's too hard to resize and put photos up from the ipad.
I will be glad when this project of Dennis is done. I want my computer back!
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