Chill' and Craziness
Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 6:04PM
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Well, the Jazzy is back at digging but its dry dirt so he's not so black. He has such nice hair that it seems to dry and fall off of him but he will need a bath for sure. :-)

Brie conks out in a big way after our usual runs in the backyard. She ran a lot today so she is very tired. Daisy conked out long agao but not Shoshi.

We had ducks in the pool along with all sorts of debris that Nathan keeps trying to sift out and Shoshi came alive as her job is to get them out of the pool. She thinks it is her job so much that she has torn her ligament jumping from the deck and not hitting a stair. She was a tad heavier back then and weight is a factor when they land from craziness but Shoshi is thinner these days and had a grand old time thinking she chased them away.

They did go but they surely took their time. Shoshi was so excited I almost thought she was going to jump into the pool after them but they flew away before she made the leap.

I am sure she said gee thank the dawg heavens above I didn't have to jump in. hahahaha

Everyone else is having fun and the dear Daisy departs tomorrow so a bath for her. She will be missed.

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