
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries by Darlah (5603)


Off to the Show

We are doing the show today and its a busy busy day as we have 3 dogs showing on Saturday. That means 3 baths - oh my. Are we crazy or WHAT?

Crazy is a word I am way too familiar with at times like this.

PS: Then on Sunday we try to duplicate the Truffie litter and hopefully get a chocolate gal. We shall see. What are the odds of THAT?


Lots of Work

We have been very busy but this will open up by Monday. We are still updating daily but not with photos. I apologize.

Risa is saying thank gad as I am next to wash - a reprieve - yeah!!!


Heating Up

Fiona needs a bath but she's not getting one till Friday night before the show as she is showing at the Specialty and Yvonne is walking her in the ring.

But she is in heat and her boyfriend will be at the show but we will be nice and make sure they stay away from each other till Sunday night.

Truffie is Fiona and Phantom's pup and we hope we get a female Truffie as if you can order them up like that. hahahaha

Phantom will also be strutting his stuff from Thursday on.

Yep, Truffie also will be at the show but may not be showing specialty day. It's complicated. He's not himself and showing for a stranger won't cut it but we shall see. Nathan is not allowed to show. Oh well....

It's only a DAWG show. :-) Plus this wil help him get ready for Sudbury.


Mucking it Up

You would think I never brush my dawgs but I do. I just show it all to you. I don't only show when they are perfect.

I believe dawgs should have fun. I believe they should be knot free but I also admit that disheveled look is fun.

Spice is much like her mom and believes in mucking it up in a big way. It's why she is Daddy's gal. hahahaha


Hairy Business

Sometimes no matter how much you groom the hair falls out like Spice's did many times yesterday. I mean the ponytail falls out.

Here Abigail has her own fashionable do playing with her pups who of course do not let anything in her hair. It's a target, mom. Can you blame us?

We hear Sinner is pulling Truffie's hair ties out so I may have to figure out something. Time will give me a solution or maybe not.



Grooming Products

Charlie, a Wasabi and Kat PupI love a product called Pek that really gets out mats. Oh many work but not quite like this.

While I am at it, I will tell you what products I adore.

For a puppy coat I love Pure Paws Oatmeal and Aloe Shampoo and Conditioner. As an adult, it depends on the coat.

I also use a teflon comb, a face comb or some call it a part comb for around the mustache and the eye area plus a Madan Brush. I also use a Plush Puppy Brush but there are other versions of this if the coat starts matting. For finishing I have a Mason Pearson but YOU DO NOT NEED THAT. It's only for us crazy show people. The rest will be all you ever need. 

You will receive a sample of the shampoo and conditioner. I buy a big bottle and give you some. This way you know what it is like.

You also need nail clippers if you are clipping the nails yourself. Nathan will show you how.

I think that's it. :-)



Do you remember when Spice and her littermates was this little? We had white fluffy stuff on the ground.

Oh boy when will THAT come?

Middle of next month our pool gets closed and suddenly the crew will be running over it as if it is a trampoline. They love it and we love the safety of it and how it increases their running space.

Plus Treasure's crew will learn balance on it. hehe


I finally went swimming today and the crew came out to watch. Then I stated weeding and they also watched and tried to help. Their help is rather a hysterical attempt to garden.

I have a dawg garden - so what!


Havanese Calendars are Here

You will want this calendar and it is available through us, at the show or from the HFC. All proceeds go to the HFC.

If you get it from us or at the show there is no shipping and handling costs.

Check it out!


Havanese Specialty

We hope you come. The vendors that we buy from will be at the show and worth coming. Plus its also the place to get your havanese calendar or you can get them from us. There are so many amazing photos of Havanese in the 2012 version and all proceeds go to support the Havanese (HFC).

Here's the times so you can plan.

Saturday, August 27, the National Specialty

Ring 4 Judge Mr. C. Barnes


10:00am Veteran Sweepstakes

1-10 years and Over Bitch entered


7 dogs entered


Followed by the National Specialty

Ring 4 Judge C. Mogavero



Sunday, August 28th, the Regional Specialty HOLA

Sweepstakes begin at 10:15am

Judge E. Obrecht

5 dogs entered


Followed by the Regional Specialty

Ring 4 Judge Ms. S Barkey



Hey It's Over

 I had to post this photo as it's as if this black, tan and white gal from Abigail is celebrating that we are now done this testing business.

I looked at this photo and just roared.

Do you think they are sore? Not a chance. You should see them playing today.


Treasure Update

Yes, she is pregnant but you knew that. Check out her blog to find out what the ultrasound said.



Today we had Gidget coming over to visit the pups with her human mom Audrey and Audrey's mom. It was fun to watch Gidget and Audrey with the pups. I remember how Gidget loves them so.

Towser and Tia with their parents is dropping in too.

It's going to be a full house and fun to socialize the pups. Tomorrow they are 8 weeks. WOW

This socialization is 'good' for the pups - canines and humans.

My all time fave photo from today is Audrey (Gidget's owner) getting loving from Spice.

Tell me if you agree.

It's not only puppies that need socialization but the big dawgs too.

It is truly important to socialize every chance you get.


Big Sis Puppy Play

I love how Spice plays with the puppies. She is just amazing how she jumps and plays and rolls with the little ones.

Do you notice how they all crowd around her as if they look up to her?

It's the big sister syndrome. What else can she teach us?


Treasure Watches Pups

Treasure goes for her Ultrasound on Monday. Is she pregnant? Must be. She's growing by the day.

She enjoys watching the pups. Is she a good mom? One of the best. She adores the pups.

Now off to groom her. As you can see in this photo, she needs a good grooming. :-)


Shoe Time

Spice seems a tad bored today. I will have to give her a bath and wake her up. She's starting to knot and some of that is from mad play but also when that happens it means the coat is dirty and needs to be washed. A clean coat knots less.

But don't make a mistake and wash a knotted coat. It is important to get the knots out BEFORE you wash or the knots get tight and turn to felt.

Today, due to the cooler weather the pups stayed out for close to 2 hours and now they are sleeping and sleeping. Time to give a bath during quiet time.

The adults that also played with them are taking naps.


Wide Eyes Wonder

I placed Truff on the stairs. tried to brush his hair back and then made funny faces at him to get him to look at me.

I never saw him looking at me with such big eyes.

I wonder what he was thinking?


Support the Havanese

The Havanese specialty shirt is now on sale and is on sale online and will be on sale at the show.

But if you want a certain size, be sure to order ahead of time.

There is a photo on the front and on the back.

The Havanese Fanciers Club of Canada will also have a raffle at the show, tote bags on sale and there will be vendors at the show.

See the official merchandise here.

Try to attend if you are near Richmond Hill at the end of the month. We would LOVE to see you.

Here are the details.

We will have Truffie and the Spice showing but not by us. Nathan can't show as he is show chairperson but we will be there helping out, taking photos.

Plus if you are getting a puppy or have a puppy, the vendors you want will be at the show.

If you can't make it for Saturday for the national specialty, be sure to join us on Sunday for the regional specialty put on by HOLA.

Look forward to seeing you there.


Nathan, Kat & Swimming

Earlier I was torn between the computer and the swimming pool. The large oval brown eyes Kat fixed beseechingly on me convinced me to take a dip. Sometimes it’s important to make time for best friends. Kat and I have been swimming together for many years. His leaps off the deck into the swimming pool have long brought us joy. Don’t listen to me, see for yourself.

Note: Ignore the human and watch the dogs. The very first thing we teach our dogs is how to get out of the pool. In this 3 year old video, after Kat and I took the edge off, I slowly lowered Abigail into the pool and then escorted her over to the steps and let her climb out herself. I will repeat this over and over until I’m sure she gets it. The same theory holds true at your cottage. The first thing you do is make sure that when your dog is in the water he or she knows how and where to get out. This is serious stuff. Don’t ever assume. Keep your dog safe this summer. If you are in a boat make sure your dog is wearing a life vest. Enjoy every minute, come home safe and then share photos with us. That’s the rules.



Time to Chill

With the pups going on 7 weeks, Abigail is now finally starting to wean them. Wasabi has started days ago. Wasabi was able to play with the pups as they knew her milk bar had closed. Abigail can't.

Within a week, I suspect they will both be playing with them without having to deal with the locust effect.