What a Day

Today I washed Truffie, Fiona and Simba. I also groomed everyone and Nathan didn't pick up a brush but mumbled he was exhausted.
When I groom I do a thorough job. When he grooms he thinks he does a thorough job but the only way to do that is to take a comb through the entire coat to find any knots. That takes time that he doesn't have. You don't have to do it every day but you should be doing it at times to know what you missed.
Truffie's coat was a mess. Nathan has been brushing him and we have had a lot of wet, mud and well leaves and all sorts of things. So when I forgot to brush before I put him in the tub (I thought he didn't have any knots - silly me) I had some knots to get out that felted. As he has a show coat you must be careful on how you remove the knots. I spray, I pull apart, I spray, I take a brush and try to pull the knot apart, I spray, I take a comb and break it up carefully and on and on and on. Two hours later he was done. It was exhausting but his coat was in good shape when I was done but my arm wasn't and there isn't a single knot in his hair and now I will do his hair from now on. Shhh if I say anything to Nathan he will say you can do everyone cause I can't. hahahah So we won't say anything. I just will do show coats and visitors and he can do Risa, Kat etc. :-)
Can I go to bed yet?
Truffie was a star as he laid on his back and let me remove knots in sensitive spots. I am impressed. All that hard work to get him ti lay on his back works. Now my job is easier due to it.
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