In His Usual Form

Truff was making the most of the hot day playing out with the pups. Me, I am waiting till the sun goes down to take them out again so I am not sweating too much.
Is this heatwave something else? I have a tulip blooming - yikes.
Too much to do in the garden for sure.
Reader Comments (5)
Enjoy the cool evening Darlah and I'm glad you are feeling better. I hope you get the opportunity to look at the pictures I took last night. Some of them are pretty good. The puppies move so fast that it is difficult to capture them sometimes. Need a tripod. Have you ever used one to take pics of the dogs? Take Care
I was feeling rather under the weather last night so didn't get to. I apologize. Today I am better just not well. By about 6pmish I start feeling like I am drowning in fluid. Hard to explain. Daytime seems better as of late. I wish you had them on a service that does free photos so I could point to them as not everyone has facebook but I promise to get to them. Today is my got to wash Logan and Panda day. Just finished Logan. Dennis is now sick. :-( I will try to transfer some and post them so everyone can see but not sure if its today I can. My apologies.
Tripods are good if you REMEMBER to use one but a monopod may be easier ro manuever. I use the deck railing to stabalize myself or sit down and use my legs with my elbows intact.
Truffie's colouring really is exquisite! And, as you know, always love to see pics of the puppies and hear how they're progressing. Exciting times!!!
Hi Darlah
I also put most of the pictures on Flickr. Under Warings. Open to anyone to view. Hope you and Nathan are feeling better soon.