
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in small dog boarding toronto (73)


Christmas Eve at Talemaker Havanese

Well the crew will get special bones to gnaw on come Christmas after breakfast.

But today, they were in such a wonderful playful mood. I tell you.

Everyone got groomed and I had to write everyone's name on a list and check it off. I didn't do a cursory job either. Brush then comb through to make sure no knots exist and then they went on walks and got sandy dirty. I can't win.

Tomorrow we have one of Fiona's pups coming for just the afternoon. Then we have a few more dawgs that are joining us for what will be a ton of fun on December 26th.

Not much else is getting done but dawgs, dawgs and more dawgs but we love it.

Looks like Abigail is in heat now too.

Today Bailey is after Cesar big time in play. Fred's playing with everyone. Coco started playing and Zack plays with all. Of course our gang joins in especially that Abigail and Treasure that thinks play is their first name.

It's wonderful watching this play. The sand though on the walks is not.

If you want to see some photos from today - I know all of you that are leaving your loves with us want to...and that's why we do it - well check it out here.


What a Day & Night

The day started out early with Nathan going down to get Val and her TT and Bichon and Havanese. The Havanese, Kit Kat was coming for a visit and her Bichon and TT was going to the vets with Nathan who had to take Terra for her standing Tuesday rehab visit.

Yesterday Nathan thought he had flooded the van and I told Yvonne about it but it started fine today She was coming in for a doctor's appointment and I offered to watch her 4 Havanese and her puppy who is a cutie and still available - almost ready to go to a new home.

Well, I had Kit Kat and Bailey one of our visitors was not too crazy about this miniature Havanese. Kit Kat never bothered her but something about her - well Bailey wasn't crazy about so, I tend to expose the dawgs slowly when they have a reaction like that. I placed Bailey up high with me while I groomed all the dawgs. I do this daily. They may not look that way midstream but I feel better that they are knot free. I then washed Fiona as she was getting cut down due to the puppies mangling her hair.

Then Yvonne called to ask if the van was okay and I said call Nathan. I am glad she did. She came by the vets, picked up Val and the dawgs to bring them here and Nathan waited for CAA.

While Nathan was waiting for a tow truck in lovely Colborne, Yvonne dropped off her dawgs including a puppy and Val with her TT and her Bichon.

It was a sea of dawgs here and Bailey eventually adjusted and so did Cesar who looked around and I swear was counting.

The dawgs played and played. Check out the photos from today, here.

The car's in the shop. Nathan is tuckered out - me too and so are the dawgs. It's 9:30 at night and I am typing away.

Tomorrow brings Fred, Zack and Coco and the 4 Fiona pups will be coming for a short visit in the afternoon. What fun tomorrow brings.

Off to snuggle and play with the crew. I need it!


Boarding Alert!!

If a big snow hits like New England and you need to drop off your dog early, just let us know. Of course we charge accordingly but we wanted to put it out as an option in case getting here becomes a hardship. If you are local, we can do a pickup for a charge.

No, this is not about money. It's about offering you a way to not have to worry about one more thing.

They say a big one is coming Xmas eve but you know how the weather folks just never know.

While our visitors families are away for Xmas and/or the New Year, we at Talemaker are hoping for a ton of snow to do all sorts of fun videos with our visitors and our pack. Yep, we want snow not for your inconvenience so it can come after you are basking in the rays somewhere warm or skiing on a snow hill but just so we can have some delicious snow fun with the crew.

More later today about our crew. ... Stay warm and enjoy the winter holidays!


Wow Such Fun Indeed!

Who do we have here today...well Saki and Missy.

We also have Bailey who came yesterday and Max who came today and Cesar who has been here for awhile.

The crew is really meshing and playing well.

Bailey was hesitant her first night but she slept next to me in her bed with her head nudging mine. It was so sweet. She also hung out on my lap and got the lay of the land but today - well she is playing up a storm. With whom? Max, Cesar, Fiona (she really likes Fiona), Abigail and Kat.

Cesar has become way comfie and eats in his shiny bowl daily. He is a regular play monster and has decided if you are not playing - well I will get you to.

Max is playing with Cesar and Bailey tonight or maybe refereeing. Missy is also getting into the fun. The night has just begun!

The crew has been on walks - outside and inside a million and a half times and yes we go out with them. How do you think we get these pictures and besides who would want to miss the moments - not I.

If you want to see a glimpse of today, check out these photos.


New Visitor & 2 Delayed until Tomorrow

Bailey came to visit and although it was a repeat visit, she was a tad hesitant - tail down for about 15 minutes then her tail went up.

She started cozying up to the others and finding her comfort.

The pack reacted warmly to Bailey. She's going to have a blast this holiday!

Daisy just got cleaned up to go home. Her Mom comes at 3:30.

We will miss the little round snuggle monster. She may be back soon while her floors are getting done and we look forward to it!

Cesar was one of the first to say hello to Bailey. It was nice to see a visitor welcoming a visitor. Cesar really has his comfort going on.

Last night we had another crate - a wired one and Cesar decided that and his own was just his and he went back and forth figuring out which was more comfie. He decided he liked the wire one - at least last night he did. We will see what tonight brings.

Today the dogs are enjoying outside a tad more. Yesterday it was too cold. Where's the snow? We still have a fair amount but we need a blanket of new.

I want 12 inches so we can all lay out there - dawgs alike and do dog/snow angels. ROFL

Plus Treasure and Cesar can play - find that duck in the snow that they so fondly do.

I have the video camera charging - just waiting for that snow.

For all those vacationing in warmer climates - I am jealous but hey - we got the snow!


Slow Conditioning

Cesar's human parents told us that Cesar had an issue with shiny bowls. He simply didn't like them and wouldn't eat from them. Each dog tends to have quirks about different things but you can get them by it by slow conditioning.

Our golden saw a raccoon in our pool house up in the rafters one year and for eons had a moment of - looking up and worrying if it was going to come back. She's past it now but that was due to persistence.

I tend to believe we - all humans and dawgs have our own fears and we tend to be proactive about getting our dawgs past them. No one should be a prisoner of their own fears.

Cesar has no issues with anything else - a rather brave and happy soul but all dogs have something. That you haven't seen it only means you haven't been exposed to it yet. It can be as simple as that silly moving Christmas figurine that you see on your walks or the paper flying through the air or the garage door etc. But instead of avoiding, you should do slow conditioning. You do not saturate but you play a slow game of exposure till it's just part of their lives and that fear goes away.

We only fear what we do not know.

As you can see, Cesar is eating from a shiny bowl on day 5. He absolutely reacted that first day so out came a ceramic bowl and no issue. We didn't force the issue but just exposed. Each day Nathan surrounded him with the bowls and fed each dog closer and closer to him till today when he put his own shiny bowl down, Cesar ate without a single concern.

It is NORMAL for canines and humans to have fears. It's the use of slow conditioning that gets us by them.

Cesar and Daisy are wonderful dawgs. Although Daisy thinks she must play at the witching hour and pounces on my chest to play and lick my face, she's learning - it's not 6am yet.

Cesar uses a crate at night per a request from his owners and willingly goes into it to sleep. Daisy sleeps on the bed as that is what she does at home. All of our dawgs except the Golden's sleep on the bed including the visitors except when requested otherwise.

It was great to have a sea of dawgs keeping us warm. Even though we have the house much warmer than some of our friends with their open window - tsk tsk, it was way cold last night despite the furnace kicking in so the body hugs was nice!

Last night we had Missy and Holly's parents come to visit. Missy has boarded with us before and she is one of the most agile dawgs next to Gidget, Louis and Wasabi that we ever did see.

She hasn't been here for quite sometime so we did the one on one with her and her pack mate sister Holly. We do not believe in starting a visit with the dawgs being overwhelmed but feel a slow conditioning - 1 at a time introduction is a must even with dawgs that have come here before and aren't the partying types.

There are few that are the life of the party and relishes the crowd from the onset like Teddy.

Oh, they all get to be as the visit goes on but each has their own comfort zone and timetable. I don't like being immersed in a sea of strangers at a party though Nathan would have no issue with it. Each of us are different and that's a good thing.

We also gain our comfort levels being exposed to other people's (dawgs) strengths.

It doesn't make us better or worse - just unique. Think if we were all the same how B-O-R-I-N-G that would be.

Here's a photo of Holly who seems to be quite okay with the activity at Talemaker. She's in for a treat when she comes visit us. She's a tiny thing so we will be using our sweaters on her - watching her carefully to make sure it's not too cold for her and doing the same with the older set.

This morning it was too cold for the older crew to be out beyond 5 minutes at a time so we go out with them many times throughout the day and hopefully it will be warm enough today around noon to get a walk in. There are those rare moments where it is simply too cold to do just that and safety is more of a concern so we instead play games in the house - all sorts of silly games and the dawgs get tuckered out despite the lack of a chunk of outside play at a time.

People tell us all the time that their dawgs go home and almost sleep for 2 days. Why? They have such a jam packed vacation with us filled with fun that they need to regroup from the holiday. I am sure you humans know what that means. Unless your holiday takes you to a beach where you do nothing but lay around - if you are sight seeing etc. and doing biking, trekking etc - you come home - and then say - ah - it's good to be home - even though that holiday was AMAZING, I need to relax and enjoy home. Your canines do the same thing.

So, just because your dawgs are having the time of their life, they are so thrilled to see you and need that down time till the next time.

Stay warm folks - it's very cold out today. Pay attention to your dawgs feet - their bodies and bring them in when they are cold even if it's after 5 minutes.


Crazy Dawg Livin'

We have had exciting times at Talemaker Havanese. Cesar and Daisy are visiting. Daisy will be going home late this week. Her mom is dealing with the mega flu. We hope she is starting to feel better. Friday Bailey, Max and Missy come and on Saturday Saki comes for a morning visit.

Exciting times for sure!!

Cesar is becoming a play monster especially with Daisy and Treasure in the mix. Both are playing wonderfully - eating well - walking well and enjoying many games of - who can get the duck first.

The weather is cool but comfie enough that we have flakes and can still enjoy the outside.

The pool cover has become semi-slushy so grooming is a more than daily thing.

Our day starts with play outside at 6 to 630am then breakfast, then outside play and then retrieve and then grooming where they all stand in line waiting for their turn - honest they do. Why? I am gentle - they get extra hugs and snuggles and a treat at the end.

We had one of our puppy owners over the other day and she was surprised that they were standing in line waiting their turn. That sort of stuff comes with making the experience fun and that treat at the end.

Take a peek at the photos of our crew - visitors and our own. I should have taken the one last night of Nathan draped with dawgs from one end of him to the other while we watched TV or draped all over me and him in bed but who would take a photo of THAT?


Today's Craziness with TTs and Visiting Havs

Have to tell you, today has been such glorious fun to capture a visiting Havanese with Treasure and Treasure's face at times - priceless and Val's TTs and her Havanese and our crew. It has been such fun to capture such great moments.

Though Jebbie seems smitten with Fiona and she's not interested. It's been interesting as Jebbie has been persistent and she has been...well let's say vocal - I am not interested. Maybe it's his size. hehehehe

Charlie a visiting Havanese that Val is watching is 5 months and he has hit it off with Treasure. He plays with the rest but my camera couldn't get off those two.

Check out our fun today.

Snow is coming this week so pick up that camera and go click, click and click.

I am hoping to make snow paths and invite puppies over. I know - I can't help myself.

Enjoy today's photos. For a larger view, check the pics out here.


What Are You Saying?

"I'm Feeling Relaxed, Normal ... "

My posture is calm and relaxed, just kinda standing around. Please ask my owner before you approach me or pet me, just to be on the safe side.

Yes, one should ALWAYS ask an owner if you can pet their dog. Even when one does, it doesn't always mean that the owner knows how their dog will react.

You have to get to know your dog and what other dogs are saying.

That is why its good to take obedience classes so you can learn what your dog is saying and what other dogs are saying. You will also have a more confident dog and that's a bonus.

Even the most confident dog in one environment may show concerns in others. It all depends on how YOU Handle it on how your dog will ultimately handle 'concerns.

Treasure has had many handling classes, several levels of obedience and is a champion show dog. She's been conditioned to all sorts of environments but I could take her to a bowling alley and her body may shake from concern if she heard bowling balls going crack. It's not something we would have conditioned her to so it would be new to her. That's the point. In life there is always something new but as time goes on, if you do your job right, not coddle and expose productively, those exposures that are new will come with coping skills and trust that you would keep them from harm's way.

So, slow condition and keep at it and you will end up with an amazing dog. We are what we know and that is true of our dawgs as well!


Sopping Wet

Don't ya wish it would snow then rain, rain and more rain? We do. We would love it if we had the experience of a first snow with the last puppy but I doubt we will.

Treasure tends to get wet even if there is one puddle in the yard. She can't help herself but that is her personality. Some Havanese love the water and others do not.

Shoshi pokes her head out the door and decides she doesn't do rain. We don't let her get away with it and we take her out anyways. We drop her in the middle of the grass - she does her business and runs as fast as she can to the door.

Do you think Treasure does that? Nah - she embraces it like its her best friend and rolls and jumps and mucks it up.

One breed - all different personalities and we rather like it that way!


Missy: A Wasabi Pup

Just got a photo of one of Wasabi's pup - Missy.

I love that hair thing she has going on. She even has Wasabi's half mustache. What a cutie!

Her mom tells me she has silver and brown coming in and it sounds like she has been playing up a storm with her Havanese housemate, Max.

This one went to a friend who lives way too far away. But luckily she pings me on instant message every once in awhile.

It's so great to see photos and hear how the crew is. We really miss the crew when they leave and always want to hear how they are doing.

Today, I gave Whitney, Kat and Abigail a bath. The big job was Whitney as she is 14 years old and collapsed a number of times and she has moments where she's not doing well and today was it.

So, every time you think a Havanese is a job to wash, think of me with 2 goldens - 1 with bad legs - another with dementia and you may laugh when you get a tad wet from that bath with your Havanese. It's not that bad - honest!

Well, Abigail - after I got her done decided to rub her body all over the place making sure she looks a mess but she smells and feels wonderful. If only I had the energy to do the rest all in one day.

Now to get some work done and groom the rest of the crew. Yep, sometimes I don't get it done til I am sitting and watching TV. What about you?

Tip of the Day:

If your puppy pees on your carpet, try this. After soaking up most of the mess with paper towel, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the area and leave it to absorb both the traces of urine and the odor.


Wasabi Pup Comes to Visit

Chewie came over for a visit with his humans. It was an unexpected visit and it was fun.

He is such a happy boy going a mile a minute with his tail. It was great to see.

Tomorrow Saki comes for a visit and we are hoping it doesn't rain.

Chewie is going all silver like his dad. It's going to be interesting seeing him next summer and seeing the changes.

Here's a neat trick to teach your little one.

Flip a Treat
This trick is fun for both your Havanese and his audience. And it's easy, too.
•Hold your left hand under your dog's muzzle and place a treat on the end of his nose with your right hand. Slowly move your hands away as you give the command "Take it!"

•During the first few attempts, the treat will probably go flying over your dog's head. Grab it before he does and repeat. Eventually he'll figure out how to snatch the treat in midair.

•Teaching your dog to wait for your verbal cue before grabbing the treat requires a hold command and a release command. Place your left hand under your Havanese's muzzle and the treat on his nose with your right, then look into his eyes and say, "Hold it" in a low, assertive tone.

•Slowly remove your hand from his muzzle and say, "Take it!" If he begins to go for the treat before your command, repeat the hold cue.


Funny Havanese Games

If you click on this photo, you can see a larger view. In it you will see Treasure sticking her tongue out at Abigail. These two gals have a face down all the time.

It's not Abigail. It's Treasure who wants to be top dog and Abigail says - who you - not you - couldn't be. hehehehehe

Treasure is a strong personality. She's fun. she's lovely and she will make you laugh but she needs boundaries. She's the kid that you say don't cross that line and she is edging her paw out seeing if you are looking.

This type of dawg is a huge ball of fun but you have to be boss and they have to understand that when they cross the line - no matter how cute you think it is, you have to set boundaries. Dawgs thrive with rules and boundaries - just some have to try to see what they can get away with and if allowed...well they will end up testing you to the point where you are not happy.

So, instead of playing recovery - set your rules and give positive reinforcement. Try not to laugh when they do something bad that is equally funny.

Your dawg is what you put in to them. They are worth it!!

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