Wasabi Pup Comes to Visit

Chewie came over for a visit with his humans. It was an unexpected visit and it was fun.
He is such a happy boy going a mile a minute with his tail. It was great to see.
Tomorrow Saki comes for a visit and we are hoping it doesn't rain.
Chewie is going all silver like his dad. It's going to be interesting seeing him next summer and seeing the changes.
Here's a neat trick to teach your little one.
Flip a Treat
This trick is fun for both your Havanese and his audience. And it's easy, too.
•Hold your left hand under your dog's muzzle and place a treat on the end of his nose with your right hand. Slowly move your hands away as you give the command "Take it!"
•During the first few attempts, the treat will probably go flying over your dog's head. Grab it before he does and repeat. Eventually he'll figure out how to snatch the treat in midair.
•Teaching your dog to wait for your verbal cue before grabbing the treat requires a hold command and a release command. Place your left hand under your Havanese's muzzle and the treat on his nose with your right, then look into his eyes and say, "Hold it" in a low, assertive tone.
•Slowly remove your hand from his muzzle and say, "Take it!" If he begins to go for the treat before your command, repeat the hold cue.
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