
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in small dog boarding toronto (73)


Havanese Play

Tia is visiting and she has been having a ton of fun with Treasure, Shoshi and Abigail. Yep, Abigail is back playing up a storm again and it is so nice to see.

This is a repeat visit for Tia and she fits in here so well. She gets her snuggles, her play and even doesn't mind the daily grooming.

Her mom suggested I wash her early as she was a tad dirty but I just used a waterless bath. This way when she goes home, she will be fresh and snuggable.

Saki comes tomorrow so I bet these two will play up a storm. Then Daisy will be coming before this duo goes home so it will be a real fun Sunday for sure.

It's been quiet enough for what seems too long. Catch the action this weekend here. We wil be telling you all about it!


Havanese Hair Tips Video

 Treasure was bathed today and we took a video of it. It's a bloody half hour video. My apologies but if you are interested, we will be uploading it. I only show one method with various tips that I have learned. Realize there are other ways to take care of a long coat too but I tried to show you what I do for her hair. Sometimes I mix it up with her and use various products and methods including Show Sheen in the tub but now to find a site that can handle the size.

Our puppy owners will have to get it burned on DVD. :-) .

Tia is visiting us tomorrow again. We are so excited. Watch for news on the video tomorrow.


More Photos Added to Archie's Gallery

We got some more photos in Archie's gallery that show movement and his fun nature. Check them out.


Havanese Archie Comes to Visit

This is Archie's first visit for daycare and he has been playing with Abigail, Treasure and Fiona. He has also got acquainted with the puppies but he's not totally sure what to make of them when they run in unison around him wanting to play.

He's sniffed and touch noses but as most larger dogs are that haven't had experience with the real small set, he is doing a wait and watch and see.

If you want to see what he is doing today, check out today's photos that I uploaded so his parents could see that he's truly enjoying his time here.

Look here.



Bad Hair Day: Havanese Mothers

We love our Abigail. But puppies really wreck havoc on ones hair. That's okay. It will grow back.

If you want to see a larger photo of Abigail, just click on the photo.

Today I meant to wash Treasure but it looks like I will do that on Tuesday and I will try to take a video so you can see how I groom.

Now this depends on how well Nathan can video tape me or rather Treasure. If he/I find the time. The goal is to show you how I take knots out and wash and blow dry. We will see if I can actually turn this into a reality. I promise not to brush her tomorrow in hopes I have some knots to work with. Her hair is rather dirty so maybe this siesta from grooming on just her will work. Tuesday will tell.

Today was rather gloomy but we got to go out and about.

Tomorrow we have Archie coming for the day for daycare. We are looking forward to it. More tomorrow.

I think we are going to have rain...


Comings & Goings at Talemaker Havanese

Splish, Splash, they were taking a bath.

Daisy and Teddy had a bath today as they went home. Two party dogs going their separate ways. I am sure their paths will meet again here.

Teddy was also smitten with the Treasured one. Shanty also went to her forever home.

Wow, a lot of changes.

Then Missy and Holly arrived and were fascinated by the puppies. We even had one out to play with them. A video will be up tomorrow.

Did you know the more you groom, the more conditioned they get to grooming? But even when we groom, do you know what is often forgotten? The eye area cleanup and the ears and yep those nails.

Even when boarders come in the door, it would be easy to say - oh tomorrow we will start grooming but I don't. Each day is a day of grooming conditioning that hopefully helps you and helps them.



Penny Visits Us Today

This is one of Fiona's daughters. She looks a lot like Fiona but also like Fiona's mother. Fiona is getting bred soon and will the pups look like this? No and yes. Each time they are different and the sire will not be Kat. Will they be wonderful characters? No doubt.

Will she have all blondes or apricots like her? You never know. She could have sables or black and whites or... well it is a wonderful surprise.

It's quiet around here. It's raining! We have Yvonne's Maggie visiting. Jay goes home tomorrow, Cesar goes home Friday. Ripley comes Friday.

No photos today. Sorry but I want to snuggle with pups and dawgs and enjoy them inside while they track in mud. hehehe

It's a Havanese dawg residence - what can I say!


Chasing Games in the Yard

Cesar Got the Ball & Treasure & JayUsually Treasure gets the ball but not this time. Cesar beat her to the punch. Any game that is played, Treasure plays to win. She should just play to play. She's learning.

It's great that Treasure learns the game of fair play. That's the bonus of having boarding, she gets to deal with a variety of personalities and more exposure for any of them equals a better dog if done right.

Socialization is important. I believe it is key to a balanced dog.

Today we played ball a number of times. We did the grooming thing. Someone asked me how long it takes to groom a dog. Well puppies about 5 or 10 minutes but the more dogs you do, the faster you become. It used to take me over 2 hours to do a proper bath and blow dry but I can do one in just over an hour depending on the condition of the hair, of course. I line comb them completely looking to see if there is a knot I missed.

Now if a coat is going through the 'blowing coat' stage and I had 3 visitors here this year that was doing so at once, I have to brush and comb several times a day or you face a huge job and I try to avoid this.

It's warm weather, dried what have you is yanked through the house especially if you are us and you don't do a proper fall cleanup. That increases grooming time but hey, it's warm and who is going to the All about Pets Show? Don't know what it is about? Check out the Events page. Then check out some dog action with ball seeking fun on our visitors photo page.


Missing Guests

Obi, Zack and Coco went home and Remy goes home tomorrow.

I tried my 2x extender out that I have had for eons but never used. It came with a lens I had bought quite sometime ago and I found it's a whole level of steady required so blur, blur, blur so not many photos came out. I promise to do better tomorrow or yank out that tripod.

Obi and Shanty was busy playing this morning. Obi is a sweetheart. He's a snuggler too. I am going to miss having a puppy that age around.

Remy has been playing with Cesar and Treasure and Ceser - well Cesar plays with anyone that will. Remy is a snuggler especially at bedtime. His fave human here is Nathan. I can't blame him.

What can I say about Zack and Coco. They are regulars and we just love them.

Jay Jay joins us soon. I can't wait!! Then Coach and Sassy and Louis - oh my real fun in store for us and wow what a fun week this will be.


Scout & Tiger Lily Goes Home Today

ScoutScout just got freshly bathed and he left us today. sniff sniff. He's a little guy with a big personality filled with fun.

Tiger Lily will be going home tonight, Daisy tomorrow and then we will be down to just Remy, Zack and Coach. Then on Monday Zack and Coco will leave us and then come back to us just for the weekend. <smile>

Tiger Lily has been enjoying the gang including Fiona.

Remy has been hanging out with Daisy, Treasure and he adores Abigail when she comes down.

Life is ever changing. It's almost SNOWING and no photos today. We only took about 20 so we will include then with tomorrow's photos. I hope you don't mind.

I need some snuggling time with the dawgs and of course the hubby. More tomorrow!


Havanese Runs

Running with the HavaneseYou've heard about that practice called 'Running with the Bulls' but have you heard about the Running with the Havanese'?

Well, the weather is now here and Nathan is doing his best to get the dawgs excited and running their fool heads off. Well, maybe his off not the dawgs.

The Havanese can run circles around him without even trying. That's not to say Nathan can't run fast but have you ever seen a Havanese run? It's amazing!

Well, I spent most of the day up with the puppies today. Nathan spent it with the gang.

I just came down, groomed a Havanese or two then went back upstairs and did that throughout the day.

I look forward to the puppies coming downstairs into my office. Three more weeks and counting - or maybe 2.5. hehehehe

The weather is gorgeous but I feel like it passed me by.

Thursday 3 go home in the morning so late tomorrow night I get to bathe then before bed. One of Fiona's kids comes for a couple of days and Remy joins us. We also have Scout leaving us come this weekend.

March Break is coming to a close and in the 2nd week of April we may be back to just our own.

It all goes by so fast...doesn't it?


No Bark: And Can you Pose Havanese Style?

Nathan talking to some of the crewIt's a gorgeous day out and sometimes you just have to laugh. Nathan is saying 'no bark' as someone next door was playing cutsie pie-ish with their grandchild and it got our crew going.

He also got this idea through his head to pose them and did anyone cooperate?

The crew has been enjoying the great outdoors but it also means they hear the dog from around the block howling and sometimes some want to hear their own voice making noise.

It gives us the opportunity to correct and reinforce that 'no bark' rule. It takes doing it over and over as it is always someone different starting it and you have to shut down the culprit that started it all. But if you keep at it, and they know you are serious, it all works.

Check out today's photos titled, Smashing Fun.


Sunny Times at Talemaker Havanese

Coco One of Our VisitorsWe have had a truly fun weekend filled with way exciting moments. But unfortunately, Zack, Coco and Jessie are on their way home.

Tia and Sydney are still with us playing up a storm.

In the middle of Tia and Sydney going home, we have party guy Jay Jay, Jasper (one of Wasabi’s pups), Charlie and Weaver coming.

It’s really a lot of excitement and it always is something new with each bringing their very own personality to the mix.

Zack, Coco and Jessie all had baths. Tomorrow I will get in a couple of baths with our resident Talemaker guys. They get groomed daily but with all this dirt from the walks, well they look a tad dingy no matter how hard you try. So, with snow coming, we will spruce them up again.

Are any of you sick of all this sand you are bringing in from walks and visitors? Will they stop sanding the sidewalks and streets?

It was a fantastic warm and sunny weekend,  as warm as any winter day can be. I almost felt spring in the air and then they say snow is coming.

I guess it is mother nature keeping us on our toes.

Let’s see, Jessie loved his bath – yes loved it! Zack just wants the treats and Coco doesn’t seem to mind a bit.

Sydney One of Our VisitorsSydney is a stick monster. No matter where she is, she finds them and we have tons in the garden. She just thinks it's a delightful game to take one and run with it while Treasure chases her.

We really had a great time running around. The little ones found fun running under the deck from one side to the other side. Yes, it is safe.

The visitors, Tia and Sydney taught themselves. Maybe it had a lot to do with watching Wasabi run in and out.

 If you want to see a few photos taken today, well check it out here.


Valentine's Day at Talemaker Havanese

What happened today? Well Marlee and Jazmyn had their baths before going home. We had many play sessions. I almost counted today how many times I go in and out with the dogs and then I forgot to count - how silly. I should remember to count one day. Let's just say it's too many to count.

The crew got groomed. I forgot to groom me. ROFL - Well the shower took place but the hair and all - well - I went to the dawgs long time ago so they don't mind. That's what I love about them...unconditional love and what better day to celebrate that then today.

Nathan is at a Collie specialty doing ring stewarding. He missed most of the day time fun these past two days. He's squeezed in as much as he can in the early morning and at night.

Here are a few photos from today.

Let's see....

Maia (spelling?) is playing up a storm today as you will see in some of the photos. She also is truly enjoying the 'see if you can get the toy' game with the crew. She started only going where I was and soon started adventuring inside and out. She doesn't mind grooming and still kisses up a storm. She wasn't sure where she was going when she went for her walk but her next one, she settled in and looked forward to it.

Jazmyn and Marlee had to go (sniff sniff) and I moved my gate back as she was having a grand time (Marlee that is) jumping over each time the door was opened. She would get her walk in and then say it's not fair and jump back to take another turn. I soon found out this doesn't help. Mom and Dad came and she was heading for the door as silly me put her on the floor vs. carrying her. So, the gate will stay back when she is here and she will get carried to the door each time. She wasn't going anywhere but I really like being extra careful. Other than Missy and Wasabi, I never saw such jumpers. But we can tell Marlee LOVES the walks and we are glad! They also get really excited to see mom and dad. We get to see them again in March.

Marlee was playing with Daisy today and with Coco. Marlee sort of looks at me as if to say - not another bath. She never complains but her body language tells me - just give me the treat and forget the rest. I smile - I give her kisses and hugs and she rather likes THAT! I truly make bath time fun. By doing so, they feel better, I feel better and they don't mind this part of their visit. I do the same with the daily grooming. Jazmyn is an even level, I know what I want gal and I rather like that!

Daisy, well what can I say about Daisy. I think if I got her together with a few more of our EverReady batteries, she would be dead tired but I think this is like Disneyland to her. She runs through the whole house and only Treasure seems to be able to keep up.

Abigail is preggie so she has an excuse. She used to be a play monster. I did catch her playing with a couple of dawgs today so pregnancy doesn't take all the fun out of her...thankfully plus she loves a squeaker toy.

Jazzy has been playing with Zack and at times with Marlee and Daisy. He's not sure what to make of Treasure's pounce methods of play that she uses on Daisy. He loves the outside and could stand and feel the wind in his face for hours if you let him. He adores the walks.

Coco has been playing quite a bit today and boy does she have Zack's number. She has him wrapped around her little paw. hehehehe

Zack - well he just loves the play. He was in the thick of it as much as he could get into it.

New Website we are looking at opening sometime this week. It's a work in progress.

Vet Visit

The vet saw pregnancies but we won't know till the 26th on how many when we do x-rays. I know, even we don't like to wait.

But we are going to have puppies and that is way exciting!

Kat went in for his kennel cough as he does an odd dog show here and there and we need to be careful plus with boarders, we tend to keep up with such things.

Getting cracked pads? Do you ever check them? Use Bag Balm.


Escaping Bath Tips

I am the Treasured one and I managed to escape the bath. The key is wear Mommy out by staying out of sight and pretend you don't exist while she washes others.

I am sooooooooooooooo smart!

She washed Wasabi, Abigail, Fiona and Kat today. Fiona was really overdue. Kat, Wasabi and Abigail are off to the vet tomorrow so they got the water and dry treatment - with shampoo and conditioner thrown in, of course.

Mommy is way tired and I keep bugging her to play retrieve. She throws it. I bring it back and then I shake it and throw it with my mouth. I can't figure out why she doesn't retrieve it when I throw it. Is this a one sided game?


Dominance Debunked

Just came back from a seminar with Joan Weston and it validated where we were heading.

She believes in total positive training and so do we in this household.

She's a WONDERFUL speaker and I am sorry I missed her first one. But we are going to the next which will be announced next week happening in April on body language and to me that is a must.

The way she looks at thing - well I laughed and laughed and laughed. I needed that!

Abigail continues to be a struggle with eating. She's eating better but now its one meal a day if we are lucky. So - progress just not there yet.

Tomorrow I get to wash 4 dogs - yes 4. Fiona needs a bath and on Monday Kat, Wasabi and Abigail are heading to the vet. I must be a CRAZY dawg person. Oh yea - I am!


Milo and Hugo are Here

The duo was here for daycare. As you can see, Hugo just almost bowled Nathan over.

The crew had a roaring good time with the duo. Here are some photos from their visit.

Treasure even played 'up on the rock - who is really boss' games. Hugo just ignored her and tried to pounce up. heh Yes, I said 'up.'

We got some video of it but we have to convert and edit it. Give me some time.

Well, T.G.I.F. I think? Sometimes I forget what day it is. Tomorrow we are off to a seminar on 'Dominance Debunked' and we will fill you in when we get back.


Changes for Talemaker Havanese

We are building a new website and will be porting over our tips, our puppy and our crew and boarder's blogs. You will also see all our video links and our photos as well. In porting this over, I got to see photos from Wasabi's first puppies, her c-section. It brought back amazing memories. Soon I will be working on the photos from her 2nd pregnancy which she had naturally.

You will still be able to find us by typing If you have us saved as a favorite, you may have to wait till we post saying you can find us.... and then click on the link and save us to your favorites. We are not sure of a date yet but we will leave this area up as a pointer for a month or two.

We are still working like crazy to get it done. So stay tuned. The blogs will be a bit more interactive so we like that.

Now that we teased you, you'll just have to wait till it is done.

February is turning into a fun month with a number of boarders coming. We are excited. We are going to get our video camera rolling to make photos and videos a part of the fun. I have been so busy with the camera that I forgot about the video camera. Got to plug it in and charge it up

It's been too quiet around here. We also have ultrasound slated for Feb 8th for Wasabi and Abigail. We are also attending a seminar about dogs this weekend. We continue to glean whatever info we can get and it enables us to continue to learn and therefore help the dogs, if needed. I am really looking forward to this one and will fill you in after we have attended.

We started getting flurries today but nothing to write home about. I really want more and so do the dawgs!

Wasabi seems to have a tummy and Abigail is still experiencing morning sickness. We are loving and cuddling and enjoying all of them.

Risa and Kat went for their cerf and passed and the others all passed in December.

Today has been a day of how to coerce Abigail into eating. Any ideas are welcomed!


Morning Sickness

Abigail is not having any fun lately. She is usually a fun loving dog full of life having fun with all. Now it's a chore to get her to eat.

About three weeks into the pregnancy, some may experience a little nausea and appetite loss similar to morning sickness. It usually resolves itself in a week. Abigail is on day 6 of this marvelous - oh my gad you want me to smell that food.

Wasabi is getting a round tummy but no morning sickness. She was one of the lucky ones that didn't get it her last pregnancy. This pregnancy stuff is always a guessing game till the ultrasound or you wait till later when it is obvious.

On the 8th we go in for a ultrasound for Abigail and Wasabi. Just because you assume you have a pregnancy - well you need to get a confirmation and we do with an ultrasound. Not everyone has the lack of patience we do. Some do not do ultrasounds but we do so we know if we should increase food intake or not. Then we get an x-ray the very last week to see for sure how many. Thankfully this whole waiting from beginning to end is 63 days. Can you imagine if it was 9 months?

So the wait is driving us crazy...and you?