
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese Talemaker puppies (73)


Havanese Conversations

Today has been a chillin' day and I do believe Oscar gives the very best hugs ever. Oscar is spending the week here with Hugo and Milo. He is such a laid back dog and loves the walks.

Today has been overcast but we managed to go out a number of times. Oscar is adapting to the puppies and Hugo thinks they are bigger than they are. <heh>

Our son from Iraq is here and I overcooked the roast, almost overcooked the gravy. I could go on but its good to have him here. I usually cook a truly fine roast but hey in life things happen - don't they.

I imagine the dawgs wil love the leftovers. <heh>

No photos today as I am not sure I am capable. I mean what would I do to the photos being this distracted so tomorrow. I hope you understand.


Archie and Oreo Going Home & What the Hey Snow!

Archie went home this morning and Oreo goes home tonight. Hugo and Milo will be hanging out and we will have a brand new visitor Oscar tomorrow that will be with us till Saturday.

I know I wasn't going to do a lot but well it didn't turn out like I imagined. I groomed all the visitors and took a break from my own. It just means more work tomorrow but what the hey!

But I had a wonderful meal, brr cold outside. Wanted to read my manual and take a nap but here I type. Ah - to be a mom.

And... it bloody snowed last night. What is THAT about? You should check out the photos to see.

I think everyone else is napping so maybe that manual reading is a - must do that now instead of updating here so I hope you understand that I am keeping this short and taking my opportunity.

From the Talemaker crew to yours, hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

Do what Oreo is doing - stop and smell the flowers along the way. It's the little things that make those moments to treasure.


Havanese Windy and Rainy Days at Talemaker

Run, run, run as fast as you can. It's a bloody windy day and we had that white stuff flying. What the hey is that about?

It made for some interesting photos with hair flying. Our neighbour had a BBQ fly off his patio and smash to pieces. We were lucky. We don't go out nor leave anything up when it is THAT windy.

It's been raining most of the day off and on. I want to put my bathrobe on and some cozy fuzzy socks and melt into a chair with some dawgs but I am typing and was resizing photos and now updating the blogs and then I may even get a popcorn to munch on.

Today I was trying to eat a sandwhich and Fiona was in my lower part of the recliner and when I went to move her so I could get up, the plate went flying and so did the glass. One more glass gone.

WE made sure the dawgs was safe and Nathan went and picked it up and I got the vacuum to get the residual.

It's been ONE OF THOSE days.

Still, our visitors are all managing to get crazy and enjoy and we are enjoying. Catch the photos to see what I mean. Something about Havanese, well they are just so darn photogenic.


Eating Time & Play

Oreo is here to hang out and spend sometime with his soon to be new packmate.

WE did an introduction and hopefully tomorrow we will get outside to get some play in. If not, we will be taking Oreo and his new packmate into a room upstairs to get them connected. Why so much rain. <sigh>

I can already tell that they are going to be best of buds.

Archie also joined us today and he came in tail wagging having a great time. He was excited to see everyone and us him.

The crew played outside till the rain set in and then we got them playing inside. Inside, outside, inside, outside - that's the usual around this place.

Check out today's photos.


Wild Times Havanese Style

Daisy went home today and we didn't get a shot of her freshly bathed. Her mom came before she was done and did I remember to get the after bath shot - nah.

Tomorrow Archie comes to visit and so does Oreo. We are also doing an introduction to a new daycare/boarder tomorrow. It's going to be fun meeting a new dog. Thanks Daisy's mom for the referral.

Tomorrow and Saturday is going to be a busy one. I think I will take a timeout and let the guys around this place handle the dogs etc while I learn my camera. Yeah, I still haven't got to it. Oh, I am using it but I like to really use it. :-) I may even have Nathan do the blog. hehehehehe You won't see photos if I do till Monday.

I should be doing the garden but....maybe I will take a nap with the dawgs. What a decadent day and maybe some of the kids will help with the weeds. We shall see.

It will be a dawg day for sure!! I hope it will be the same for all of the moms out there, canine and human alike!

Photos of today are finally up. Sorry for the delay but it was Flickr.


Archie came to play for the day Milo and Hugo came last night and the Daisy goes home tomorrow.

But today we had rain and wet and dirt and I had lots of grooming but I wouldn't have it any other way. I believe in the dogs having fun.

Check out the photos of the crew mucking it up in and out of the rain. Plus there are a few more in the puppy pages on either Wasabi or Abigail's photos where the crew are hanging out with the real younger set.

We didn't let Archie out in the huge downpour as his dad was coming and sending home a sopping wet dog is not what we do but Milo, Daisy and Hugo got sopping wet. I had to dry and brush a brush them. They didn't mind as they got a treat. Archie was all brushed before he went home.

The crew was really enjoying each other today. It was a delight to catch them on camera and to play with them.

Tomorrow Daisy gets washed and goes home and on Friday Oreo gets to come and visit his new packmate for a couple of days. Oreo's family is getting one of the Wasabi pups. This way both of them get to know each other.  It's going to be an exciting weekend.

Can't wait till we see Archie again and maybe Saki wil pay us a visit...hint, hint!




Milo and Hugo Arrive Tonight

Is that cool or what? We or shall I say Daisy and our crew will be having a rip roaring time tonight and exhaustion will be the norm as they are all play monkeys in a big way. Then when they go home, Charlie arrives on the 16th. So, the fun will continue.

Charlie will be here when pups start going home. It happens way too fast but we look forward to them playing with Charlie.

It seems way too quiet around here after the Xmas month.  


Wet Havanese Times

This was the 3 stooges - ahem Havanese that got sopping wet before they got groomed today. We had rain last night so where there are puddles some dawgs will go.

I say some as our Shoshi gets her feet wet and goes eeew and then turns around to come back inside. Sometimes she will sniff the air and say that weather is not for me but she does adore the snow, Funny how rain doesn't float her boat, so to speak.

Havanese are very intelligent. They can also be mischievous looking for that one puddle or wlking completely around it. Each have their own likes and dislikes and it all unfolds as they develop.

With our pups, at least for now, I do not see any issues with rain. They embrace it as this trio does.



These are Dawg Daze

Every now and then there are such days as these where it rains. You go out, you play and then play inside. Treasure doesn't get the rain and would rather play outside non-stop. We do so when the weather is good but when it isn't, we do running sessions in the house getting the various toys and all sorts of things but still, she's like some of us humans that just embrace the outside.

Tonight she is excited as we have Daisy that just arrived, and Saki and Tia that go home tomorrow. Treasure will have Daisy all to herself well not if Abigail will have her way but you get the idea. Then Hugo and Milo come before Daisy goes home and then she will really have a full out and out workout. A bath she will need.

Tomorrow, bright and early Saki and Tia will get baths so they are going home nice and fresh. It's been a rather muddy visit. We are sort of dawg conditioned, don't ya know!

More tomorrow...

PS: no photos today as Nathan had the camera with him. Blame him ROFL!



Big and Little Havanese Play

Saki and Tia are truly enjoying the puppies and they are also enjoying Abigail who found her play again with the big guys, Treasure and Shoshi. Fiona even joined in a little today.

We truly didn't get enough time outside as I was (am) under the weather but we made the most of times inbetween rain and had fun inside.

Check today's photos out on the visitors and boarding photo page. Here you will also see some with the pups.


Saki Joins Us

I do not have photos to share but I should. I will tomorrow. Saki burst into the scene and Tia has been playing with her non-stop and when not playing with each other - well they are playing with the pups.

What I did notice is Saki is the fastest dog I ever did see. I swear she is faster than Wasabi.

Instead of taking photos, we just watched and played and well that's okay too.

Tomorrow we will have photos - I promise - maybe video of Saki and Tia running.


Havanese Play

Tia is visiting and she has been having a ton of fun with Treasure, Shoshi and Abigail. Yep, Abigail is back playing up a storm again and it is so nice to see.

This is a repeat visit for Tia and she fits in here so well. She gets her snuggles, her play and even doesn't mind the daily grooming.

Her mom suggested I wash her early as she was a tad dirty but I just used a waterless bath. This way when she goes home, she will be fresh and snuggable.

Saki comes tomorrow so I bet these two will play up a storm. Then Daisy will be coming before this duo goes home so it will be a real fun Sunday for sure.

It's been quiet enough for what seems too long. Catch the action this weekend here. We wil be telling you all about it!


Havanese Hair Tips Video

 Treasure was bathed today and we took a video of it. It's a bloody half hour video. My apologies but if you are interested, we will be uploading it. I only show one method with various tips that I have learned. Realize there are other ways to take care of a long coat too but I tried to show you what I do for her hair. Sometimes I mix it up with her and use various products and methods including Show Sheen in the tub but now to find a site that can handle the size.

Our puppy owners will have to get it burned on DVD. :-) .

Tia is visiting us tomorrow again. We are so excited. Watch for news on the video tomorrow.


More Photos Added to Archie's Gallery

We got some more photos in Archie's gallery that show movement and his fun nature. Check them out.


Havanese Archie Comes to Visit

This is Archie's first visit for daycare and he has been playing with Abigail, Treasure and Fiona. He has also got acquainted with the puppies but he's not totally sure what to make of them when they run in unison around him wanting to play.

He's sniffed and touch noses but as most larger dogs are that haven't had experience with the real small set, he is doing a wait and watch and see.

If you want to see what he is doing today, check out today's photos that I uploaded so his parents could see that he's truly enjoying his time here.

Look here.



Bad Hair Day: Havanese Mothers

We love our Abigail. But puppies really wreck havoc on ones hair. That's okay. It will grow back.

If you want to see a larger photo of Abigail, just click on the photo.

Today I meant to wash Treasure but it looks like I will do that on Tuesday and I will try to take a video so you can see how I groom.

Now this depends on how well Nathan can video tape me or rather Treasure. If he/I find the time. The goal is to show you how I take knots out and wash and blow dry. We will see if I can actually turn this into a reality. I promise not to brush her tomorrow in hopes I have some knots to work with. Her hair is rather dirty so maybe this siesta from grooming on just her will work. Tuesday will tell.

Today was rather gloomy but we got to go out and about.

Tomorrow we have Archie coming for the day for daycare. We are looking forward to it. More tomorrow.

I think we are going to have rain...


We had 4 Generations of Havanese Here

Why oh why didn't we take a photo? We have Risa and Fiona and we had Fiona's daughter Penny and Fiona's mom Maggie here. How silly of us not to take a photo but we have been a tad crazy around here trying to get a magazine out - well Nathan is so I am pulling up my bootstraps, so to speak with other things.

We had Penny go home and Ripley come to visit. It's downright quiet - well as quiet as it ever is here.

More tomorrow when I am a tad more awake. Had little sleep last night. Dawgs were great but Nathan had to go to the airport at the crack of dawn.

No rest for the weary but hey we are getting conditioned. ROFL!


Sunsational Havanese Moments

Charlie in Air & Jasper Playing WE had a glorious amount of play today and I was able to catch some of it.

Check out Sunsational Moments on the Visitors & Boarders Photo page. The weather is good. The crew was in rare form running and playing like crazy.

Temps dropped with the 2 gals so I did extra early baths for those visitors going home tomorrow in case whelping gets in the way. This way I can just freshen up vs. spend a couple of hours on each dog. Usually I do it the morning of but we usually aren't whelping puppies either. This way it gives me time to just freshen them up vs. 2 hours each dog. It usually takes me so long as I brush as I am drying then line comb each dog everywhere making sure all knots are out. With 2 of thevisitors blowing coat, it is a huge job but I get then knot free daily. With baths its more work as you line comb them before and line comb them after drying vs. just grooming.

This ahead of schedule is not a usual but we have no idea how long it will take to whelp, if both gals will happen at the same time or one will go for 12 hours then the other begins. It happens.

The son is taking a nap and so is Nathan in case it's a long cycle and I may later on. We shall see.

But we have our visitors and the shifts all in place so everyone's needs are met. Today or tomorrow...who knows but time will tell.

While we are waiting, we will be doing games of retrieve, play and a new game - find the treat.

Till later...


Changing of the Guards

Jay Jay Coming Again TomorrowJay Jay was with us last year during the August/September time frame and he was a blast to have around. He's joining us tomorrow first thing. We are excited and I assume Tia, Sydney and Treasure will be too.

If you do a search using the keyword, Jay Jay, you will see what his last visit was like. WE have a truly powerful search engine in our site.

The first day we had Tia and Sydney together they played non-stop and they are still going strong. They became instant best friends, same age, same haircut. Treasure is right in there with them too.  You have to collect them and place them on your lap to watch TV to get them to slow down and take a rest. We do not mind the non-stop play but puppies need rest too. The idea around this place is healthy mind and body. If I collect Tia, Sydney will settle into that special bed or visa versa. When we all sit down together, we negotiate who is going to have whom even though Nathan wants them ALL! hahahahah

Today, I groomed - when do I not - yikes. I could skip a day but I washed Kat. I could have crawled into bed as I have some sickie fluish bug but I am nursing it. Nathan is going outside. He took video but no photos - so look for them tomorrow. heh It happens.

I did upload a video of the Tia and Sydney duo. You can catch it on the Boarders and Visitors Video page.

The snow is wet. Got snow balls. Know how to get them out of the coat? Either rinse them out or brush them out. I prefer the brush as you get two things done at once.

Catch you tomorrow.

PS: Abigail's tummy - read the Puppy blog to find out about this widening problem.



What an Amazing Time Filled With Fun

I am a little under the weather so Nathan got to entertain and I got some needed sleep to try to get rid of whatever has a hold on me.

We had Chico who went home tonight, Mia who goes home tomorrow, Saki who goes home the end of the week, Chewy who came to visit and Holly and Missy who boards with us - all came for a visit today or was here boarding.

Check out some of the photos from today.

Until I got sick, I was having a blast but sweating and sleeping and all that fun has to go, I tell you so I opted to do the right thing and just enjoy the moments via photos like you.

I also put up a video of a Havanese being groomed by Pure Paws and offered why I don't like portions of it. Check it out and see what I mean. The video is excellent - just don't agree with certain things for good reason.