Changing of the Guards

Jay Jay Coming Again TomorrowJay Jay was with us last year during the August/September time frame and he was a blast to have around. He's joining us tomorrow first thing. We are excited and I assume Tia, Sydney and Treasure will be too.
If you do a search using the keyword, Jay Jay, you will see what his last visit was like. WE have a truly powerful search engine in our site.
The first day we had Tia and Sydney together they played non-stop and they are still going strong. They became instant best friends, same age, same haircut. Treasure is right in there with them too. You have to collect them and place them on your lap to watch TV to get them to slow down and take a rest. We do not mind the non-stop play but puppies need rest too. The idea around this place is healthy mind and body. If I collect Tia, Sydney will settle into that special bed or visa versa. When we all sit down together, we negotiate who is going to have whom even though Nathan wants them ALL! hahahahah
Today, I groomed - when do I not - yikes. I could skip a day but I washed Kat. I could have crawled into bed as I have some sickie fluish bug but I am nursing it. Nathan is going outside. He took video but no photos - so look for them tomorrow. heh It happens.
I did upload a video of the Tia and Sydney duo. You can catch it on the Boarders and Visitors Video page.
The snow is wet. Got snow balls. Know how to get them out of the coat? Either rinse them out or brush them out. I prefer the brush as you get two things done at once.
Catch you tomorrow.
PS: Abigail's tummy - read the Puppy blog to find out about this widening problem.
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