
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from May 1, 2013 - May 31, 2013


Not Many Clicks

Not many clicks today. Jazzy did his usual play in the plants, roll in the dirt fun.

I am learning to groom him late in the day. :-) I love that he has so much fun.

This was Daisy running like the wind and Levon was just behind her. Those two really liked each other!

Levon is fascinated with the pups. Sometimes I put him in with them and sometimes he sits outside and noses them. It's rather cute.

Everyone is doing well. Nathan is back and I am playing catch-up with the blogs.

More tomorrow!


Darcy & Nathan

Well this started with Pepper finding the window. :-)

She was upstairs playing with the pups and found it mighty interesting out front. Not much was going on but a squirrel and some birds as it was too cold and icy and wet to be walking.

But then for mother's Day Nathan washed Darcy from start to finish. I checked her out afterwards to make sure he finished her right and not a single knot. Okay, he didn't do the feet or clip the bum so she gets no stickage but still she was perfect. He even used what I told him to use on her. Way to go Nathan you can do it and thanks for lightening my load today!

Of course I won't show you anyone else. Did you see the weather out there? It's called brusha, brusha tomorrow. Today I took off well mostly. Logan and Panda got groomed (now home), Jazzy got groomed and so did Brie, Colby and Pepper and Scruffy. Crossing my fingers that Pepper and Scruffy stay decent for mom and dad - human style. NO OUTSIDE till they come. :-)

Hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day. Thank you to those of you that made mine better. I deeply appreciate it!

Nathan is off to Sudbury tomorrow to get Phantom as no ride can be found. He has a long day. So tomorrow its just Dennis and I. Tons to do to play catch-up tomorrow but Nathan had the pups playing upstairs several times while I talked on the phone. I haven't done that in eons. Thanks!


TV Room Crazies

We often gather everyone into the tv room and watch tv together. It's an interesting room. It has two couches, an oversized crate that connects the two couches with a bed on top and a door that opens up and slides in that always stays open so the dogs can lay in that part too. We have a recliner, tv, desk, blankets - lots of comfort. After the dogs play hard we head in there to relax and it seems to be the dogs most fave room. Here are a few photos from it today.

I laugh at the way Nathan uses the remote. As you can see even the side tables have beds on them for the dogs. It's a real dog room.

Do you ever think he is going to manage to turn the tv on?

He is still fanning that remote around. Will he ever get the tv on or what?

Nathan gives up and gets kisses instead.

Scruffy found his spot.

Pepper tried to snuggle up to Scruffy and he growled at her. She was a tad upset as you can see here.

Still, she ended up with her own way.

Colby found comfort on the neck pillow up against Nathan's leg. Yes, I had some in the recliner too and was trying to click the camera. That was some trick.

Then Jazzy arrived and new fun began. It's truly been a great day. Lots of grooming tomorrow and then off to home for some.


Rain and Fun Moments

It's been rainy and we have had a lot of activity here. But before I start I must say thank you to Scruffy, Pepper and their parents for the nice Mother's Day present. Also, thanks goes to Lynda for a mom's day feast. I am worried about Lynda. She pulled her back really bad when coming to get Logan and Panda so they are going to stay here till she gets better and I am posting this so you can't jump the gun, Lynda! Get well!

Scruffy still thinks the pups are martians but choco boy refused to listen.

Then suddenly they were all after him and he looked at us as if to say SAVE ME! so we did.

But Pepper had a grand time with them and then it started raining and so they continued upstairs but photos well Nathan didn't take any of course. Still as I was grooming I could hear the scurrying of tiny feet. Here are the ones with Pepper outside before the rain hit yet again.

And below see Pepper kisses!

Below see Goldie and Magic playing up a storm - be still my heart!

So despite the rain we still managed to have a roaring grand time. But Tiger Lily who is here as her human is in hospital with pneumonia decided she doesn't do rain. hahahaha But she is playing up a storm. Nathan took some photos but they are so blurry you can't even see much other than blur. Looks like I have to take the photos. But to be fair he was having so much fun that he was running back and forth with them and trying to snap. It's a tad difficult to do that and get a clear photo. hahaha


Awful Night

We had a perfectly AWFUL night last night. The Abigail pups were fine but our smoke alarms went off for no reason. They need replacing but still this was absolutely ridiculous waking us and the dogs up from a dead sleep including the Fiona pups. It started at 4am and wouldn't stop. As they are hardwired in it was hard to get them to stop. Dennis and Nathan finally figured it out at 630am. Oy....

Dennis being the individual he is went all over the house opening up windows incase we had some unsmellable smell so to speak. He also went down to the son's room in the basement in case he was having a party that he isn't supposed to have here. Well, at 4am you think of strange things.

He also opened up a window in my office and said the pups have a heat lamp. I shut that window immediately as they can't have a draft heat lamp or not. He was not happy with me, I was not happy with him but as I said it was 4am.

I thought of what it would take to get us out of here if we had to. It wasn't a fun thought.

Then he unplugged everything in my laundryroom thinking it was my grooming equipment. I have 4 dogs to wash today so I had to plug everything back in - no biggie but reorganize everything cause as I said he is the guy he is.

I am a TOTAL crab today. We have class tonight and the last one so I am going. It's raining so I have to wash certain dogs then keep them inside so timing is critical.

Now we have to get new smoke alarms. We don't smoke here. Nathan and I are ex-smokers. Dennis never smoked in his life and well Jonathan we won't talk about what he smoked but he's not supposed to HERE and he says not anymore - heh. But we checked anyways and no he was actually sleeping through that nonstop beeping that the dogs wouldn't stop barking at and remember Dennis opened the windows.

So, if I don't have an update today on this blog, I am tired. I am crabby. I have 4 dogs to wash and its raining. I think I earned my crabbiness. Here's hoping the dogs get me over it!


Strange Day

Not sure what happened but I didn't click the adults today. I had a lot of grooming to do and perhaps that is why. I am not sure but Magic is here this week recovering from her spay and she was having a blast with the Fiona gal.

Everyone was having a blast from Levon to Brewer to Logan to Panda too but maybe I will do more clicking tomorrow. I must as its the last Spice crew class tomorrow night.


It's Mine All Mine!

No, I am not going to move. I told you the bag belongs to ME!

Jeannie is over her heat in a week. Roxie has a bit more to go and Spice is in heat - oy! (Roxie and Jeannie are not being bred. Jeannie is a baby and Roxie a baby in mind still) I was hoping Spice waited a month. So now we have to try to get Phantom here and it will be crazyland here for sure.

Otherwise the pool is in shape but no one is swimming but me and about 15 minutes at a time at that. Pups keep me busy. Blogging, grooming all that stuff. Best get it in before we have Spic pups. hehehe

Look for Brewer photos on Spice's blog in a bit.


Lil Magic and Levon Time

Magic just had her snip/snip and is over so she can be watched. She's not itching. She's not going after her stitches and it may have had something to do with Levon who kept her busy and focused on him instead of free time to think about shall I go after those stitches? She's coming during the day this week so we can watch her after her surgery. She's doing just fine! Levon and Magic play in such a fashion that it won't hurt her stitches. It looks like wild play and it is but Magic is not laying on her back waiting to be tackled.

Here are a few of her and Levon having a truly sedate time. I bet you both are home now sleeping. :-)

And off to the side watching all this was Panda as if to say oh hum such child's play! Then when they went outside she pounced all over Roxie who said no, I do not want to play NOW. (Roxie is in heat) and Panda seemed confused as Roxie ALWAYS plays with her.

That's okay as Panda had many others to play with. She just happens to be rather fond of her sister.


Some Down Time

We managed to get some free spirit run like the wind moments today. It was nice and I did get into the pool. Didn't take pups in nor Nathan - just me and Dennis has such a bad sinus headache he's not hearing and he is off to bed.

Any of you that are getting your dog neutered or spayed I have these dog onesies. They aren't cheap but they have the tail cut out and can be used if they ever have something done where they need the area protected. They are stretchie and extra soft and used for dogs after they have had operations to stop them from taking the stitches out or scratching.

They come in red or blue and I own one myself. They cost $41 with HST included. Worth it? Yes. I picked them up from the vets as she sells them and she allowed me to bring some home to sell as I told her I have people who will want them. So, if interested, let me know. I only have xsmall which fits my size dogs but if you need a larger size and like them I can pick them up when we go to the vets again. I will collect the fee and just hand over the $$ to her. I only brought them in to help as she is the only one that has them and she is too far away from most of our puppy people. XS will fit most of our dogs that are going for neutering or spaying but as I said I can get larger sizes. End of sale pitch and don't feel obligated to buy. I will return what I don't sell as I am not making $$ off of them - its just a service as I like them.

Dusty came to visit and it was WONDERFUL to see her. I wish I didn't have to keep checking on Abigail pups but thats the way it is and well they are beautiful to watch too.

I took a ton of photos but no gallery. We had a blast today. I am tired. Pups are tired. Weather is great and the pool is a perfect temperature. May it stay this warm and then I will be complaining about all the gardening I need to do. hahahaha


First Swim 2013

Well didn't realize my lens was all wet so I got a blurry result but this is the first swim of 2013.

I can't believe I didn't realize but oh well.... at least I realized for the pups - yes they went swimming too!

Kat is loving that the pool is open. Me too! More swimming tomorrow.

Photos of pups and update tomorrow. This way I have something for you to look forward to.

Got my deck washed, the sunshade up, cushions out though I need new cushions and seems like more tables but we are enjoying the outside.

Have to keep coming in though to check on the Miss Abs pups or Dennis has to. So you enjoy but in small bits and pieces. Pups are still outside air drying. :-)


Missed Moments

Here's a photo of Messy Grannie Risa who just now finally got brushed out. This was her early morning - I am queen and I am going to stay out here all day cause the weather is great stance!

I was going to brush out Logan and Panda and post photos but Lynda brought me food (wow thanks) and picked up the duo early.

It was 79F they say today. We could have swam but Nathan was at the vets. I was here with the dogs. Next bath - for sure - remind me Lynda and a HUGE HUGE thank you! I didn't post I was on overload to hint about that - honest. I truly mean that.

I did demat a dog the other day and realized there is a direct correlation between dematting and how my hand feels but I also realized that I have something in my shoulder after I demat and I actually think that is where the issue truly is but that's Dr. Darlah talking - hahaha. I really shouldn't be dematting I gather. At least I never have to demat my own as I have grooming OCD. So my arm/shoulder will survive. My daughter the groomer reminds me that its either the knees, carpal tunnel or your back that gets you if you groom enough. She reminds me she did 18 dogs daily all this week. Well, she is far better than I but I bet you they were not all longhaired breeds. She's younger too - so make your mom feel like she is less than super human why don't you. :-)

Nathan wants Dennis to learn how to groom. That's funny. Now I want you to laugh as it really should be Nathan seeing he shows the dogs. :-)

Off to wash a couple that are going home tonight. Its 83F in the pool. I could have swam today but really had no time. Oh well. I can dream about it. Besides I need a swimsuit as mine has seen better days but in my backyard who can see me. :-)

Poor Fiona is beside herself as her pups are not here. Gad not good. Never seen her this way.


Today's Update

Juggling a great deal. Update coming late but it will come. Nathan is going to class and Logan and Panda depart tomorrow. Due to Nathan going to the vet tomorrow, I am washing the Logan and Panda tonight so I am behind. I can't wash tomorrow without Nathan here. All dogs were brushed. One had to be dematted (sigh) and Panda has been washed. Nathan took in a nap. Not I. :-(

Ty came for the day and found his fave spot out on the deck. It's glorious weather and the dawgs are loving being outside.

Brie and Colby departed and I was unable to go out as I was neck deep in pups among other things and Dennis was trying to sleep. That didn't work out so well so he is now sleeping. I am typing on the computer. Nathan is out back with the dogs and pups and he will be heading to class soon. I am hoping Dennis is up by then.

Panda and Shoshi love the lower part of the table outside. Panda was on one side, Shoshi on the other. Each had a strategic spot so they could watch everyone else. :-)

Coco prefers to hang out close to the pool. The pool is a balmy 78F now. A far cry from 48F when we started. It's starting to get clear too. They say really warm by Sunday so maybe I will get a quick dip in and then again perhaps not. We shall see.

The dogs were very social today but also sedate. That's hard to explain. We had a lot of visitors - well Nathan did. I had dawg duty inside. That happens when you have a son trying to sleep. This too shall pass or so they say.

Kat and Logan rather enjoy each other these days. They even have the same stance when they want in.

It's been a long day but I feel like I missed the visitors and I did. Sorry everyone but I am sure you enjoyed Nathan and the dawgs. I also had no downtime. I am rather exhausted and don't see down time till I go to bed about 11 as Dennis likes to take a shower at 10pm and he likes a long one. :-) Then I get up at 630. But at 6 the dogs are saying NOW and I am saying NO and this all happened after the time change. I need blackout curtains, I am afraid.

I think I am hungry and exhausted and Nathan has to leave soon and Dennis is still sleeping.


No Update

All the dogs are doing wonderful but with pups getting born, dogs needing to be groomed and those going home I just can't do it today. I hope you understand.

To say it was a tad crazy today would be an understatement. I didn't even find time to eat. Did groom dogs but still not sure how I did. hahahaha

Thank you Dennis for playing with the dogs and giving them extra love!

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