Juggling a great deal. Update coming late but it will come. Nathan is going to class and Logan and Panda depart tomorrow. Due to Nathan going to the vet tomorrow, I am washing the Logan and Panda tonight so I am behind. I can't wash tomorrow without Nathan here. All dogs were brushed. One had to be dematted (sigh) and Panda has been washed. Nathan took in a nap. Not I. :-(
Ty came for the day and found his fave spot out on the deck. It's glorious weather and the dawgs are loving being outside.
Brie and Colby departed and I was unable to go out as I was neck deep in pups among other things and Dennis was trying to sleep. That didn't work out so well so he is now sleeping. I am typing on the computer. Nathan is out back with the dogs and pups and he will be heading to class soon. I am hoping Dennis is up by then.

Panda and Shoshi love the lower part of the table outside. Panda was on one side, Shoshi on the other. Each had a strategic spot so they could watch everyone else. :-)
Coco prefers to hang out close to the pool. The pool is a balmy 78F now. A far cry from 48F when we started. It's starting to get clear too. They say really warm by Sunday so maybe I will get a quick dip in and then again perhaps not. We shall see.
The dogs were very social today but also sedate. That's hard to explain. We had a lot of visitors - well Nathan did. I had dawg duty inside. That happens when you have a son trying to sleep. This too shall pass or so they say.
Kat and Logan rather enjoy each other these days. They even have the same stance when they want in.
It's been a long day but I feel like I missed the visitors and I did. Sorry everyone but I am sure you enjoyed Nathan and the dawgs. I also had no downtime. I am rather exhausted and don't see down time till I go to bed about 11 as Dennis likes to take a shower at 10pm and he likes a long one. :-) Then I get up at 630. But at 6 the dogs are saying NOW and I am saying NO and this all happened after the time change. I need blackout curtains, I am afraid.
I think I am hungry and exhausted and Nathan has to leave soon and Dennis is still sleeping.