
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Got to Run to Stay Warm

Here is the gallery.

You got that right. It's a cold day and the dogs are running and I suppose keeping warm. What a change from last week. That's okay. 

Oreo and Harlow walked out and back in choosing to rest in the warm blankets, ME TOO!! 

Still fun is to be had with a nap too or a run like some choose.

Hope you survived the time change. Personally, we are tired - extra tired. So, no groom day other than those that went home. I need to rest to brace myself for so much to do this week. The dogs have no clue. They are simply enjoying - as it should be.


Wet Outdoors

Here is the gallery.

It's March Break. Things are ever so wet out there and many do not want to go outdoors. Can you blame them? They still manage to use the pads and play indoors too. We never just let them laze unless they insist. We manage to get them active here and there.

Everyone is enjoying. Some are napping with Nathan as I type - soon to get up and dogs are coming as people are heading out of town.



TGIF Yes, It's That Day Again

Here is the gallery.

Dogs had fun. Bonham got to meet his puppy that is going home next Friday.

It is March Break so we had new dogs arrive, dogs depart and lots of grooming which is interesting as its supposed to really have one heck of a rainstorm tonight.

After this blog, I need to concentrate on getting things ready for pups departing. 

It will be a crazy busy week but when it is done, I may take a nap or 2 or 3.

Dogs are having a tremendous amount of fun. I am a bit miffed we are getting rain though. Can't control  Mother Nature. 

Remember time changes on Sunday - I think. It means we all lose an hour. 


Warm Daze

We had playing indoors, outdoors and upstairs. The dogs had a blast.

Here is the gallery.

Dogs start coming tomorrow for March Break plus we have pups to get ready to depart on the 15th so it is a tad crazy for me. 

Dennis has done a great job tuckering out the dogs today playing and running with them. He does it every day but today I think he had 3 massive runs and a game. They are tuckered out. Everyone is having a grand time. Me, I think I am overloaded. I sent out something to print and went why did it only print one page. About 2 hours later I noticed it said to load paper in the cassette. All you can do is laugh at stupid mistakes that often happen when you are overloaded. That's my excuse.

Mr. Alfie has departed. I think this was his best time yet. He played and played and was mischevious as ever hiding and pouncing out to play. I just love that guy.

Ms Tenshi is blanketing Nathan's head as I type. She eats and then wants to chill on his head.

Rusty and Luna was here for the day and had a groom. I had a number of others. Oreo is barking for his dinner as I type. Keke is laying on Nathan's head and Dennis is preparing dinner, Nathan does morning feeding. Ollie the Coton thinks he is in heaven as so many are vying to play with him. He is the party boy. Mr. Polo departs today. Brodie will miss him but Brodie is already playing with Kinsey. He has also warmed up to the wee pups. Tobi arrived today and is right in there playing like crazy. It is a great house. Let's hope the March Break crew is just as fun and I suspect they will be as we have no new brand new dogs. Going to be fun and oh yeah pups will be departing. LOL


Treats Maybe?

Here is the gallery.

They were all gathered around me seeing if I was the treat lady. LOL Maui wanted the treats and watched me intently.

It was a bit damp and wet outside so we have hardly any photos. Dogs are having fun. They are mostly playing inside and going outside for short stints of time.

Between grooming and doing things so pups can go home - designs and creating stuff - this blog will be short.

Alfie now sleeps on Nathan's nap daily while they are doing tv time. Mr. Polo goes home tomorrow and Brodie will niss him. They have really had a ton of good times.

I heard Wednesday is called hump day. So - have a grand hump day!


Wet and Drizzle then Stop

Here is the gallery.

Bailey was here and always has a smile. I just love that dog!

I had a full day of grooming between everything else. Ty I believe departs then comes back so I am trying to figure out when to groom. He has been full out playing. You get a senior dog that is full of life and it makes you smile. Julie brings homemade cookies and they are amazing. If you want her website, let me know.

Nathan is at class tonight with Hazel's mom. I hope they are doing well. I hope to go next week but maybe not depending on where I am with the stuff to get done for the pups. We shall see.

Chloe the red dog (not sure of breed) is here overnight. We know them from Ronnie who owns Rusty and Luna. I do not have to tell you about Ollie the Coton as he plays hard every day! Alfie is right out of his shell playing and having fun in a HUGE way. It gives me smiles. Polo - well he doesn't know its tv time. He is always looking to who else he can play with.

March break will soon be upon us. We actually have less dogs than last year. It is always fun during this time and I just LOVE LOVE bedtime where I can't move and I actually mean that sincerely. It makes me laugh. I always ask myself do you really need to get out of bed or you may be fighting for those blankets. Ah - dreaming of March Break fun!


Warm March Day

Here is the gallery.

Alfie and Harlow was trying to find rabbits and squirrels. It started out that Harlow was fascinated and would always do this game of finding them. Now Alfie is doing the same. It is as if they have jobs and relish it. They don't want to catch them. They just want to find them. 

It is a warm day and the dogs are relishing this weather - me too. I am waiting till it cools down to comb them out. I just cut around Brodie's eyes so he can see. We had some muddy feet but by afternoon it is warm enough that the mud is no longer squishy. We do not usually have this issue but this has been a strange winter weather. I so want the pool open - 1 more month and we and the dogs will be swimming. Hooray!

The dogs are about to go back out and well, I am going to relax. 

March Break is coming soon. This is the quiet before the fun!


Playing on a Wettish Sunday

Here is the gallery.

Short blog today. I am tired. Sorry - long weekend. I think I am exhausted as I sit in the recliver and nod off with a dog or two or 3 on my lap. 

Polo and Chloe were playing up a storm while Chloe was here. She has departed so now Polo is after Brodie to play.

Harlow was hunting for the rabbit in our yard almost like she lost her pal as it didn't come out today. She came in, I swear a bit miffed and crawled up on top of the bed in the tv room and went to sleep. She doesn't want to hurt the rabbit. I swear she just wants to chase. I think the rabbit keeps her young.

Alfie is playing much more now than when he arrived. Ty is too. Hazel has departed and I bet she napped. Mr. Benji has departed and was playing so well. Logan and Panda are chillin. I do not think either one enjoys the wetness any longer. 

Life is good and the dogs are enjoying. Harlow just started barking for her dinner so I know dinner is almost ready. She makes me laugh!


2 Updates Today: Happy 1st

Hi Nathan and Darlah, 


Today is Darcy and her sisters first birthday!!! 

Happy 1st Birthday to Darcy, Lulu, Pippa and Chloe! 

Darcy is the greatest addition to our family and she is the light of our lives. She is incredibly affectionate, she gives constant snuggles, and as we call her, aggressively affectionate. She covers everyone is kisses and is so friendly to every person and animal she meets. 

Our backyard has nightly visitors of bunnies and she loves to go outside and watch them and wags her tail. The bunnies have grown so used to her that they don’t hop away, but always stay just out of reach. She wishes she could play with them! 

She is so good natured, quiet (she is still finding her voice, but doesn’t bark at the doorbell or knocks at the door!), and loving. 

She loves spending time with her cousins, Marley and Bailey (golden retriever). She loves going on walks and exploring her neighbourhood, and still loves going in the car! She gets so excited when it’s time for a car ride! 

She is the greatest joy and we love her infinitely. We cannot believe she is already a year old!!! 

We cannot begin to thank you enough for our perfect little girl. She is the best companion in the world. 

We are excited for Darcy to also have a new playmate coming soon (Jordana’s family)! Darcy will be so excited to have another friend to meet and play with! 

We hope that you and your family are doing well! Nami, Sage and Cinnamons pups are absolutely precious and we hope their new families and soon to be families are having the most wonderful time with their new furry babies! 

Happy 1st Birthday to Nami’s babies!! 

Love Brianna, Jacob and Darcy 


Wet But Fun Saturday

Here is the gallery.

The dogs are getting wet but having fun. Some dogs do not mind the wet and mud and others do. It's just like people. Some prefer camping and others a hotel is the only thing that will do. Me, I am the type that enjoys both. There are dogs like that too. 

I brushed out all the dogs today and it is as if I haven't picked up a comb. 

Alfie loves snuggles from Nathan. 

We have a game called have you had enough hugs today? The dog and the human benefits.


2 Blog Day Today

Here is the gallery.

It is a very busy house with many departing tomorrow and Sunday. It's not even March Break. LOL We also have a family coming tomorrow. These are very busy times then Sunday the Cinnamon puppy visit times 2. Tonight I have 2 more dogs to do and many tomorrow. I am tired thinking about it and Nathan says we have so much to do. Really? I laugh as I do the bulk of the work quite literally. 

It is cold today but the dogs had fun. They will head outside again to play after dinner. Me, I am off to upload puppy videos then begin grooming again. 

Hope your Friday is going well.

I can't believe Frannie is departing tomorrow. Such a short visit this time.


Happy 1st Birthday

Nes wishing a happy Birthday to Gus, Yoshi, Cassie and Farleigh!! Cannot believe he is a year old already. He completes our family. (no photo - sorry)

Happy 1st Birthday to little Farleigh and his litter mates! Hope you're all healthy & well.

Hi Nathan and Darlah,

I hope you are well. 

Gus wanted to let you guys know that he was having a great birthday and wishes a happy birthday to his litter mates! 


Dusted Snow Fun on Leap Day

Here is the gallery.

Hazel and Rain were playing up a storm. Rain, Hope and Hazel were playing like crazy in the snow dusting we had but so were the adults.

It is back to being cold. The pups do not mind. Rain and Hope had their shots today. They go back for their rabies in 3 weeks from now. 

Lachlan loves, loves the outdoors. Maybe we keep it too warm inside. Maybe its the chance of chasing the rabbit. Maybe its just the play.

Ms Tenshi has decided it is too cold for her outdoors. I do not blame her.

Everyone had a cold and playful session outdoors - oh about the 4th time. Even Dennis is complaining it is too cold.


Still Combing

Here is the gallery.

Benji departed a few ago. As we have mud out back, it was a miracle time of removing mud from him and all. He  did go home freshly groomed and cleaned. I am still combing out everyone else. I did manage to get a new rake and it helped remove mud. hooray. It's not that the other rakes I have do not work but this has bent tines on the end making it easier. So far, I like it.

Coco and Hazel was here having a COMPLETE blast. Hazel had the pups all chasing her. Last night we saw Hazel and her mom in class. It was fun. I included the few photos I had of class and unfortunately someone was standing in the way so I had to take photos through the plexiglass. Oh well. They were wonderful in class and we did something decadent on the way home and had Dairy Queen. Dennis stayed home and took care of the dogs.

Other than muddy times - which everyone experienced, they had a wonderful time. I need to finish them and then I am going to sit in a recliner, upload videos and relax. We shall see how that goes.

Tomorrow I have to wash all the Cinnamon pups and Nathan has to take Rain and Hope to the vets for their 3rd shot then Friday the vet comes here. It will be a very busy few days. 


To Stay Clean

Here is the gallery.

Each time Ollie comes, we go shorter and shorter. LOL I will freshen him up before he departs. I have class tonight so going outside with white hair - well the mud is not conducive to clean looking, so indoors you are. He is already looking a tad messy but he will get a sprucing up when I get back from class tonight.

The dogs stood at the doorway to look at the rain and went - nah not going to go.

I asked Alfie to go out and he headed for under the tv stand only coming out to play when he figured going out was not on the agenda. He's too smart for his own good. One has to laugh. 

Benji is heading home tomorrow after a bath and haircut. He has played so much with everyone, he is apt to be way tired going home despite the naps.

Chloe and Maisy are getting along famously. They seem to pair up on the find the treat game, which I find interesting.

Soon March Break will be here. LOL Can we get rainless days?


2 Blog Day

Hi Nathan and Darlah,

Just wanted to say, Happy 1st Birthday to Jax and his littermates!
We are so happy to have this little guy. He is the sweetest and funniest dog. We love him !!

Best wishes
Lisa & Family




Sun Bathing

Here is the gallery.

This is my no grooming day so there! Everyone needs a day off. I can't wait till swimming pool weather. Today was a warmish day and was lovely outside but I want more heat. I am taking a day off as I have a very busy week this week between Rain and Hope's class, groomings, vet visit, baths for pups and 8 week visit. So.... although I still did pups and all the rest that I normally do, I didn't pick up a brush.

I have a new bent metal rake coming and it should arrive mid week. I am looking forward to seeing how well or not it works. I am always trying something new. 

Dogs are sitting outside with Nathan as I type enjoying the sunbathing. Dennis is in the basement playing a VR game. It is a quiet day. 

Tonight Woodruff departs and Alfie arrives. 

Nathan is running or attempting to run but he thinks he has an inner hip arthritis pain thing going on but he is trying to make it more fluid. It is hell getting older. The dogs just look at him as if he is not running but attempting a new dance. Life...


In Out and About

Here is the gallery.

Hey, can I play too, Dennis? Dogs had an immense amount of fun. Many departs today. Benji arrived. So far, they have  had a total blast.

It's mid afternoon and about to wait for dinner and chill out in the warm blankets in the tv room or kitchen.

After dinner Dennis will play find the treat. Who will find one? Not to worry - they all get one but some get more than one. Those that don't have to sit, down stay etc to earn theirs. They all get at least one. :-)


Brr It is Cold

Here is the gallery.

It is cold out. It is sunny. Looks like it would be a warm day but brrr and everyone that has picked up or dropped off say it over and over again.

The dogs are having a great time despite it being so cold. The ground has less and less snow but today nothing else will melt.

Relationships seem to be totally solid with each other. Everyone likes and plays with each other. When Jax came in today they welcomed him. Let's have fun! So he did and so did they.

The 4 dogs that came in  the door attached to each other are now playing independently despite always being aware of each other. This is positive. We spend a lot of time cultivating independent play. It is like going to a party and only talking to those you know. Imagine what you would miss.

The dogs are now in the tv room warming up, watching tv, napping and smothering nathan with love. How can it be better than that?


Busy Times

Here is the gallery.

Ollie says little by little hair is going. LOL I do not care. I simply want to have fun. 

Dogs played outside despite the nippy air. Far cry from spring like weather yesterday. Still that human went out without a jacket. 

We had a visitor to see Katie. We had a visitor that wanted to introduce their puppy to us for boarding. Nathan was late for a nap. He did manage to get one in with quite a few dogs. The dogs relish the naps. It's funny. I think they like it as much as Nathan does.

Dogs are enjoying TV time. Some actually watch. Others snuggle and snooze. It is a bonding moment that is hard to explain but it's a must each day.