
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


What a Fun Day

Here is the gallery.

What a fun day the dogs are having. Play, play, play and then more play. It is a good friday literally. :-)

I brushed the dogs out and they look a mess from all this play and well that's a good thing. I would rather have them look a mess than to just stand around moping. 

As I am typing, Nica is sitting up with Dennis watching whatever he is watching, Soon we will have dinner time. It is Nathan's day off. Tomorrow I am crazy busy.

We went down to the One of a Kind Show. Bought nothing. Everything was overpriced. There was half the vendors and it was dark. It seems they charge them for lighting. Being old, I could hardly see.

I did get some artistic ideas. So all was not lost.

Dogs just want to have fun and can you blame them?


Weather is Nice

Here is the gallery.

When you can outside with just a longsleeve shirt - well that's a taste of heaven coming to be soon to a city where you live. LOL The dogs love it too!

It is Easter weekend so we have a full house or soon will have. Dogs are playing like CRAZY. Hazel was a riot this morning getting caught between Nathan's legs determined to go out back yet again after 30 minutes of play. 

Dogs are enjoying outdoors but inside is great for play too. 

We played ball and some watched. Some was determined to get the ball. The day is starting out really well.


Deck Time

Here is the gallery.

Some of the gallery is from yesterday as well. I forgot to delete and didn't want to spend the time to figure which photos were from which. Yes - such a lazy thing to do but I had a LOT of grooming today. I started at 7am. 

As it is Dennis day off, I am extra busy doing all the things he normally does. Plus nathan went shopping and took his 2 hour nap so I was busy.

Dogs have been having a blast. Harlow is back leading the pack to chase the ravbbit and she is good at it. Who needs Dennis running with the gang when you have Harlow?

It has been a


Sunshine Tuesday Well Gloomy

Here is the gallery.

Things have melted. It is fall like weather. Dogs do not mind. I actually opened the windows to get a cross breeze to freshen up the air in the house. Call me crazy but my mother always did this and we are what our parents expose us to - to a degree. I just like fresh air.

We have 3 dogs coming tonight so I miss Rain's last puppy class. It happens. Besides, I was productive today. I bought 2 organizers to go into my cabinet in the bathroom and proceeded to clean under there. When you can't find anything, it is time. As I was emptying the cabinet and throwing stuff out that expired or one would never use. Rain and Hope would grab this or that and I would go after them and the games began. Hope would hide with whatever she grabbed as if she had a huge prize. You never chase a dog. They need to chase you. I know that intellectually but emotionally.... LOL

It seems Cassie and Marco have the same stamina. Marco arrived today and Cassie excites him. I think their personalities are similar. Trixie and Hazel really have opened up and enjoy the personalities of the less than crazy ones. I get that. Jax is Jax and Benny - what a guy - fun. Lots of snugglers this week. 

Thank you to Pippa for a heatwrap and a gift certificate. I must admit, I let Nathan use the heatwrap 1st as his back is in agony. It did make him feel better and a less than grouchy end result makes for an excellent gift, if you know what I mean. 

Dogs will snuggle and do tv time with me tonight. I love it. 

Got a lot of personal stressors going on so tv or a game moment is good especially when you are surrounded by dogs.

I so miss the pups. I don't miss the work but it seems when work gets less you fill it in with other stuff. Isn't that the way? I do like the looks of under the sink. 


It's a Day

Here is the gallery.

Short blog tonight. Everyone is having a blast. Here is Brodie trying to eat a leaf. oy...

Thank you to Rosie's parents for a wonderful orchid - stunning colours.

I am still dealing with the son-in-law's mom dying and our daughter living in a soap opera. So, I need a 


Birthday Fun and Dawgs

Here is the gallery.

Sorry - it is my birthday so we are trying to do fun things. No huge blog or gallery. We went to see  Ghostbusters while Dennis held down the fort. I am now watching the original, which is better. 

Dennis fixed my machine to work with games. I had an issue. 

Our son in the states sent money for food but because we ate at the movie theater (not really good) Nathan says lets skip. We can get something tomorrow and makes sense as I have a full day of grooming and will enjoy something then.

We have dogs coming and going today. Dogs playing their hearts out and Miss Harlow is back - be still my heart. Both Harlow and 16 year old Coco was barking for their dinner. They are a formidable duo.

Thank you to Sadie's mom for the lovely flowers. I am sorry I missed you.


2 Blogs Today

Here is the gallery.

I want to say thank you to Oakley's family for the Winners Gift card and chocolates. That was really nice!!

We have snow. We had many departures and arrivals. 

The dogs are getting snowballs on their coats - joy - not. One okay but many? 

I am grooming myself to death today (started at 7am and just finished the last) so tomorrow I can take my birthday off so short blog.

Everyone - despite the snowballs are having a delightful time. We are about to have tv tome watching the voice. We haven't done that in what 6 months. ooooh snuggling time with the dogs. Love it!

Nathan drew me a character on the write board. It's so cute. Sherry bought one for my birthday and made me a purse and wallet. How talented she is!!

Have to say the dogs and Nathan and I being able to watch tv together - what a treat. LOL


Happy 9th


Snow and Play

Here is the gallery.

Coco the Maltese goes home today so she already had her grooming. Not sure if there are any photos of her outdoors but she has not gone out since she got groomed. Not sure what is going to happen in bed tonight as there is no Coco to tell everyone what to do. LOL

We have 2 siblings here - Hazel and Nica. How fun is that? Jango will be going home in a couple of days. Rain and Hope will miss Jango as they play so wonderful together. Jango likes playing with the big guys too. Things have changed since Jango came in the door.

Ozzie can't get enough of playing. Thank you to his parents for the birthday card and Purdy's cordials. Yum!

Mr. Leo and Lola departed today. Coco tonight. Nica who is just here for a play day will depart as well. Cassie walked in the door raring to play. Chester, Benny, Rue and Sadie seem to like watching the squirrels but they are not the only ones. Fudge departs tomorrow and well you all know how much fun Fudge has. 

It is a day with the white stuff and it is cold enough that no one has snowballs stuck to them. I celebrate. Tomorrow I groom like crazy so I can take the birthday off on the 24th. 

It looks beautiful out there. Dennis has been out about 6 times - me only twice. Nathan - well it is his day off. He got his haircut. Got dog food as we were on our last bag ang draped in dogs watching tv. Imagine that!

Hope your snowy day is enjoyable!


Snow Noses and All

Don't you just love snow noses?

Here is the gallery.

It is cold outside. It is Dennis day off so we are attempting to do everything without him - well I am. LOL It is Nathan's day off tomorrow so he is off for a haircut. 

I have to get over to the hospital to see our daughter's mother-in-law. Seems she has cancer and she may never get out of the hospital. I am mighty depressed as this is another in a long line of deaths or serious illness. The dogs get us by. 

It is so cold that I am back to doing warm blankets for the dogs to cuddle into. They appreciate it. They get so excited - seriously. You should try it. It's only good on a cold day and I am not sure about your house but when it is cold outdoors, it feels damp cold indoors.

I am cooking corned beef. It was put on at 730am and still not done. Nathan is beside himself as he wants to eat now. It happens when it does.

I have not had any downtime today but here I am doing a blog while Nathan takes the dogs outdoors. I had to use a pickaxe to pick up output. Not sure why but Dennis usually does it 1st thing in the morning and mid afternoon and early evening so its my job today. 

Nathan got me a touchscreen monitor for my birthday. I need to tweak it but its wonderful to see a larger screen and a touchscreen for editing is a bonus.

Ms Coco is sitting on Dennis lap as I type. Everytime he plays a game she wants to be on his lap. I so laugh. 

Hope and Rain got their rabies shots today. Koda, the Cinamon pup came for a playdate for a couple of hours. Cinnamon was out of her mind happy. I mean really happy. I was so happy for her. Of course we were excited too but Cinnamon - be still my heart!

We got to see Nava and Lachlan today. Bonus Trixi and Hazel. Benny thinks he is in heaven and was running like crazy today with Ozzie. What a riot they are. I could go on but to be honest, I am still playing recovery. Think all the losses and illness is getting to me but then there are dogs and they make everything better.

It is a fun house today. 

Nathan gave me chocolate covered cherries from Purdys for my birthday and I can't thank the person as Nathan can't seem to remember. Shall I start worrying about him? 



Here is the gallery.

It is MIGHTY cold out there with the wind but still the dogs play.

Rain was in class and her only downfall is she is super friendly. Stop being distracted! Hope is next.

We have Rue, Coco and Ellie here - Brewski too that arrived today. 3 are day visitors. Chester and Oakley come tonight. 

I got out and ran some errands - thank you Sherry and I am about to take a nap. I feel very tired.

My birthday is 4 days from now and Sherry made me a gorgeous purse and wallet. Wow - thank you. Must have taken a lot of time - so appreciative.

Now something about a nap - which I haven't done forever with the dogs. I even have a couch in here now to do it on.


Crazy Busy Day

Here is the gallery.

The gallery is before the sleet came. I have been grooming - still am so with only a small window, I sometimes miss it.

Dogs are having fun. I am glad I am busy as I am missing the pups. We have class with Rain tonight so I must get groomings done as tomorrow I am out. I think its been a long time since that happened. 

Mr. Brodie is playing with Jango. Jango is a puppy I think a week older than Rain and Hope. He so loves to play!

Ms Coco loves to well vibrate against Ella. Ella says no. Coco ignores.

Thank you profusely to Dorothy for the corned beef. Nathan best have paid you and tipped you. Tomorrow at 7am it goes into a slow cooker for dinner. Nathan is off to get cabbage, carrots and potatoes to go in with it. I am looking forward to it in a huge way! Last year we were unable to get any but Dorothy was able to find - not Nathan. LOL Men.....

Nathan is going to make a steak and grind it up as a topper for the dogs. Yum for them as he does great steak.

Benny arrived. Keke departed. I need to get back to grooming. 


Lots of Play Going On

Here is the gallery.

Pups have departed. See Cinnamon's blog. The dogs have been playing like crazy beings. It is lovely. They are having fun, fun, fun. 

Jango has truly come into himself. He lets Dennis know when he wants to go out. When he wants to sit next or on him and when he wants to play with Rain and Hope. 

I can't begin to tell you how much fun they had but they just ate and are laying in the tv room sleeping or chilling with Nathan and Dennis. Life is good.

It's one of my besties birthday today and I told her I will forever more remember her birthday as a less to do day. I was teasing her. I have known her since when Atari came out. So much fun in those days. Now I work with hardly any play. I need to learn from the dogs to let go and play.

Shout out goes out to Dorothy that found me corned beef brisket. Have cash and look forward to it truly. You are truly amazing!

Many dogs departed today. Dennis is feverishly cleaning everything again and again as he does after pups depart. He decided to do every blanket and dog bed and crate pad in the house. You do not want to see the laundry pile so less work?

We have a video of 2 of the dogs playing. Got to take more videos - I know. Tomorrow Keke departs and Benny arrives.

It was an amazing day but we do miss the pups tremendously - don't miss the work but Dennis is busy creating work. LOL


Play Before and After Hail

Here is the gallery.

Lil Coco says they think I am a havanese. Little do they know, I am the Maltese boss. LOL

It's been a long day. Pups departed - last 2 tomorrow and I literally did not eat all day as I was too busy. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - yuck. I sent Nathan to Loblaws for corned beef and they had none - 2nd year in a row. Oh well, not meant to be.

I still have puppy videos to upload. I started and figured I best do puppy baths before they conked out. It has been a long day as I also had a grooming before and a few groomings after. They are still sleeping.

We had serious hail here and the dogs got caught up in it. They quickly came back in but Coco, Rain, Jango and Hope were mighty confused with this ice hitting them. We did get them in right after it started. I think I had a stampede of dogs heading for the door. Mother nature - who knew. Good thing we have gazebos to protect them. 

Today Brodie had a play session at Polo's house and they had a blast. No photos though. What were they thinking?

Despite the weather, the dogs have been having a complete blast. Today Oreo, Chase, Opus, Thunder and Pepper departed. Tomorrow more. March Break is starting to be a memory? 

Wednesday is my first day off in months and months. 

It has been a crazy busy few days and tomorrow afternoon maybe I eat decently and sleep. We shall see. 

Dogs are now doing tv time all over Nathan and Dennis. Me - I have to upload videos.


Play Playing

Here is the gallery.

Dogs have played and played in this mild weather. Me, I sat down to eat and literally fell asleep mid eating. I think I am exhausted and still have another dog to do. Tomorrow and Monday is just as busy and so is Tuesday. Wednesday is my day off and I will be down to just updating this blog. Can you imagine  that? I can't. LOL

The dogs have really been having an amazing time and you can see it in the gallery. The weather allows such grand play. 

Tomorrow is St Patty's Day and I have been trying to get Nathan to buy some corned beef but he will go when it is sold out. That is what happened last year. Oh well. 

All the dogs are getting along magnificently. It is nice to watch the relationships they create. The dogs - they make me smile. Now to upload videos of the pups and groom a dog. I think I need coffee.


What a Fine Day

Here is the gallery of the play today.

This is Jango. Mom has not left him so she is anxious to see how he is doing as he came in the door shy. He's not our breeding so he also had the unfamiliarity of new dogs and house to contend with. HJe arrived yesterday and made some headway with him and he ate. He wasn't totally relaxed. But today is a new day. He's playing with Rain and Hope. He's getting acquainted with the adults. He is running like a banshee back and forth. He is truly enjoying. 

He  also had a nap with Rain, Hope and Nathan and we believe that is what brought him into full play mode. It is always important to connect a dog that is exhibiting shyness with dogs they can connect with. It works and we have a lot of experience with this as we do board dogs that are not bred here at times.

The dogs enjoyed this not as warm as yesterday but warm enough day and everyone and I mean everyone is enjoying.

As I type, they are now being fed dinner. No barking for dinner except by Oreo. Harlow is the one who started this and she is with her Daddy at the cottage. How fun for her. I wish I was at the cottage - well or at least in the pool. Can't wait for swimming weather and the dogs look forward to it as well, I imagine. Well some do but all love the excitement.

This is an exceedingly busy weekend with grooms, pups departing and well it is still March Break. 

The dogs and us are having fun!


Fun Day Indeed

Here is the gallery.

Jango just arrived. Look for photos in tomorrow gallery as today's has already been done. Jango is settling in nicely.

Nathan is taking a nap. Jango will join him with the pups starting tomorrow as nap times are usually till 3. Jango will have the fun of Rain and Hope to play with as well as the adults, if desired. 

Dogs have been hanging out, playing and having a few games to play. They are enjoying the outdoors. They go in and out about 10 times a day with one or two of us monitoring them. We hope the good weather stays but it seems like snow may occur over the weekend. We shall see.

Lachlan arrived for the day. Jax is coming after dinner. Malla and Hazel are going home today. 

It has been a good day! 


Double Duty

Here is the gallery.

We have the 5 pups - Coco, Hazel, Malla, Rain and Hope playing with the pups in the gallery and videos there and playing here outdoors. They had a blast running over the cover but so did the adults.

It is such a magnificent day outdoors. It made it to 20c. It is the only fine day this week as it will get colder but the dogs and us made the most of it. I have windows open getting fresh air in. 

The dogs ran. Misty played so hard she looks like - well she played so hard. But all played and they chilled and didn't want to come in. I guess they also appreciate the warmth too. I wish it would stay. 

Back to making the most of it till it gets cool.


Run and Play

Here is the gallery.

Some of the photos in the gallery are from yesterday taken late in the day such as Malla and Hazel.  They are siblings and Malla will be happy to see Hazel again. It is going to be fun.

The dogs had an outstanding day playing their hearts out. 

I am grooming feverishly as its March Break. Dogs come - dogs depart. You should see TV time or bedtime. It's fun.


March Break Hanging

Here is the gallery.

We got a dusting and now it is warming up. We are still deep in March Break. The house is full of fun. I captured this shot as I thought it was interesting. 

Dogs are having a blast. They really do not want to go out for much time so we are going through lots of pads. 

Nathan is napping with some of the dogs - those that want to go. Me, I am blogging. Dennis is about to head out to see if the dogs want to run. 

It's a good Monday. Me, I want to take a nap with a dog or 2.