
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese conditioning (79)


The Pack is Meshing

Tia and Shaggy are really starting to like each other. They were caught jumping and playing today. Cosmos is watching and opening up but nothing like the Shaggy boy but we suspect he will too in the next day or two. The magic of the pack always works eventually. Relationships are formed and a whole lot of relaxing goes on even for the most hesitant dawg. It just takes time. I rather enjoy watching the changes.

Abigail is also making headway with Cosmos laying up against him today and he allowed it.

What can I say about Sadie? Oh my gad can she bark so we are practicing no bark but she is one happy puppy. She adores Raylan and the puppies but so does Tia. Tia will do whatever it takes to be with the puppies.

We made progress with food today. Shaggy is no longer walking away when Cosmos wants to steal his food. Tia though is still trying to get everyone else's food but we are working on that.

Everyone is standing in line for grooming and for walks. Shaggy even jumps over the gate to say can I go again?

Penny was rolling around with Risa - yeah Risa. Risa had a bath today and figured she would mess herself up and Penny thought this was a delightful game so she did the same. So every photo I was trying to take she just looked like she wasn't brushed for a week. I had to laugh. Good old Risa teaching the youngins to muck it up. Penny is also a class act when it comes to getting the toy first. I keep saying, you go gal!

Check out today's photos.


Fun & Exciting Week

Shaggy and Cosmos is new here and they are adjusting. They were restless sleeping their first night but last night they settled in and slept like babies. It must be from all the play and walks.

We took them out for their walks with different dogs and will continue to each day instead of walking them together. This gives them a chance to connect with someone new and gain even more comfortabaility.

Now all we have to work on is Cosmos thinking he can eat Shaggy's food too.

Penny is still with us and gad what can I say but she just loves playing with Abigail and Tia and she was caught today snuggled up to Fiona and Fiona didn't mind one bit.

Tia continues to be a play monkey always mixing it up and standing in line for her daily grooming cause those massages and treats are too good to pass up.

Then Sadie happened by today and brought some real excitement especially for Raylan, Tia and Abigail. She adores the puppies. Plus I just adore puppies too. heh

Milo and Hugo came to visit and Kat did his - okay Hugo thing. Nathan fell asleep talking though he said he wasn't sleeping. We all know. I guess he was tired and then got his 2nd wind and was playing up a storm with all the dawgs.

I am really enjoying this crew.

Check out today's photos.


Visitors & Newbies

We had the Breeze and lots of humans visit today and last night we got 2 new dogs that haven't been here before, Cosmo & Shaggy.

Cosmo and Shaggy is starting to relax. No sleep for Nathan last night but today the guys are playing and enjoying the other dogs.

Cosmo tries to steal Shaggy's food and he would let him but we don't allow. Cosmo looks at us as if to say - well why not? They also got their 1st grooming with me today. Cosmo just relaxed and said where's the treat and Shaggy was nervous about it but by the time I was done and the hugs came and the treat came out - well hey this isn't so bad. I love to see the changes in dogs if they are a bit nervous about staying over if they never did it before. As they go, their whole bodies relax and they go - hey this place is fun. If we can achieve that, well that's what it is about.

Shaggy was caught playing with Raylan and so was Cosmo but Cosmo seems to like Abigail and Tia too. The relationships are starting to develop. It's fun to watch.

But how did they feel about the puppies? Well, they are Martians - aren't they? We will see if they adjust to them as the week unfolds.

Mia has gone home and we miss her already.

Check out the photos today.

Today we had the Breeze, Raylan's sibling come to visit and her parents. We also had Mia's parents and a few more visitors to see pups. Tomorrow we have Sadie coming and Helen and Suzie (Suzie of Havanese Breed Magazine) fame.


Tug is the Best

One of the best games around this place is tug toy between human/dog and between dogs. Sure we play hide and seek and retreive but tug still remains to be on the top of the list.

Today Mia came for an overnight stay and tomorrow Breeze comes for a few hours to visit.

Shaggy & Cosmo arrive tonight. We are sooooo excited.

It's stopped raining and we all had our walks and we will be back out playing a storm after we eat.

We are hoping we get to play with the pups. We shall see.

Check out a few of today's photos.


Cleaned or Not

This is Daisy not cleaned or brushed yet.

As you can see Shoshi next to her is brushed but Daisy is not.

Why is that?

Daisy was going home today and instead of putting her through 2 grooming sessions, I wait till bath time so Daisy got to grub it up all day long.

She's a dog who thinks grubbing it up is an amazing time.

She's a gal after my own heart.

Now here is Daisy cleaned and I had her perfect and as soon as she got off the table, she squished her face, rolled this way and that way cause I swear she wanted the before cleaned look.

Our Risa is like that too.

Penny, Tia have been playing up a storm with each other, Daisy and Raylan. Without Daisy here, they wol have to get Mia to join in as she joins us for an over night visit tomorrow along with Shaggy & Cosmo. Now how cool is that?

A rumour is circulating that Breeze and her family is coming to visit us on Saturday. Are we excited or what!!


Daisy a Cuddle Monster

Daisy is such a kissy face and a lovee. She's been snuggling with me bigtime. I just adore the gal but she finds that water wherever she goes. She has those chicken legs just before grooming today and you have to laugh. If there is a puddle of water, Daisy finds it.

Tia and Penny have been playing up a storm. It is a delight to watch.

No photos today as my camera was at a wedding that I didn't go to as it was me and the dawgs. But the camera took photos so I could see. But that means no dawg photos - sorry.


Daisy & the Pups

Daisy is so in love with the pups. She's playing more with the pups than Raylan. What's that about?

Tia just joined us and she jumped on Raylan likes he was a long lost friend.

Oh the play is fun and am I enjoying this.

Will Tia like the pups too. Time will tell.

I will get photos up tomorrow. Just taking a day off from editing. I hope you don't mind.


Change of Home

Chico and Fidel went home today and Daisy arrived unexpectedly. It was one of those days where I had a lot of grooming to do so Dennis ramped it up, ran with the dawgs, played with them and had a ton of fun while I groomed. It worked but I am tired and want to snuggle with the dogs and crawl into bed.

I think I got a shower in sometime in the afternoon and it felt good though it was one of those 5 minute versions.

Chico is a Wasabi puppy - well older now but you know what I mean. He will be coming back at the end of the month with his best bud Fidel.

Fidel came in not sure what this crazy dawg house was about. This was his first stay over. Chico has been here before, was born here and has his comfort level but Fidel did not but soon after he arrived he was pouncing on Raylan and then he was finding fun with Abigail and Penny. Good old Raylan seems to have Abigail's magic.

Fidel climbed on to the bed and he decided this place is alright to visit.

Check out some of today's photos. I am afraid I can't go through them all. I just ran out of time.


Baths, Rain & Teeth

I am not sure what it is about lazing on this cover but they all love it. It must be the warmth of it and it must feel like a tempur mattress.

We had a full day with play, eating, foods and now we are doing baths. Kat, Zack and Coco are getting baths. Zack and Coco have an early morning pickup tomorrow so I may have to do feet again but it beats getting up at 5am to do them.

Then Fidel and Chico come for an overnighter.

We also had a schnauzer puppy here to see if he could board with us and he did more than fine and ours was quite comfie with him.

Yes occassionally we take non Havanese if they are referrals and they come visit to see how they mesh with ours.

Today we had quite the downpour and we still have black clouds out. Everyone was groomed and then mucked it up. One wonders why I even bother but if you don't, they will get knots and knots hurt so I just groom everyone daily. Lately I bathe my dawgs when it is quiet. On my short list I have Kat, Risa and Shoshi to do. Everyone else has been done here and there. Kat will be done today and then that will leave Shoshi and Risa for sometimes next week.

I could do a marathon and do all the dogs that are pending while Nathan handles the dawgs but he has some flu bug. He did go out with the pups but he's off to find some haven under the covers while I wash and Dennis plays with the dogs.

Today I gave bones to all of the dogs for their teeth. I do that every now and then and they love it. But Terra tries to steal them all. No Terra, one is enough.

Check out a few photos from today.


Penny Joins Us

Penny loves Raylan. What is it about Raylan that they all love? Is it his zest for life and play or what? I think he has Abigail's magic. Before she had pups she used to be the one that we used to make everyone feel comfie and now Raylan is doing it. Oh Abigail stil has teh touch but Raylan is taking over!

Penny has lost her hair tie to Raylan's mouth. That boy...

Zack and Coco think it's way too hot and sticky outside. In, out, in, out and okay we will muck it up a bit and oh that air is too nice and in they come and I have to admit I rather like it too.

I always go out with the dogs. So I feel this mugginess too and in winter I feel the chill.

One of our puppy people who own Coco (yes another Coco) sent us a photo and a toy and oh my gad did Raylan love it but Treasure wanted it all to herself.

Thank you EVER SO MUCH. It is a great toy and fun is the name of the game with this toy. We appreciate it in a BIG way.

Who do you think ended up with the toy at the end?


Coco the Watcher

Coco loves to watch everyone before joining in. She wants to know who is doing what before she knows who she wants to play with. A gal has a right to check out the lay of the land before jumping in neck deep.

Coco also has no tolerance for others who think they are going to steal her food. She tells them in no uncertain terms - it's MINE till I decide it's not. <heh>

Coco has been playing a great deal with Raylan. Raylan seems to love playing with the visitors.

Now Zack is a cuddle monster and watches out for Coco always. It's really nice to watch.

Tomorrow Penny comes for a few weeks. We are really looking forward to seeing her.

The crew helped me look at the weeds. Who wants to pull them when you can just count them. hahahaha.

Zack is #1 with getting the toys when we play retrieve. It's going to be fun this week.



Slow Mellow Times

Shoshi is outside today looking around saying hey where did everyone go?

Zack and Coco are the only 2 visitors at this time and even they have decided to chill after grooming and play today.

It is ever so quiet. We did some gardening. We had snuggle time on the furniture outside and it looks like it is about to rain but that's okay. We are all going to take a nap. Can you imagine that? Then back to play.

PS: Our Shoshi came to us when she wasn't 8 weeks old yet. She was too young (we tried to delay it) and due to missing that window of opportunity where they learn so very much from 7 to 10 weeks from their moms, she was skittish and afraid of a number of things. The pack has helped Shoshi be all she can be. It is due to her that I truly recognize how important moms play in their lives and how very important it is to socialize. She has made an amazing transformation over the years and one of the valuable experiences in her life has been our boarders. We are what we experience.


Playing Up a Storm

Louis had a bath as he may be going home tonight or tomorrow depending on their airline connection.

But instead of trying to keep him inside with such a large window, we went out and played. I figured I could always spruce him up.

Louis and Zack were playing up a storm this afternoon. Louis uses the pounce and run method and Zack uses the cut him off method.

It's funny to see how their brains work.

Today we also had a visit from Bissli for the day and Raylan thought he was in heaven. Abigail and Wasabi did too. There's nothing like a puppy to add some fun to the mix.



Zack and Coco

 We are down to Zack, Coco and Louis and it's been rather quiet today. When a bunch of dawgs go home, the entire pack changes including the visitors and we usually have 1 down day when they chill. It's happened enough that I see that it's not just a 1 time thing or certain dawgs. It happens consistently when we go from a number of visitors to just a couple.

Tomorrow Louis goes home and then we just have Zack and Coco till Friday when Penny arrives and then on Sunday Zack and Coco go home and Penny has Raylan all to herself - heh.

Today I got a real little bit of gardening done. The dawgs like it as it is cooler and I don't mind them running in and out of the plants while I snip away. They see it as an adventure. I do too except when I have to brush all that greenery away out of their coats.

No photos today - I actually clicked a few but not many. Instead I spent a lot of time snuggling and playing and grooming and walking. I am down 2 sizes - 2 more to go and I am hoping it happens by the end of September.

I am a big believer that a healthy dawg is a busy dog so the dawgs are helping me peel it off. The garden is suffering but the dawgs are well worth looking at the weeds. As an avid master gardener to dawgs, dawgs and more dawgs I keep buying those lottery tickets hoping to direct someone else to weed so I can still spend the time with the dawgs minus weeds. Such a dream indeed!


Visiting Fun

We had Cooper and Majik come to visit us and it was great to see them. Shoshi, in this photo is checking out Cooper.

It's been a full day. Tia was seem chasing Majik and anyone else.

Later on, while the camera was inside, Coco was seen chasing anyone she can. Now why did I have the camera inside? Tia and Louis was running up a storm and despite Raylan's shots, he was trying to play.

It was a great day with a ton of fun. We even laid and snuggled on the furniture outside as the extreme heat subsided for the day.

Check out today's photos.


Wet, Hot But Cooler

The crew had a ton of rain this morning so we got wet, wet, wet and I groomed, groomed and groomed. hehehehe

Then the heat came and the sun came out and we went outside and they all had what I call chicken legs - wet legs from running through the grass.

Thing is, Tiger Lily got hers AFTER her bath so back in, dry, brush and no more outside till her parents came. Yeah..right. I am a glutton for punishment and it is about the dawgs. But we got her looking good despite her desire to muck it up. Remind me a 4 hour window for parents coming is not a good thing. A 2 hour window allows me to do it just before and they look real good.

Tiger Lily went home lined combed and feeling wonderful but not as perfect as I like. But a dawg needs to play.

Archie arrived today and has managed to play, play and play again. It's as if he is a little boy in a candy store. But this is fun. Who can blame him.

Tomorrow Zack and Coco arrives and then on Sunday, Tia, Chewie and Archie go home. It will be rather quiet here.

Check out today's photos.


Too Hot to Handle

When they say it's hot it's an understatement. I literally had to hose off the walkways so it didn't bother the dogs. Yep, it's been that hot and tonight they say it is rain and more rain and for once I hope it comes.

As you can see with Tiger Lily - she is saying oh my - it's hot out here. That is why we quickly go out and quickly come in.

It's important to give them water fresh always but even more so at this time. I make sure even when I take them out for the 5 minutes that cool water is on the deck for them to partake so they do not have to wait till they come into the kitchen.

I know - what's 5 minutes without water but I make sure there are water dishes outside, inside in a number of places so they can partake.

Tomorrow Archie is coming. We can't wait. Then the Tiger goes home on Saturday, Zack and Coco come and Chewie goes home. So many changes.

I just adore the dawgs but gad each time they leave I go - wow I miss them as they are each unique and bring something special to the house.


Mia Goes Home

 I give up. Mia had a bath and I had her silky smooth and the crew just had to play and make her a mess. Her folks are coming within the hour and I will be brushing her yet again. hehe

It was another scorching day and I am too tired to do photos. Everyone got groomed. Fiona and Mia had baths.

Everyone had more fun inside than out as it is simply that take your breath away heat.

More tomorrow...


Coco & Mia Visit

Coco came for a day visit today and had a bath and nails done and Mia came for an overnight and she will be having a bath and nails done.

It's been a blast with the addition of these two.

Although it is sultry hot today - rather steaming hot, we managed to have fun inside and out. We just kept the outside short and frequent vs. longer.

Tia is busy trying to be top dawg and having grand fun while she tries. She is such a play monkey.

Chewie thinks play is his first, middle and last name. Louis already knows that's HIS name.

Tiger Lily has found her play with Tia and has been having a grand time. She also is fond of Raylan.

lola thinks my body is hers to walk on while she gets to her destination while in bed.

Mia - well she just thinks she went to Disneyland and has joined the ride for all she can muster.

Life has been so grand today.

See some of it in today's photos.



Jazzy Leaves Today

Jazzy has been a real delight to have here. He has been playing with everyone but Raylan, Tiger Lily  and Tia have been his faves this trip. Jazzy is a regular and he's the one peering out at Raylan.

I truly think Jazzy ran his body off at times.

Tia arrived today and she is the white short haired dog. This is her 2nd time here and she is a delight. She just loves the play.

Bissli came for the day and both Wasabi and Abigail was delighted but so was Raylan. We hope when Coco arrives tomorrow, the fun will continue.

Today was ever so hot so we spent a great deal of time going in and out. It's dangerous to have them out for an extended time, in my opinion in this particular heat but for short periods of time so they can do their duty is a-ok. I played retrieve in the house and rolled all over the floor with them. I wasn't able to do that and take photos but I did manage to take a fair number.

I hope you enjoy today's. Be careful if you live in Southern Ontario. It's supposed to be hot, hot and hot for the next few days.