Tug is the Best
Friday, July 23, 2010 at 4:42PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker Havanese, boarding havanese toronto, boarding small dogs toronto, daycare havanese toronto, havanese conditioning, havanese play, havanese puppies for sale canada, havanese puppies for sale ontario, havanese puppies for sale toronto, havanese socialization

One of the best games around this place is tug toy between human/dog and between dogs. Sure we play hide and seek and retreive but tug still remains to be on the top of the list.

Today Mia came for an overnight stay and tomorrow Breeze comes for a few hours to visit.

Shaggy & Cosmo arrive tonight. We are sooooo excited.

It's stopped raining and we all had our walks and we will be back out playing a storm after we eat.

We are hoping we get to play with the pups. We shall see.

Check out a few of today's photos.

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