Penny Joins Us
Friday, July 16, 2010 at 6:19PM
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Penny loves Raylan. What is it about Raylan that they all love? Is it his zest for life and play or what? I think he has Abigail's magic. Before she had pups she used to be the one that we used to make everyone feel comfie and now Raylan is doing it. Oh Abigail stil has teh touch but Raylan is taking over!

Penny has lost her hair tie to Raylan's mouth. That boy...

Zack and Coco think it's way too hot and sticky outside. In, out, in, out and okay we will muck it up a bit and oh that air is too nice and in they come and I have to admit I rather like it too.

I always go out with the dogs. So I feel this mugginess too and in winter I feel the chill.

One of our puppy people who own Coco (yes another Coco) sent us a photo and a toy and oh my gad did Raylan love it but Treasure wanted it all to herself.

Thank you EVER SO MUCH. It is a great toy and fun is the name of the game with this toy. We appreciate it in a BIG way.

Who do you think ended up with the toy at the end?

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