Marathon Grooming

As Nathan is going to the specialty I am doing a marathon on my own dogs getting them all washed. Clean dogs are faster to maintain. So, for the last 2 days, I have been washing and washing. Tomorrow Benji, Tiger and Sadie get bathed tomorrow and then they head out. I now only have Shoshi to do so it will be tomorrow with the 3 or later on as in Monday or Tuesday. Tonight I just finished Fiona and I kept saying tomorrow - you can do Shoshi tomorrow and then I said but you have 3 others so I pushed myself and finished Fiona.
The dear husband looked at her before I washed her and said she doesn't look dirty. I truly think he is being nice or he needs thicker glasses or both. But she was starting to tangle so now she's done.
I have learned the hubby is sensational playing with the dogs, Dennis is amazing too but no one clicks photos. I have to wash a dog, click a photo. Then wash a dog, click a photo. Oh well, we had a great day. It was warm then cool. Riley who is just here for tonight tried to go in the pool. We kept saying no as no one was going to go in so in he decided to go. Dennis was out with him and said he fell in but each time I was out with the dogs he was trying to go in so which one is it?
Here's a few photos I managed to click today. Wish I had more. Realize I am also helping feed pups every 2 hours too.
Rafi and Riley get along famously but Riley seems to like all!
Evil Eye Risa After Bath Look
No bath for Spice just a comb out
Abs Chillin' They all love the comfort of the cushions outside.
Ragged Looking Truffie
Bijoux just loves hanging with Dennis.
I give up on getting a perfectly combed out photo of Lola but maybe after she has a bath. We will try. Lola is doing really really well with everyone and she really likes the guys in my life - Jon too!
Oscar and Chewie have been playing tonight. Oscar is starting to truly relax and connect.
Benji gets a bath tomorrow and even though he had one last week he looks like he needs one as he is physical with the dogs and plants so he mucks it up in a big way and gets dirty often. hahahaha He leaves tomorrow.
Lola saying to Dennis, what do you want to do now?
Finn had a shave down but I think he looks cute!
Rafi and Jeannie really are smitten with each other.
Life is good. We are having fun. Hoping tomorrow is a swimming day but after washing dogs only those not washed are going in. :-) If Kat goes in, Nathan is brushing out and blow drying. That's the deal and I am sticking to it.
Reader Comments (9)
Life IS good with our Havanese dogs. Those are great pictures.
Is Finn Dusty's look-a-like brother? Risa has long lovely elegant eyelashes. Laci has brown lashes and I've asked the groomer to let them grow. :-) I've never noticed eyelashes on dogs except the Havs. Is Bijoux one of yours as I don't recall her?
Bijoux is not one of mine. Finn is from Abigail and is Joey's sibling. He had some knots and they didn't realize so the groomer shaved him down. I don't think he looks much like a Hav now but he surely is still cute. Hair also grows and I said to mom it may grow on you. She would like it a tad longer. When he was cut he had full length hair. Finn has a sensational loving personality. I can't get enough of his snuggles and this week I needed them! Sadie, Tiger and soon Benji will be off. Well, at least I had them for a bit. :-)
I thought so and emailed Angie to take a look at Joey's brother. I remember that crew quite well. Yes, hair grows and quite quickly w/ Laci, but I imagine it's noticeable when short. She's due next wk and I've decided to leave her and just have a bath and blow dry. Often when I do that I call a couple of wks later and say, "it's knotting again - time to be cut." At least Laci does well w/ what I call a "long short cut." After summer swimming and the heat, perhaps we'll try long again in the fall.
It's good you know the length that works for you plus its a great puppy cut too! Bonus!
I found Treasure's last litter and Ab's 2nd last litter looked quite a bit alike. Is Dusty from Abigail or Treasure, or maybe I'm wrong on both guesses??? LOL
Dusty is a Treasure pup. Goldie is a Treasure pup and remains dark apricot even with the haircut. Mr. Anderson is a Treasure pups and he remains a dark sable.
Thx for the info. I did recall w/ your assistance on the Abigail and Treasure pups, but it was the female black one of Miss Abs that had me baffled. After searching on your web page I learned it's Tangles and then I wondered how I could have forgotten! I found it interesting that both of Abi's and Treasure's litters had a male and female look alike blonde and male and female look alike black and white.
Yes, they have similar dogs - different in some ways - not in others. Dusty is a tri-colour. Her sister is a tri-colour with chocolate.