Baths and More

Just want to share a photo of Anne with the Coop. Bravo, guys!
I have been bathing and I ran out of steam and have 2 more to do tomorrow morning so no update per se. We are still playing. Nathan just doesn't click photos like me.
Everyone is doing really well. I can't believe the Benji departs in 2 days. Tomorrwo is another busy day but I wil try to do better about clicking vs spending so much time grooming. :-)
Reader Comments (12)
Thats fantastic Anne! What an agile boy Cooper is. Good to see you both having fun :)
Woohoo looking good!
Hey, Coop is having fun at Muskoka Agility Dogs !!
Great action shot! I admire how well you keep Cooper's long coat. Beautiful!!!
Anne and Copper look like they are having a great time. Love Coops long
flowing coat.
That looks like fun! Would love to get Bailey into some agility classes! Maybe after he completes Citizen Canine.
Sylvia: Don't do agility til his growth plates are closed as it can cause damage. Any good school will do pre-agility stuff but won't let you do the high jumps etc till they are older. You can also do rally which is fun earlier.
Now that I know Russell does it - can we all rent him? hahahaha
Yep, Russell is the one keeping the long coat beautiful. I take care of the top knots although I still haven't figured out how to do them like Darlah does.....I keep trying :-) As for renting Russell, sure, go for it!
Darlah is so right about doing agility when dogs are older. A good agility school will first measure the dog to make sure he doesn't jump any higher than he should to avoid injuries. It is a fun thing to do but with caution.
Kona took a beginner agility classes after he was a year & 1/2 yrs old, and they allowed the shorter dogs to have a lower jump point. In level two I hope that Kona will be able to handle the regular jumps.
He is now 2yrs 6 months. Wow how time flys.
Kathy, as info, Cooper's jump height is 16 inches based on his size. It will be interesting to know what Kona's is. Coop is 27 months right, how fast time goes!
It has to be based on size. Can you imagine the advantage those aussies would have?