Early Morning Play

I have learned you ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS groom after morning play especially when we have rain. Check out a few photos of the dogs having so much fun this morning. I think the only one that didn't get into it today was Logan who looked like he needed his sleep. hahahaha
All you need for some fun is a ratty tennis ball and Nathan who plays with havanese. hahahaha
Later Rafi and Tiger are coming. Scruffy and Pepper just arrived. Let the games continue!
Reader Comments (10)
Love the shirt!
Me too Shannon it's cool.
I 3rd that! Now all that's needed is a braided ponytail on Nathan's top knot. I actually think it would look great.
Great photos Darlah! Adele sure is growing up quickly. Seems one can measure time by the growth of a puppy. :-) (Altho they make it seem even quicker.)
Gerda got that for Nathan. It does suit him. :-)
Debi: Yes, Adele thinks in her mind she is all grown up too. hehehehe. Adele is all Nathan's and when he goes away to the specialty I said guess who will be all mine? He said no she won't as she is coming with me. I laughed.
Laci used to share herself between Doug and & but ever since I was ill she stayed by my side day and night and she's never left since. Doug's still trying to win her back . . . fun watching. LOL He's on holidays now so perhaps he'll succeed. That's OK . . . wink wink! :-)
Kat did that to Nathan when he went on a business trip. He lost him and never got him back. I think it still hurts even though its been a story even he tells. He truly thinks I must bribe them somehow. So, I get it.
Ahh That shirt suits Nathan well.. I knew it would lol As always looks like everyone is having fun.
I love that shirt Gerda!
Now Darlah, we need a picture of you in yours :)
Great picture of Nathan and his shirt, and the dogs playing of course :-) What a great bunch!
Nathan's shirt says it all. I think all the dogs understand that message.
Jeannie sure loves to pursue that ball. I love the pix of her with all
her hair flying out as she runs.