Memory Stroll and Humidity

Christine wrote:
Can you stand this picture? I was making the bed and this is what I found on the other side!!
It was a hot and cloudy but a humid day. Dogs wanted to play inside more than outside. Outside they just laid around and when you look at the gallery of the puppies you will see they too had their tongues hanging out. But they played crazy inside I tell you.
I didn't click inside much as they played in such a way that all my photos would have been blurs. Bet you they will sleep tonight! I know I will as I was doing the slide on the floor and run game. What is that? You run and slide out of the way and they keep on going. About the 5th time they got what I was doing.
Reader Comments (7)
Who is the dog next to Truffie ? Fiona ?
That's Cooper. :-) They were saying its humid - let me into the cold floor and we can run inside.
That picture of Truffie and Coop is a keeper. May I post it on his Facebook page when I return? they look like best buds or partners in crime.....
Love Christine's picture !
You have my permission. They are great friends. Partners in crime indeed! Though Kat and the run like hell fiasco through the mud chasing Cooper was priceless. Wish I had that on video.
Who is the puppy that belongs to Christine? Cute photo!
I was looking at a photo today of my Mom's "Bichon" from 32 yrs ago. I must show you sometime. They rescued her and never believed she was a Bichon but she sure looks like an all white Havanese - apricot ears. She was a great dog and ran around their pool much like Roxie does! Same sound affects. :-)
It's a Fiona pup, a white chocolate - more creamy. Cotons have apricot ears too :-)